Hi All,
Well it`s up date time.
Been back at work today, having had six days off. Got so involved forgot to do the update yesterday, until it was to late and had to get to bed.
A lot of the fuselage sections build up using the same method.
That said, when you get to the rear sections things change. Reason is that the underside starts to rise as you get further to the tail end.
Therefore the fuselage ribs are not set square to the floor panels.
There may be many ways to get around this anomaly, but this is how set about it.
Here we go:
I`m trying to get as much of the fuselage put together in it`s relevant sections and will then concentrate on the detailing.
So to that end this is issue 23.
Parts 102 and 115 make up the floor base.Pic 1
Make sure the floor and the spar underneath are set at 90 degrees or you are going to give yourself a serious headache.
(Also make sure you get the orientation of the two parts is correct).
This is where you should be.Pic 2
So, now you remove the first rib from the fret and clean up as required.
When fitted to the relevant end of the floor section, you will be at this stage.Pic 3
This is where things make (in my mind) a major difference worth taking note of.
Things will not be square and their not meant to be.Pic 4
Make sure you let this set rock hard before progressing, or things will not end up aligned where they should be at the end.
Remove the next rib from the fret, clean up, Blah Blah you get the idea, repetitive.
This rib has to be set in the next slot in the floor and end up parallel to the first rib.
This is how I dealt with this part of the build:
Scrap balsa, ply, basically any thing you have in your scrap bin that can be used as a measured spacer.
Lay it on the first rib and fit second rib, let it set as long as it all lines up. (More on that later).Pic 5
Ok, keep building up the ribs with ACCURATE spacers in between.
This is how I stacked up the ribs for this section.Pic 6
I kept the ribs aligned by using the square wood stringers supplied and fed them through the holes in the ribs. At a later stage (as will be shown) cocktail sticks work just as well.
("Gandale", Alan has his own use for cocktail sticks) See SOTS porcupine.
Sorry Alan, couldn`t resist.
Apologies, back to the matter in hand.
Ok, when all the ribs are in place and set, remove the spacers/ clamps and things should be nicely set.
Issue 24 works on the same lines and you form the base section.Pic 7
The first rib is set in the same way as before.Pic 8
With square stringers fitted and the base of this next section made this is what they would look like if fitted together.(Not stuck yet).Pic 9
Back to stage 24 and ribs are added the same way as in issue 23, the difference being that issue 24 has a door opening in it, with other detail to be added.
I spaced the ribs using the same method as before, then used the upper and lower door frame sections to space the next ribs correctly. Shown here.Pic 10
A seat base is now fitted inside the door opening, part shown here.Pic 11
A further rib is fitted and I chose to fit this after the seat had been set in place to make the fitting of the seat easier.
You will also see that this is where the cocktail sticks came in handy as aligning aids.Pic 12
A piece of thin brass rod is supplied to make the support legs of the door seat.
The next picture shows a rod in place to make the first support.
When glued in place each support is cut and smoothed to the top level of the seat.Pic 13
Both seat supports in place, just need a clean up.Pic 14
The two main wooden side stringers are now fitted and this section is complete for this stage.Pic 15
Sorry this has been a long update, but this build is pushing me along at a pace. I have more done already but, that`s for another day. The next section did cause me some issues. The first of this build and I`m not blaming the kit, it may well have been me.
I will explain "my" issues in the next update so that anyone else who reads this and then does this build will be able to check and double check, to make sure they get it right.
Many Thanks for your patience on this build update, but you`ll be glad to know that`s it for today.
Should anybody be considering taking this build on and require more detailed pictures, please don`t hesitate.
Contact me via PM and I`ll help all I can.
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):