Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
My name is Manoj Sharma. I am from Melbourne, Australia. I am glad to be part of the community and i like to say hello to all members.
Welcome to the forum Manoj hope you enjoy your stay with us Rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Welcome to the Forum Manoj. Hope you enjoy your stay with us. Chris On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Hello Manoj and welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing some of your builds.
Rank: Administration Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,301 Points: 23,991 Location: East midlands
HI Manoj, Welcome to the forum. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Vice-Master Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2013 Posts: 540 Points: 1,630 Location: England
Welcome to the forum Manoj! I look forward to seeing what is first on your build list. Finished 3D Printer, RB7, Hummer, Skyrider drone & Combat tank collection http://www.model-space.com/gb/
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Hello Manoj and a warm welcome to the forum. Do you have a particular interest in one genre of model making or do you just build whatever takes your interest at a given time?
Nice to have you with us and I look forward to seeing some of your work.
Hi Monaj. Welcome to this forum. What sort of models do you intend to build? Malc.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 27/01/2014 Posts: 5,060 Points: 14,980
Welcome Monaj, hope you enjoy your stay
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/08/2010 Posts: 2,771 Points: 8,344 Location: Brighton
Hi Monoj. Welcome to the forum. Look forward to seeing your builds. Ian Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood. Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 17/12/2013 Posts: 3,982 Points: 11,974 Location: NY, USA
Welcome to the forum.I look forward to seeing some of your model builds
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Welcome to Modelspace, I hope you enjoy your time here :-) Steve
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