 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Hi Guy's This is a multimedia kit which consists of an all resin body and undertray with white metal suspension assembly and etch parts.. A lot different from the usual plastic kits that some of us are used too.. it has as a few corrections that need to be addressed and i'll be explaing the techniques as I go along. There's filling, sanding and heating to get the parts to fit nicely.. The model on a whole is a beautiful kit with some lovely detail and a set of decals to die for So Come back soon to see how this one progresses.. Spence Warthog attached the following image(s):
 looks an interesting kit although with some challenges by your comments not a beginers model but il look forward to your tutorials on the tecniques on overcoming the short falls Andy Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Thanks for looking in Andy  It's certainly not a kit for beginers! but that should not put people off having a go at doing one as the amount of skills you will learn all helps.. Update today (while the Turkey cooks. The main body has been given a wash in warm soapy water and a coat of Tamiya White Primer as has the undertray. The 2 halves of the undertray where put together using superglue medium and allowed to comletely set before any sanding/filing and heating takes place to get it to sit flat.. The undertray was this primmed once again with Tamiya White Primer and given a coat of Satin Black to show up and marks etc.. The white primer can be misleading as it is non reflective but the satin black will show up any defects etc. Warthog attached the following image(s):
Looking forward to this build “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
It was time to start adding the radiators and inner aerodinamics of the body work.. the parts where removed from there casts and any excess moulding filed away for a good fit. The parts where test fitted first before supergluing into position.. Once bonded the bodywork was placed on to a flat surface to see how much of the underside needed to be removed to allow a nice flat fit to the floorpan. this can be seen using a black marker.. To do this I placed the bottom of the body on some course sandpaper (800 grit wet and dry) and gently, in a circular motion started to sand the bottom. Once the black marker had gone, I tested it on the floorpan and made any adjustments with the marker again.. I continued until I was happy and using a steel rule across the bottom in different positions up against the light to see that I had achieved the flat surface I wanted.. One last Passover was then done with a fine 800 grit wet and dry. More coming soon! Warthog attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 06/08/2011 Posts: 64 Points: 206
Just shows how much detail goes into building one of these kits and also great advice for all of us from a craftsman.
Lovely work so far, look forward to seeing more... Regards Alan
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Hi Guy's Another progress update of this lovely little kit. The side pods have been attached and once again a small amount of filling and heating was involved before they could be finally fitted to the main body. CA was used once again and the pods clamped and left to cure overnight. Once they had cured any gaps where filled and filed down then given a coat of primer to make sure all traces of inperfections where smoothed out. The seating and lover seat base where fitted and once again adjustments to the resin with heating and filing to allow a nice fit. The Tyres are also made of Resin and not Rubber so a different approach was needed when it came to fitting these onto the Rims which I will go into on the next update but you will notice there is about .5mm difference that needed to be sorted. Enjoy Spencer Warthog attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Nothing better than seeing a quality kit being put together by a talented builder, beautifully smooth finish on those filled areas, this one is going to be special Steve
 Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 06/08/2011 Posts: 64 Points: 206
When I look at Spencer's work it makes me realise how little I know about model making. I have always been quite pleased with my attempts but this is taking kit building to another level!
 Top Work Spencer Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Hi Everyone  The latest update for this build explains on how to fit the wheels togther as the tyres are made from Resin and the Wheels/hubs are white metal. As you can see from the previous pictures there is a small difference in the tyre inner measurement and the wheel outside measurement. The difficulty is getting the two to fit nicely without too much filing or sanding of either parts and possibly ending up with a loose fit. So first I attached the wheel to the dremel chuck and on a slow setting made sure that the wheel was turning true and not wobbling. Simple way to do this was notice where the wheel hub moved out to its furthest point and gently bend or pull back towards the center to get a nice balanced spin. Once this had been done I started to file away the surface of the spinning wheel until I had a good surface after removing and imperfections or bumps. This was then sanded using fine wet and dry and the polished. Now the science... The wheel was then put into the freezer while i put on the kettle... no not for a coffee but to fill a good sized mug of hot water. With the water boiled and the mug full of hot water, I dropped the Tyre into the mug and left for about 4 minutes then quickly retrieving the wheel from the freezer and placing it on a cold surface. I grabbed the tyre being carefull not to burn myself and placed it over the wheel and gave it a good puch down over the wheel hub. The fit was perfect and and with a small adjustment to get the rim to sit against the edge of the tyre I could now re-boil the kettle for its intended purpose and make a nice fresh coffee and sit back and feel chuffed with myself So here are some images and pictures of how it all looks and the latest stage. The body has been finely tuned and given a good base coat of Zero paint 196 early Cream. The rear suspension and transmission has been assembled and all the front and rear wing parts have been given a good prime and base coat before a bit of colour mixing to get the colour right for the car that this will representing.. Enjoy! Spencer Warthog attached the following image(s):
 Top work and advice as usual Spencer Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/04/2010 Posts: 3,955 Points: 11,809 Location: uk
a joy to watch,really nice spence. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Thanks Guys for the kind words and very much appreciated Time moves on and the final coat applied after a mixing down with zero paints base white to get the best match for the colour i was looking for. Once this had cured overnight ot was time to add the rear suspension etc to the floorpan so the 2 could be fitted together and seal shut. This was a case of easier said than done! So time for some more Resin to be removed to allow clearence for the rear plumbing etc but once this was done then a deep breath and clamps at the ready.. The main body was now together and left overnight to fully cure and a good check over once the clamps where removed and glas to report that all was good More updates next week and once again thank you for looking in and your time to comment on this build. Spencer Warthog attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Been a long time in posting on this and now it's complete and back with it's owner... Enjoyed very much building this and would highly recomend to anyone wanting to have a go at Resin kits.. Warthog attached the following image(s):
Really nice Spence. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Cheers Jase  Enjoyed building it Spencer
Cracking build Spencer, am sure the owner will be very pleased with the finished model..... Regards Alan