Hi Brex I think paint is the way to go The ships boat looks bril and a davids plane is the same as a thumb plane Hope this helps rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
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Thanks Martyn on clarifying the the thumb plane. I don't recall ever hearing / reading it being called a David's plane before. I got my thumb plane at "Super Cheap Auto" which was a big surprise to me. I had been searching the hardware stores with no success and then out of the blue there it was. Use it a lot too! But my shopfitter son has his eye on it Yes I agree on the paint finish. George made the comment about different types of wood could make the difference. This is something I will think about especially I come to making the Victory as it appears to have two skiffs.
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Hi Brex, Some interesting stain finishes that you ended up with on the launch. Some of the blemishes that you have may be due to the stain reacting differently to any residual glue that has remained. Just a thought. If I can impose further on your forum page, FYI, I did a snappy trip to my local Supercheap store to enquire about the thumb plane. This is the item that is available online (hope the URL comes out OK): http://www.supercheapaut...i.aspx?pid=321712#Cross
There were none in stock anywhere in Western Australia and only available online. $5.99 each plus $10.82 postage. The store could not order any in for me as it was only an online item. Something to do with the archaic 7 day trading laws that we have here in WA. So, for us West Aussies, it comes down to cost vs benefit (or looking at what is available in other auto stores). Also, I picked up a 125mm contour gauge. (Sorry, but the item does not appear to be in their online catalogue so I can't insert a link - go figure). Thought that this would be handy to check for hull symmetry whilst fairing the hull in preparation for planking. It's interesting to note the new and varied topics that come up in discussions as the build progresses. Advantage of a forum such as this to share information and ideas. Regards, Adam
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Hi Adam. Yes that is the thumb plane I have, although I forgot it was that cheap. I use it a fair bit but need to be careful if I have soaked the planks for some time as the results sometimes can be a bit rough. (The soaking softens them and makes for bending easier and if necessary ironing to shape but soaked planks can also get ragged easily when wet). If you and George need a thumb plane each I can do some shopping. By the way I will look into the contour gauge although I am a not familiar with this. Thanks for the a tip. Yes these forums are very useful and lots of good tips and alerts emerge. I also like to try different ways to do things and experiment. Most of the time its a waste of time but just sometimes, (emphasis on just) it pays off. I am seeking the wow factor! One day it just might happen!
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bb1949 wrote:Hi Adam. Yes that is the thumb plane I have, although I forgot it was that cheap. I use it a fair bit but need to be careful if I have soaked the planks for some time as the results sometimes can be a bit rough. (The soaking softens them and makes for bending easier and if necessary ironing to shape but soaked planks can also get ragged easily when wet). If you and George need a thumb plane each I can do some shopping. By the way I will look into the contour gauge although I am a not familiar with this. Thanks for the a tip. Yes these forums are very useful and lots of good tips and alerts emerge. I also like to try different ways to do things and experiment. Most of the time its a waste of time but just sometimes, (emphasis on just) it pays off. I am seeking the wow factor! One day it just might happen! Hi Brex. I'm OK on "Thumb plane/David's plane". I've just ordered from Float A Boat they had in stock. ($5.99) should be ($9.95)I made error. Plus $10.00. Express Post. Should be here before Friday as next issue planking comes Thursday and I need to shape the next plank. Regards George Building HMS SOTS
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Hi Brex - et al.
I have enquired after a mini planer from Float-a-Boat, but no response yet. I located a profile gauge in Bunnings - $10.99 - which I will use to fabricate a temporary cradle as once the garboard planks are fitted the dry dock will be of no use.
Regards JohnP
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Hi George & John, Good to know you are both ok with the plane but always happy to help out if I can. I have just finished looking at images of the contour gauge and now enlightened. In fact one of the images shows it being used to provide the shape of a hull. This seems to be a worthwhile addition to the kit and I can see it being very useful. Thank you for letting me know about it. Most appreciated Now I'm off to Bunnings.
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Hi Brex. Sorry to hear you're having problems with issues arrivals. Considering how we all look forwards to the next issue each time it's a real downer. I was lucky then to have got issue 17. Kit has Bamboo and Sapele planking and nails. It's for the first four planks from bow to stern. One good thing that may come out of you not having issue 17 yet is a mistake I almost made regarding the first plank from bow to stern that I can warn you of. At the stern end the plank is to be placed level and even with the top plank of the stern planking infill. The issue instructions has a dotted line to show this however it doesn't tell you that the first plank has to protrude past the the stern planking infill by about 10 mm or even a bit longer for safety as another insert POSSIBLY has to go across the stern later utilizing this overhang. Looking at the dotted line I almost cut that first plank off level with the stern infill to shape it eventually with the planking infill as that is what it seemed to imply. Again checking the issue instructions against Tomicks Official Build Diary I luckily picked up it should overhang by that 10mm at least. The other three planks below can be cut off and sanded to shape of stern planking infill. So easy to stuff up. Hope that is of some help when you do get issue 17. Of course you may read the instructions in the issue mag and realize there has to be overhang with that first plank, but it is not clear really. Regards George PS. Check this out as some builders have actually cut this overhang off to shape of stern infill. So a bit confusing mate. Why show it left on if no need. Building HMS SOTS
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Hi George, I guess you are right in so far that I get the heads up on the forthcoming issues but still I would like think I could keeping pace and maybe offer up advice too. But I do thank you for letting me know what's about the happen. Your helps has saved me along the way so a big thanks.
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Hi Brex. Disregard my previous post re overhang first plank. It does show this overhang in Tomick's Official Build Diary 21-25 post 4 pic 3 down. However in issue 30 pics 2/3 and 4 it is gone without explanation. I checked this out with Jonny and he said nothing in instructions to justify it being there or when to remove.It appears the other experienced builders have cut off to shape of stern infill as well. Of course they are all well ahead of us re issues etc. I thought I was helping when I saw Tomick's Official Build with overhang on but I've now cut off myself and shaped to stern infill. Just another 'we're gonna' leave you guessing' situation. Regards George Building HMS SOTS
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no worries there George. Unfortunately I have yet to receive issues 15 & 17 so I cannot progress with my build. I have received 18 this morning which is a plus. Maybe this time next week I will be back on the rails again!
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Hi Brex. I got issue 18 today. Bamboo/Sepele strips and nails. Regarding issue 17 it's virtually the same as 18. So mate you can go ahead with the first four planks from the bow up to the last cut-offs half way through ribs at 20 and 21. First row from bow cut half way through rib at 13 then next piece to and half way through rib at 21. Next row from bow cut off half way through rib at 7 to 20. The third row same as first. Fourth row same as second. You can only go to those last cut offs at 20 and 21 because you've still got a stern assembly to go on in issue 15. At least you'll have some done when issues missing arrive. If you're getting from newsagents I think I'd change newsagents Anyway all the best mate. I'll have some pics probably tomorrow re issue 18 instructions. Regards George Building HMS SOTS
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Still no sign of issues 15 & 17 although I did pick up issue 19 this morning. No word on the back issues unfortunately. I have taken George's advice and planked forward as much as I can to issue 18, and with today's release can make further progress.
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These are the current photos of the planking for what I could do. bb1949 attached the following image(s):
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I sure all will spot the split plank on the bow which occurred when removing the spike > At this stage I can fix it. Also I thought I had really got the ends of the planks very square using a 4mm timber filler. Best get my eyes checked. The result is pretty crook.
Hi Brex, great to see you underway with the planking, this is where you really will see the shape of the old girl really start to show.... she's coming along nicely and look forward to following your progress... Remember when planking the SOTS, she has a double skinned hull so any minor splits etc will be covered up with during the filling and sanding phase of the build plus of course the adding of the 2nd layer so don't be too concerned about it, make sure the planks are securely fixed... Biggest piece of advice I give all when planking is ensure you let the planks lay where they want to go, don't force them into position.. any gaps that appear are normally filled in with tapered or wedge pieces... Hope this helps so keep up the good work, keep posting please ask if you have any concerns or queries..... Regards Alan
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Hi Brex. Pleased to see you were able to get some of the planking done. It's all looking good and as Alan has said any small problems can be easily fixed and not seen as second layer goes on. Don't worry I've had to do similar corrections. My biggest problem is oversize drill bit because can't get smaller chuck either with the Dremel or pin vice which means bent nails here and there to keep plank down so then useless and not enough nails or I'd be a dozen planks further with the build, but have to wait for new issues with nails. Regards George Building HMS SOTS
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Thanks Alan, I appreciate your advise about letting the planks fall naturally and will certainly keep that in mind.
Also and I suspect the fact I may have 'forced' the planks (leading to the bow-stem) into position is why I am not happy with my current effort. As a consequence I took them up and tonight will relay them to get a better shape and fit, using this as practice for the next layer. That's because I really want a much better "outcome" than my previous planking efforts. (ie passable but not how it should be).
I will post the results when done. BRex.
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Hey George, I have had no problem with my pin vice, and found it fits nicely into my power drill and works well. Ok I loose a bit or two along the way (I can be very clumsy) but that's collateral damage. In fact I loose less bits this way then by hand! As I was putting some planks on last night I recalled my neighbour (a Scot from Aberdeen). He was a builder. When I was a boy, his son and I would sit for hours at a time ( or so it seemed) straightening out the bent house nails which he would then reuse. I have been tempted to do the same with the pins we get today but decided against it. So like you I am using my future stock and just hope I don't run out in the end. [ Brex.
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