Issue 21: Planking of the upper half of the Hull & trimmimg of the Gallery planking.
Trimming of the Gallery planking - Use a plank to get the correct line across the ends of the gallery planking, and then trim the ends of the planks to form a smooth line from the stern frames onto the gallery supports.
Planking of the Hull - Firstly, you should alsways plank the model evenly, left and right. That means when you have fixed one plank on the left side you should then place the equivalent plank on the right side, this will prevent the hull being twisted by uneven forces from the planks.
The planking will be laid in a 'brickwork' fashion, you need to place the vertical joints so they do not line up, you should also ensure that the planks are glued to each other along their length (above/below).
For those building the model with the Cutaway you should follow the relevant instructions for this feature
The first plank is located onto the left (port) side between frames 24 and 17, align the bottom of the plank flush so that it is flush with the underside of the lower gun deck which means it wil have a slight curve along its length.
Mark the plank and cut it to length so that each end will finish in line with the middle of the frame at each end, apply PVA glue along the edge of the deck between frames 17 and 24 with and extra blob where the plank sits upon each frame, pin the plank in place and remove any excess glue.
Repeat on the other side of the model, though on the Cutaway side the plank will end at frame 20 and sit flush with the inside edge of the frame, and will be the case for 10 rows.
The first row of planking follows the underside of the lower deck and therfore will have a slight end to end camber which follows the slight deck camber.
Take another plank to the rear of the first and mark it where it just overhangs the gallery planking and cut off and secure into place as before, then repeat at the other side.
The next plank will curve around the bow, butt it to the first plank and mark where the hull framework starts to curve towards the bow, from this point the plank will need to be bent using your chosen method, (plank bending pliers, steaming, electric or wet bending), the plank should follow a natural curve around the bow, mark its end at the start of the false keel, cut off and glue/pin into place.
When the oposite plank is placed and cut in the same manner this will create a 4mm gap at the false keel where later on the planks will be trimmed further to suit the addition of the real keel, for the Cutaway side the bow plank starts at frame 17.
The second row of planking will start further over, from the middle of frame 16 to the middle of frame 23, mark and cut to length, and you will also need to slightly chamfer the inside edge of the planking as it rises, this is is to meet with the frame/hull curvature known as 'tumblehome', apply glue and secure as before, and repeat on the opposite side.
The Third row of planking is cut to fit between frames 18 and 25, complete as before.
Issue 22 continues the planking and the lower deck gun ports are marked/cut at issue 23.
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