Well part one arrived after I signed up a few weeks ago. So I will try and log as much of the build as possible.
Whilst I was waiting for the parts to arrive I bought a wood display stand off eBay with perspex cover. I set about priming it and glossing it black and applied a carbon vinyl to the main display area. Quite pleased with the results.
The build of parts was as per the instructions. Though I added some nuln oil for effect on the caliper and disc areas. I also added the Museum Collection decals to the tyres, which I highly recommend.
I did start off by applying the carbon effect lines from Museum Collection to the inner end fences of the front wing but they weren't visible without spraying first and obviously by the time I realised that the decals were spent. I removed them as I preferred the look without.
I've not built a model since I was a kid, so learning as I go, picking up ideas from here and skills from YouTube Generally.Hoping to enhance the build to the best of my abilities.
Anyway, I tried to make a decent display of the parts until my next delivery.
Apologies for the photos, I really need a new phone :)