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Hi all here is my next project (with a bit of trepidation)never built a rocket before but, I do think the paint job is boring to say the least, so, eXpect some major changes. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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The corrugations on the stages make painting this rocket fun.Not.
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Based on your other models, of which there are many, ( i dont know how you find the time mate ), i'm sure you will truly do it justice. Regards Paul Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Hi KP, Looks like that could be a fun build. Below is a link for a launch pad to fit it. Unfortunately can`t find one in this country at this moment so postage a bit high.(this is about the cheapest, some up to nearly £90 for same thing) Launch pad looks more complex than the Rocket as it is a "paper" built kit. Here`s a link: Saturn V Launch PadRegards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Interesting never tried a paper kit. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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After seeing your minions build I am interested to see what your changes will be
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It will be interesting to see what changes you make to this model Ken and with your record of doing things rather differently to the norm, I would imagine that "the sky's the limit" (pun intended!).
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Hi all not done any modeling today but lots of research its going to be red white and blue but in dazzle cammo, I can't do links to sites but dazzle seems to become varied, almost tribal. I used to be a Tattooist till it got to my eyes. I quite like the leviathan camo or the 1915 Olympic troopship camo what do you think. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Hello Ken, I reckon that since it is a well known fact that the American space rockets like Saturn V and others were the result of Werner von Braun (the ex-Nazi WWII Rocket Scientist) going to work for the Americans after the war, that you should maybe paint this Skylab rocket as if it was Germany that won the war, and Werner von Braun continued his work for Germany and that they were the leaders in the space race against the Russians and Americans? A sort of 'what-if' build with the rocket being painted in one of the WWII 'V2' Rocket camo schemes - which can be found here?:
I particularly like this one from that site:
What do you think Ken? It would be fun to paint and fun to look at afterwards and have a sort of historical relevance to the Skylab rocket through its' V2 ancestory?!
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Looks great Ken. The title could be "If VOn Braun stayed in Germany......"
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Hi all I asked my missus if she could get me some cotton wool whist at shops and she came home with cotton wool balls, not much good but I had an idea where I could use them. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 27/01/2014 Posts: 5,060 Points: 14,980
Nice work ken, love your smoke lit up by LEDs
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