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Coming on at a fair pace and looking good
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Thanks for looking - mini update, I have toned down the brass wire with an oil wash, think they were a little bright. I did plan to blacken them later but cant find my blacken it solution Will be putting this one down for a couple of weeks or so now as I need to spend some more time on my Trinny Steve stevie_o attached the following image(s):
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Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 566 Points: 1,657 Location: UK
Fantastic start, love the cockpit detail.
You could be nosing ahead with your entry here!
You make it look so easy
really nice results your getting, certainly getting the most out of this kit.
Jase“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
Beautiful detail Stevie, think you've also got the brass wire looking spot on.... .. Look forward to the next update... Regards Alan
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Hi Steve, That`s great pipework detail. Keep it up. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Joined: 27/06/2011 Posts: 434 Points: 1,309 Location: milton keynes
hi Steve sorry ive missed this build for some reason! those wheel well look fan bloomin tastic great job gonna keep a close eye on this one regards dan Built - MP4/23, Zero, Deagostini Falcon, Model Airways 1903 Wright Flyer, Senna Mp4/4. Working - Mclaren M23 1/8th scale to complement the Deagostini MP4/23 & Mp4/4 on the bench, Model Airways Sopwith Camel.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Very nice work Steve and I agree, those wheel bays look very good - a great piece of enhancement. Well done and don't leave it too long before you return to this build? I'm keen to see more of this one!!
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Thanks for the comments guys - bit more work done, not quite ready to prime yet - bit more prep than I imagined All the main bits are on and filled and I reckon it's as smooth as it's going to be before priming (prob need a fair bit after though). The resin landing flaps will be going on much later as I need to sort out which parts are red / white on the underside. I have put in the internal resin flap parts though. All the lighting wires are now out of the way, I have trailed the + / - wires through small drilled holes in the under-carrige bay - I hope to be able to disguise them as hydraulics on the landing gear before going out through the base to the batteries. Front canopy is fitted, may need a little filling when the canopy glue is dry. The main canopy is not fitted as it's going to be displayed open. Im just using it as a mask covered in foil. I will detail the canopy separately as there is etch and decals to go inside and will most likely be fitted right at the end of build. I'll post up some pics when she's all primed up Steve stevie_o attached the following image(s):
Looking great Steve, look forward to seeing the primer on.... Regards Alan
Hi Steve, looks really good. You have some pretty bad sink on the wing light, do you have a thought on filling it? Jase “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
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Thanks Alan, Jase, it look pretty bad in the pic, not as bad as that at other angles but certainly noticeable. It's sunk on both sides of each lens too so cant even reverse them. The frame on the lens will be painted red and the lenses are going to be painted with Tamiya's transparent red and green, whether it shows better or worse after that I'm not sure really I'll have a think about it, maybe it can be sanded out and re-polished or filled with some canopy glue? Updates to follow Steve
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Hello Steve,
Making great progress and your build is looking good - it's going to look fab when it's finished!?
With regards to the sink marks in the wingtip lights, if you cut a small section of clear sprue and sand it to shape and then polish out with micromesh, that ought to do it? You could even sand the new tip light to shape whilst it is still attached to the spare sprue, which would make it easier to handle? Or just cut a section, glue it to the wingtip and then sand/polish it to shape if you want it perfect? Several ways of doing it.
Hope that helps?
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Thanks Kev, I was thinking of finding some clear acrylic to sand to shape. I dont have any spare sprue big enough really - looking to be around 10mm x 6mm and at least 3mm thick before sanding I saw a thread somewhere where a guy used pieces of old toothbrush which were transparent red and green, looked fab sanded and polished Wonder if any family members would notice the ends of their toothbrushes missing Steve
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Hello Steve,
You might find this product useful, comes in red and green transparent and has the sizes you need and could be carved roughly to shape on the rod before cutting off and attaching to the wing?:
They also do plain clear in square and round sections as well as many other shapes and cheap enough to make it worthwhile too - one 900 x 6mmm square length would last you a lifetime for less than a fiver!!
Hope that helps?
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Great start on a very ambitious sounding presentation. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Joined: 27/01/2014 Posts: 5,060 Points: 14,980
Wow, this is looking very nice, cant wait to see it with the lights all working
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Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Thanks Guys Made some new lenses out of a piece from a clear plastic box, sanded to size and polished up through all the grades of micromesh after fitting to the wing. Needs a tiny bit of filler at the edges but will be fine. These will be painted transparent red and green after the main colour is on. Steve stevie_o attached the following image(s):
Top job on the lenses. I thought you might use krystal clear maybe, but i think your scratch build has given you better results J “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
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Hi Steve, Nice result on the lenses and as a whole it`s looking great. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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