Rank: Amateur level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 28/07/2015 Posts: 42 Points: 122 Location: USA
The issue with some images not appearing on firefox/chrome/ie is very easy to reproduce and within 5 minutes i've been able to figure out whats going on - this issue should not be happening and it should require a pretty simple fix on your end. Essentially what is happening is the server is actually returning HTML instead of images, the contents of that HTML is "Please do not link directly to this resource. You must have a session in the forum." That tells me a few things. What causes that 1. You are probably on a very old version of YAF, not recommended and probably a security risk. Your forum should be upgraded to the latest version. 2. Potentially your IIS server is configured to reject multiple that are quick and fast to a specific URL - this is most likely not the case. 3. YAF is having trouble with requests and the subsequent URL referrer sent with Chrome/Firefox/IE for images - This is the MOST LIKELY culprit. It could be that the YAF software isn't responding properly to the requests, or IIS has some configuration issue handling referrers. I can't replicate the issue in Safari 5.1.7. Quick Fix: 1. in resource.ashx change Code: public void ProcessRequest( HttpContext context ) { // resource no longer works with dynamic compile... if ( context.Request.QueryString ["r"] != null ) { // resource request GetResource( context ); } else if(context.Request.UrlReferrer.Host.Equals(context.Request.Url.Host, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //if ( context.Session ["lastvisit"] != null ) { if ( context.Request.QueryString ["u"] != null ) { GetResponseLocalAvatar( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["url"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["width"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["height"] != null ) { GetResponseRemoteAvatar( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["a"] != null ) { GetResponseAttachment( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["c"] != null && context.Session ["CaptchaImageText"] != null ) { // captcha GetResponseCaptcha( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["s"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["lang"] != null ) { GetResponseGoogleSpell( context ); } } else { // they don't have a session... context.Response.Write("Please do not link directly to this resource. You must have a session in the forum."); } }
TO Code: public void ProcessRequest( HttpContext context ) { // resource no longer works with dynamic compile... if ( context.Request.QueryString ["r"] != null ) { // resource request GetResource( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["a"] != null ) { GetResponseAttachment( context ); } else if(context.Request.UrlReferrer.Host.Equals(context.Request.Url.Host, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //if ( context.Session ["lastvisit"] != null ) { if ( context.Request.QueryString ["u"] != null ) { GetResponseLocalAvatar( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["url"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["width"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["height"] != null ) { GetResponseRemoteAvatar( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["c"] != null && context.Session ["CaptchaImageText"] != null ) { // captcha GetResponseCaptcha( context ); } else if ( context.Request.QueryString ["s"] != null && context.Request.QueryString ["lang"] != null ) { GetResponseGoogleSpell( context ); } } else { // they don't have a session... context.Response.Write("Please do not link directly to this resource. You must have a session in the forum."); } }
This moves the processing of attachments outside of the URL referrer check. Also you can follow instructions here that will completely remove all referrer checks: http://www.yetanotherfor...sts/t8027-resource-ashx
Please see what you can do about fixing this error. not being able to see uploaded files is extremely annoying and impedes our ability to effectively share ideas and images. Feel free to have your team email me with questions. -todd
Rank: Vice-Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
Yeah that was my idea to, another thing is that caching headers are not set properly for caching images on the client which results in different set of images showing up every page refresh, instead of incrementally filling the gaps. Nothing is going to happen - the forum upgrade project is in the works for months and we just have to be patient, I guess... Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
Rank: Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
yeah, from what I've been seeing the forums are running on one of the YAF 1.9.x releases. Which is kinda like an open invitation to please come in and steal all the data, if you would be so kind.
Rank: Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Someone apparently did something over the weekend. Picture attachments show up way more reliably. Not a 100% but way way better. Thank you for whatever you did.
Rank: Vice-Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 07/01/2015 Posts: 856 Points: 2,479 Location: Sevenoaks, UK
greyhawk wrote:Someone apparently did something over the weekend. Picture attachments show up way more reliably. Not a 100% but way way better. Thank you for whatever you did. Not for me though... Still have missing pictures almost all the time. And it always had better and worse days (hours?). Possibly related to server load? It's particularly bad on a mobile. Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.
Happy building :-) http://www.model-space.com/gb/
Rank: Elite Groups: Unapproved
Joined: 24/05/2010 Posts: 1,761 Points: 5,351 Location: London & Greece
michu wrote:greyhawk wrote:Someone apparently did something over the weekend. Picture attachments show up way more reliably. Not a 100% but way way better. Thank you for whatever you did. Not for me though... Still have missing pictures almost all the time. And it always had better and worse days (hours?). Possibly related to server load? It's particularly bad on a mobile. For those that think I am a liar, an armchair warrior or that the problem is at my end . . .
Note the date.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
Yep date noted 2015 not 2010 as you insisted
Rank: Elite Groups: Unapproved
Joined: 24/05/2010 Posts: 1,761 Points: 5,351 Location: London & Greece
admin wrote:Yep date noted 2015 not 2010 as you insisted
Admin I said I had been a member of the forum since 2010.
"I've tried everything over the 10 years or so this has been happening. There is a fault in the forum S/W somewhere."
I also said that the problem had been around for 10 years. You are correct, I was wrong about that. It was 8 years.
My apologies.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
For anyone reading this thread it appears that Z8000783 has his own interpretation of the Quote below from a previous post by him:
"I am not suggesting that there hasn't been improvements, there may well be for some, however, I am posting about my experiences here since I joined the forum in 2010."
There are several comments in post #6 that are a personnel attack on myself and that is a serious breach of the forum rules and to that end a full block has been applied.
I WILL hold a sensible conversation with anyone who has an issue, but keep on posting in a circular argument, mis quoting and then making a personal attack on myself or any Forum Support Team member or come to that any other member of this forum and the consequences will be the same.
Should anyone feel they need to speak to me about this on a personal level, then feel free to PM me at Admin. Just keep it civil.
Thankyou for your attention.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin
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