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My first delivery arrived today, so without further ado let's start with the build. Not that much to do in the first pack, but the quality seems to be nice and I'm already looking forward to next delivery - which shouldn't be far from now: I have subscribed to the 12 months option and I think the delivery I got today constitutes only half of the first month parts (the enclosed letter said the next pack will be sent around 3rd of August). First delivery contained five issues - the first with the wheel and tyre that had to be glued together. Besides that it contained nose panel, hubcap and Lamborghini badge stickers that will wait until they are needed later in the build.  Issue number two contained shock parts and oil which had to be put together, and a tail panel which had to be put aside for later. Pictured below is the shock attached to a mount from issue 3. Apart from the mount, issue 3 contained fuel tank which - you know the story - will wait until it's needed too.  In issue 4 I found first parts of the front suspension, and a bumper (left alone for now).  And the last for now issue 5 contained parts of the body mount and assorted screws and elements that also will wait for future deliveries.   All neatly packed in the box it came:  Thanks for looking :) Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Joined: 27/01/2014 Posts: 5,060 Points: 14,980
Ooooh nice, I have been waiting for one these to appear. Looks very nice indeed. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this develops
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Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
Thanks guys. Do you think it's safe to use CA debonder to clean the tyre? I have a smudge of the glue spoiling the effect there... I'll probably wait for the next issue which will contain another tyre and do a test run on the inside surface. Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
There's just two more things I have forgotten to add: - the ball-ended screws are much easier to screw in compared to RB7 and Hummer - the cuts for the screwdriver are much deeper which makes it much easier to get them in, - the shock spring is much easier to compress compared to these two models - it's a breeze to install and will probably make the suspension much softer; time will tell. Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
Hi Michu, great to see one of the builds up and running and hope to see many more.... Really look forward to following your progress with this iconic machine....  .. Good luck with the build... Regards Alan
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Hi Michu, Good to see a Huracan started. Well done and hope you enjoy your build. Regards Delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Joined: 17/03/2013 Posts: 192 Points: 524 Location: United Kingdom
Hi Michu Pleased to see you have received your parts, they look to be boxed quite well. I missed the postie yesterday and I think my first parts are waiting at the post office, picking them up this morning.  Taz “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Great to see the start of the first member build of the Huracan
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Congratulations on being the first to post a diary for the Huracan. Though I'm not into R/C cars myself (though I'd like to do planes some day) I'll be watching your build with interest as a new release is always fascinating to watch being built.
Well done and good luck with the build!! 
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Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Fantastic to see the first Huracan build diary on here  I'm sure many will follow you with your build and their own. Great start and good luck with it! Steve
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Joined: 05/04/2013 Posts: 540 Points: 1,630 Location: England
Looks like a good build. I will be watching with interest. Not sure about your glue/tyre question but if you find something that works I would love to know. Finished 3D Printer, RB7, Hummer, Skyrider drone & Combat tank collection http://www.model-space.com/gb/
 Nice start Michu will be following Rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
I've only just seen this build diary. Great start. Looking forward to see how this goes. Malc.
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Joined: 22/04/2015 Posts: 134 Points: 378 Location: San Diego, CA
Great start! I just saw this model on the website and was hoping someone started. I'll be watching this one closely as I'd love to get into one of the 12 month builds. Good luck with the rest of your build. Current Build: Millennium FalconWish List: Lamborghini Countach LP 500S, Red Bull Racing RB7
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Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
Thank you everyone for looking in and your kind comments :-) It just happened that I have received a second pack of my Huracan today and without any delay I followed included build instructions. The build time for today was about 45 minutes, but I think it will get more involved pretty soon - it's the nature of partworks that the first few issues start slow and try to teach newcomers to the hobby without being overwhelming. Looking forward to the next one already! As previously, the build started with the wheel. It is important to install second front tyre in an opposite way to the previous one, so when installed the threads will point in the same direction.   Second step for today was to install body mounts on the shock mount. Not a big task, but it's worth mentioning the pieces fit snug, with good confirmation.  Third step... right front hub carrier. The biggest issue I had here was to find a 6mm hex key, which prompted a half-day long project of bringing some order to the mess my workplace and various toolboxes became. Can we say, Huracan brings order to your life?   During a fourth step of the build we have to dust off some elements from Pack 01 - especially the large foam bumper. The bumper is braced with two flat frames, and then one of two side frames is attached. The second one remains separate, because as the manual instructs us, it would come in the way later when installing differential. That's a nice change from many other partworks that prompt us to undo the work done in some previous month!    Next stage takes us through initial tasks of building a differential. In a way that I started to get accustomed to, the build of this mechanism will be split across two packs - so it won't be fully completed until the next month. Again, the parts fit well and it's all quite straightforward to complete.    The last stage in Pack 02 contains parts of front intermediate driveshaft. There is a nice two-part pulley that although simple, is strangely satisfying to install on the shaft.   Aaaand that's it for today. Thanks for dropping by :) Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Nice progress, nice to see you are enjoying this one Steve
 Rank: Super-Elite       Groups: Registered
Joined: 27/01/2014 Posts: 5,060 Points: 14,980
Looks like another quality build, those wheels look pretty sweet
Another quality kit that is coming together very nicely, very well done and look forward to your next instalment... Regards Alan
 Rank: Vice-Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
Sorry guys, I decided to not continue this build log for now. I thought long and hard whether or not should I post this, but finally I decided I should. Maybe we will get some better partworks out of that in future, if someone is willing to listen. Here's what I think: - it's a great model, don't get me wrong. The quality is nice, the promise of fun is great, it builds without problems. I love it as an RC model, - but unfortunately I totally hate it as a partwork. Whoever broke this build into 12 instalments did it in the least enjoyable way possible. I have received and built Pack 5 today. It took me about 10 minutes. It's not something I'm having an issue with, it's pretty usual for some months to be more involved, and for some to have less to do. Once again I got lots of parts that won't be used this month. Although this is not a problem either, and its something I'm pretty used to from other builds, it's a part of the problem. The real problem is how the buildable parts are spread through the subscription. It's all over the place, and 5 months in - almost half of the subscription - we have only half-built assemblies, subassemblies that do not hold together when you don't keep them in your hands - because some crucial component to keep it all together is still missing. Parts assembled few issues ago now have to be disassembled. And so on. I'm so not enjoying this. At this moment I'm building this one only because of the investment I already made, and for the end effect. I'm pretty sure this will be a lot of fun when done, but it is not while it's being built. Sorry, that's the harsh truth. If I may suggest something for the future partworks - can we please have something that can be built in some logical order? Instead of providing a pile of parts that can't be used until way in the future, can we be allowed to build the model a subassembly at a time? Is it too much to ask, to be able to end up each month with something that holds together in one piece on its own, instead of a jumble of parts resembling nothing, that has to be held together with a tape? A prime example of the subscription done right is DC3. Spitfire, D51 or SOTS are another. There is a clear goal of every months instalment and a nice feeling of satisfaction after each stage. Huracan? 5 months in, and I have a box of mess. This could have been very enjoyable, as it is a great model, if not for some extremely bad decisions when the collection was planned and spread out. Rant over. Will revisit this thread when I'm done with the build and I can show my Lambo in action. I'm sure it will be awesome. Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/