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Italari 1/12 Fiat Mefistofeles Options
#41 Posted : 03 April 2016 08:29:51

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BigGrin looking goodCool
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#42 Posted : 03 April 2016 12:25:55

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Great work Ken, the engine looks pretty sweet ThumpUp

I'm a bit confused as to why you would rub Vaseline on the body to make it less shiney, it's not a technique I'm familiar with Confused
#43 Posted : 03 April 2016 17:42:48

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Hi dave when she was painted in those days the paint was not as shiney as modern paints but was shinier than satin, I've tried vasline on a scrap piece of plastic sprayed with this paint and once rubbed off it kills the shine just enough, can't do it yet as I have to apply the decals first.
Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#44 Posted : 13 April 2016 20:44:46

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Hi all well I was shown some photos of this on it world speed run by Dominic Beerts and as well as being black the rear of the car was higher and the 4 breather holes weren't there so I've raised the back by 10 mill now I just have to lower the skirt by 10 mill. Here are some pics, lots more to do.

Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#45 Posted : 14 April 2016 05:39:02
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Hi Ken,BigGrin

That`s nice attention to detail. WTG

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Look forward to more of the same.Love Drool Love


#46 Posted : 14 April 2016 09:05:13

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Hi Ken!

I´m following your build with great interest, as i have this kit on my shelf as well, albeit i will never reach your skills!

About the time - i think many of us have the same Problem.

I for one haven`t been building anything for almost a month now - i have three children, a fulltime job and we have been moving recently (and i now don`t even have a real workspace i could call my own!).

I´m happy if i can do something once or twice a week after the youngest went to bed, which isn`t before eight in the evening.

But still i never would quit modelling completely!

Keep up the brilliant work!


Present builds:
Revell B-24D Liberator 1:48

On the shelf:
Italeri "Fiat Mefistofele", Italeri "Moto Guzzi California", Fokker "Red Baron", Revell Bismarck, Revell Tirpitz, Arab Dow, Stage Coach, .....

Completed builds:
McLaren MP4/4, D-51 Steam Locomotive, HMS Victory, GWH F-15D Eagle, St. Stephen`s Cathedral (cardboard), Solar-powered paddle Steamer (little project with my son), HMS Victory X-section, "Geli" Phantom II (cardboard)
#47 Posted : 16 May 2016 21:07:53

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Hi all well back off hols with renewed energy, oh dear, there is something weird with the plastic on this kit, the paint I'm using I usually (on other models anyway) I can get off with meths, I didn't like the look of this so I thought I would remove it and start again, I started brushing it off using meths and it started melting the plastic?

I put some plastic from another kit in the meths along with a piece of sprue from this kit over night, as you can see the ItalarI sprue has dissolved completely

And the other sprue as you can see is completely untouched

Don't know what to do now, if I sand it out I will loose the rivet detail, all I can think of is to do a what if and have it as a derelict in a barn now, any suggestions.
Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#48 Posted : 16 May 2016 23:19:29

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Maybe sand the rivets and replace with small nails / planking pins? A lot of work but the effect might be impressive if you can find some that are in scale.
Any images I post on my personal builds are free to be used and shared under Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can do what you want with them, on the condition you mention I'm the author.

Happy building :-)

#49 Posted : 03 December 2016 21:34:25

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Hi all well you probably think this is dead but no, I never really give up on anything, still not given up on the gt 500 either. got it back out of storage, first thing I noticed I didn't store it very well.

Both levers snapped off (no biggie but annoying to say the least)

As I've been informed by von trips most of the rivet detail was added after the alterations post run and there are very few pics pre run so who's to say the rivets were even there, I've tried to make it not to shiny (surprising how difficult that is, I didn't want satin just not super glossy like modern paint jobs) I'm happy with the finish at the moment.

Anyway here it is at the moment the ass is raised 10 mill added 10 mill skirts.

Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#50 Posted : 03 December 2016 22:42:00

Rank: Super-Elite

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shaping up nicely. Glad your doing one in black I think it will look very cool when finished

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
-Mark Twain
#51 Posted : 03 December 2016 23:23:23

Rank: Super-Elite

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Great to see you back on this one Ken, very nice work.....Cool Cool Cool


#52 Posted : 03 December 2016 23:36:41

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BigGrin The beast in actionDrool Drool Drool Love , its worth watching the second vid tooBlink Drool LOL :-

Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#53 Posted : 04 December 2016 00:43:32

Rank: Super-Elite

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#54 Posted : 04 December 2016 09:54:42

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Hi Ken

Hope all is well.

Your getting on well with the builds. This oarticular one is a great looking car and it will be interesting to see how this one looks when complete.

Hope it all goes well.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#55 Posted : 04 December 2016 20:57:19

Rank: Super-Elite

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Thanks Tony, yes all is well(Pam is well on the mend, although I think it will be many months before she is back to normal and still can't lift anything much heavier than a lemonade bottle, but since she could have been a paraplegic, she's been lucky)
Here's what I've done today, the trouble with stopping a build and coming back several months later is you can't remember where you got to, after hours of scanning the instructions (well an hour or so) (another reason to follow the instruction order) I've decided now since I have no idea where I was upto I will go by the instructions now, anyway I've fixed the broken levers (not drilled them out as I think that is why they broke off in the first place)
I think the decals on the rear are very white any suggestions how to subtlety dull them down or something, they do look out of place.

Incidentally this must have been huge, I've put it on top of the 1/8 traction avant and there is little to choose length wise between them, considering the Fiat is 1/12 the actual thing must have been huge,I mean the traction was not small by today's standards and was a 4 seater.
Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#56 Posted : 04 December 2016 23:56:53

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Good to see you back on this Ken Cool

#57 Posted : 05 December 2016 21:32:12

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Hi all well here is a little update (been wrapping Christmas presents today and will be for the next week or so, so not much modeling time)

Ken's the name modeling's the game.
#58 Posted : 06 December 2016 19:59:14

Rank: Super-Elite
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Coming along nicely Ken Cool

With the bright decals, could you not perhaps paint them with a slightly less bright white?
#59 Posted : 06 December 2016 20:50:43

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Its coming along now Ken, and quite a size too Cool

#60 Posted : 06 December 2016 22:15:53

Rank: Super-Elite

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Wow what an engine they put into these things.

A fantastic model you are putting together Ken - it all looks fantastic.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
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