Rank: Newbie Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/06/2014 Posts: 4 Points: 12 Location: Wigan
Hello, Not to long ago, I go the first packs of the Senna McLaren build and it is by far the most ambitious project I have ever done. As of now, only got as far as bagging and tagging the parts due to working commitments. Below are the pics of the build so far. The next two are the two that are for opinions as while trying to test fit the Honda logo in the cam cover, part of the cam cover (very small pieces) of metal came away, but the logo does appear to be a good fit now. However on the back of the cam cover, their is a change to the colour of the metal. Just want to gather a few opinions on if the part is damaged or if you encountered a tight fit that had a similar result. Photos where taken with 4x zoom on my Samsung Galaxy S2. (circled in red) (circled in red) However when you look at it, the 9th & 10th pictures don't seems to show the possible damage as the next few pictures will show, again taken with 4x zoom. Hopefully the damage (if it can be called that) is minor and not noticeable and with some free time over the weekend, I can get the first packs built over the weekend and have some updates soon.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Welcome to ModelSpace, hope you enjoy your stay with us and congrat's on your first medal
Rank: Elite Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Hi A H and welcome aboard It looks like you might have had a small piece of metal flash left over from the manufacturing process and where it was "flapped" under the bottom of the cover it has purely dropped off and exposed the metal that did not get sprayed black. If your happy that you can't see it once the Honda Logo is in place from above then all is good put if not then feel free to contact CS for a replacement. Just double check all parts as you would undertaking the construction of any other kit before putting parts together as to avoid any further damage and delay in getting replacement parts. Also it might be worth resizing one of your pictures to the same format as the others so that they fit the screen better when viewing Spencer
Rank: Newbie Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/06/2014 Posts: 4 Points: 12 Location: Wigan
Finally got round to making the front wing after purchasing the adhesives and after a few attempts, the nose and wing seem to be attached, but I know have a tiny black mark that looks hard to remove, probable replacement. Below is the picture of the mark, hopefully their is a simple and effective way to remove it.
Rank: Elite Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Looking at the picture you have provided I would say that the wing is not attached properly to the top nose cone seen by the gap and as for the black mark it is possible that it is in the mould of the white plastic or it could it be residue from glueing the parts together? Was it there before assembling the parts? Spencer
Rank: Newbie Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/06/2014 Posts: 4 Points: 12 Location: Wigan
No, It was their after a glue attempt, have re-glued it and put some masking tape under neath the wing and nose while it dries. I've now attached a photo of how the wing looks
Rank: Elite Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Ah ok so it's not a faulty part which is a relief but annoying to say the least. I would have suggested micro mesh to get it out but now the wing is glued into position, it makes it that little bit harder to remove... Looking good so far though Spencer
Rank: Newbie Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/06/2014 Posts: 4 Points: 12 Location: Wigan
Any ideas where I could get some micro mesh and what grade would be best to buy. With any luck by being careful enough, should be able to remove it with wing added as its on the wing surface only. Update. Having a few issues bonding the front wing into place. I used an adhesive called plastic magic, but after leaving the wing for over an hour it has set, but unless I didn't put enough on, the wing is loose but fixed in place. The loose part is on the 1 side of the driver number. The picture below is of the adhesive used. Also I'm a bit unclear as to what plastic adhesive to use as I have 3 adhesives as shown by the picture below. I am already struggling on the first pack, but the whole idea was to challenge myself and learn along the way. Hopefully I can do that with the help provided on the forum.
Rank: Elite Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
The adhesive I've been telling everyone to use is EMA "MEK" adhesive and you can get it from eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/it...amp;ff14=108&ff19=0
I can't comment on the stuff you are using as I have never used it but remember that some adhesives work better than others but the one your using does not seem to be doing the required job. You can also get Micro Mesh from EBay and it comes in 4000,6000,8000 and 12000 grit. It's a cloth rather than an abrasive paper making it easier to use. I would start with the 6000 first then 8000 and finish with the 12000 to polish. http://www.ebay.co.uk/it...amp;ff14=108&ff19=0
Regards Spencer