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#221 Posted : 20 August 2016 20:19:54

Rank: Super-Elite

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17th Aug 1812

During the Battle of Smolensk Napoleon Bonaparte’s army defeats the Russians during the Russian retreat to Moscow.

17th Aug 1833

The Canadian ship Royal William becomes the first steam ship to cross the Atlantic entirely on its own power, sails from Nova Scotia to the Isle of Wight.

17th Aug 1942

Makin Island in the Gilbert Islands is attacked by Marine Raiders from two submarines.

17th Aug 1943

The conquest of Sicily is completed by Allied forces.

17th Aug 1987

Former Nazi leader and deputy of Hitler, 93 year old Rudolf Hess is found hanged in Spandau Prison.


#222 Posted : 20 August 2016 20:43:19

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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18th Aug 1759

The British destroy the French fleet under Admiral ‘Old Dreadnought’ Boscawen at the Battle of Lagos Bay.

18th Aug 1870

At the Battle of Gravelotte the Prussian forces defeat the French during the Franco-Prussian war.

18th Aug 1914

Germany declares war on Russia.

18th Aug 1942

A crack Japanese army is sent to Guadalcanal to repulse the US Marines fighting there.

18th Aug 1943

The first major strike against the German missile development facility at Peenemunde is completed by RAF Bomber Command.

18th Aug 1965

The beginning of major US ground combat operations is marked by Operation Starlite.


#223 Posted : 22 August 2016 22:38:18

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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19th Aug 1772

Gustavus III of Sweden establishes an absolute monarchy.

19th Aug 1914

The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) lands in France.

19th Aug 1942

British and Canadian commandos are repulsed by the German army in a raid on Dieppe, France.

19th Aug 1988

A cease fire begins between Iran and Iraq in their 8 year war.


#224 Posted : 23 August 2016 22:12:50

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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20th Aug 1913

Adolphe Pegoud becomes the first person to jump from an airplane and land safely by parachute.

20th Aug 1914

At Gumbinnen, Russia wins an early victory over Germany.

20th Aug 1940

During the Battle of Britain the British use radar for the first time. Churchill broadcasts his famous words, ‘Never in the field of human conflict was som much owed by so many to so few’.

20th Aug 1941

Development of the V2 missile is authorised by Adolf Hitler.

20th Aug 1944

US and British forces close the pincer on German units in the Falaise-Argentan pocket in France.

20th Aug 1953

Acknowledgement is made by the USSR that it tested a hydrogen bomb.

20th Aug 1968

Warsaw Pact troops invade Czechoslavakia.

20th Aug 1990

Western hostages are moved to military installations by Iraq to use them as human shields against air attacks.


#225 Posted : 24 August 2016 07:35:18

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Excellent as always Alan!
#226 Posted : 26 August 2016 19:36:17

Rank: Super-Elite

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21st Aug 1794

The Island of Corsica is surrendered to the British by France.

21st Aug 1808

Wellington defeats General Junot at the first Battle of the Peninsular War at Vimeiro, Portugal.

21st Aug 1915

Italy declares war on Turkey

21st Aug 1942

The First major Japanese ground attack on Guadalcanal is turned back by US Marines in the Battle of Tenaru.

21st Aug 1989

Voyager 2 begins a flyby of Neptune.


#227 Posted : 26 August 2016 19:50:50

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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22nd Aug 1717

The Turkish army is forced out of Belgrade by the Austrian army, ending the Turkish revival in the Balkans.

22nd Aug 1942

Brazil declares war on the Axis powers.

22nd Aug 1945

Soviet troops land at Port Arthur on the Kwantung Peninsula in China.

22nd Aug 1962

NS Savannah, the first nuclear-powered passenger-cargo ship, completes its maiden voyage from Yorktown to Savannah.


#228 Posted : 26 August 2016 20:08:06

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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23rd Aug 1305

William Wallace is hanged, drawn, beheaded and quaretered.

23rd Aug 1711

An attempt to invade Canada from the sea by the British fails.

23rd Aug 1821

Mexican independence is granted by Spain after 11 years of war.

23rd Aug 1914

War on Germany is declared by the Emperor of Japan.

23rd Aug 1939

Stalin and the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop sign a non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Germany, giving Hitler freedom to invade Poland and Stalin to invade Finland.

23rd Aug 1942

German forces begin an assault on the city of Stalingrad.

23rd Aug 1944

Explosive charges are placed around the Eiffel Tower by German SS engineers.

23rd Aug 1954

C130 Hercules transport aircraft has its first flight.


#229 Posted : 26 August 2016 22:12:37

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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24th Aug 79

Pompeii, Stabiae, Heculaneum and other small areas are destroyed when Mount Vesuvius erupts.

24th Aug 1572

At the Massacre of St Bartholomew 50,000 people are put to death as Charles IX of France attempts to rid the country of Huguenots.

24th Aug 1814

The British capture and set fire to Washington DC in retaliation for the American burning of the parliament building in York, Toronto, the capital of Upper Canada.

24th Aug 1942

The third carrier-versus-carrier battle, US Naval forces defeat a Japanese force attempting to screen reinforcements for the Guadalcanal.


#230 Posted : 27 August 2016 10:22:58

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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25th Aug 1346

At the Battle of Crecy in France, Edward III defeats Philip VI’s army.

25th Aug 1758

The invadng Russians are defeated by the Prussian army at the Battle of Zondorf.

25th Aug 1921

After failing to ratify the Versailles Treaty the US finally signs a peace treaty with Germany.

25th Aug 1941

A supply route to the Soviet Union is opened when British and Soviet forces enter Iran.

25th Aug 1943

Occupation of New Georgia is completed by the Allies.

25th Aug 1944

Pars s liberated by Free French Forces.

25th Aug 1991

Airbus A340 makes its first flight.


#231 Posted : 27 August 2016 10:34:29

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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26th Aug 1429

A triumphant entry nto Pars s made by Joan of Arc.

26th Aug 1883

Krakatoa erupts, the largest explosion recorded is heard 2,200 miles away from Madagascar. 36,000 people die resulting from 131, foot tidal waves that obliterate 163 villages in nearby Java and Sumatra.

26th Aug 1957

The latest luxury car the Edsel is revealed by Ford.

26th Aug 1999

Russia begins the Second Chechen War.



#232 Posted : 28 August 2016 22:25:17

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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27th Aug 1776

The British defeat the Americans at the Battle of Long Island, New York.

27th Aug 1813

At the Battle of Dresden the Allies defeat Napoleon.

27th Aug 1916

Italy declares war on Germany

27th Aug 1945

Supplies begin to be dropped into Allied prisoner of war camps in China by B29 bombers.

27th Aug 1979

An Irish terrorist bomb kills Lord Mountbatten in his sail boat in Sligo, Ireland.


#233 Posted : 28 August 2016 22:31:43

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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28th Aug 1914

The Royal Navy sink three German Cruisers in the Battle of Heligoland Bight, the first major naval battle of WWI

28th Aug 1941

The British capture the German U-Boat U570 and rename Graph.

28th Aug 1944

German forces in Toulon and Marseilles surrender to the Allies.


#234 Posted : 30 August 2016 22:21:57

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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29th Aug 1526

Ottoman Suleiman the Magnificent defeats a Hungarian army at the Battle of Mohacs.

29th Aug 1945

The occupation of Japan begins when US airborne troops are landing at Atsugi airfield southwest of Tokyo.

29th Aug 1949

USSR explodes its first atomic bomb

29th Aug 1960

SAM missile launch pads are spotted in Cuba by a US U2 spy plane.

29th Aug 1995

Operation Deliberate Force is launched by NATO against Bosnian Serbs forces.


#235 Posted : 01 September 2016 19:58:55

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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30th Aug 1892

Cholera is brought to the US on the passenger ship Morovia, arriving from Germany.

30th Aug 1932

Hermann Goering is elected president of the Reichstag.

30th Aug 1944

The centre of the Rumanian oil industry Ploesti is taken by Soviet troops.

30th Aug 1963

A hot line link between Moscow and Washington is installed.


#236 Posted : 01 September 2016 20:43:07

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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31st Aug 1756

The British surrender Fort William Henry, New York to the French

31st Aug 1942

Montgomery defeats Rommel’s Afrika Korps in the Battle of Alam Halfa in Egypt.

31st Aug 1944

The German Gothic Line in Italy is penetrated by the British Eighth Army.

31st Aug 1951

A four day battle results in 2,700 Marine casualties when the 1st Marine Division attacks Bloody Ridge in Korea.

31st Aug 1961

The Berlin Wall replaces the barbed wire fence.

31st Aug 1997

Princess Diana dies in a car crash in Paris.


#237 Posted : 03 September 2016 19:40:53

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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1st Sep 1870

The French are crushed at Sedan by the Prussian army, the last battle of the Franco-Prussian war.

1st Sep 1876

The Serbs are defeated by the Ottomans at Aleksinac.

1st Sep 1916

The First World War expands with Bulgaria declaring war on Romania.

1st Sep 1939

World War II begins with Germany invading Poland.

1st Sep 1969

Colonel Gaddafi seizes power in Libya.

1st Sep 1985

Dr Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel discover the wreck of the Titanic.


#238 Posted : 03 September 2016 19:54:05

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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2nd Sep 1666

City of London is devastated with the start of the Great Fire of London.

2nd Sep 1792

Verdun, France surrenders to the Prussian Army.

2nd Sep 1944

US First Army enters Belgium.

2nd Sep 1945

WWII comes to an end with Japan signing the document of surrender aboard the USS Missouri.

2nd Sep 1992

US and Russia agree jointly to build a space station.


#239 Posted : 08 September 2016 12:19:01

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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3rd Sep 1189

Richard Lionheart is crowned king of England

3rd Sep 1650

Cromwell defeats a superior Scottish army at the Battle of Dunbar.

3rd Sep 1783

Great Britain and the US sign the Treat of Paris bringing the American Revolution to an end.

3rd Sep 1916

An Allied offensive breaks the German Somme front.

3rd Sep 1939

Great Britain declares war on Germany marking the beginning of WWII in Europe.

British passenger ship Athenia is sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic.

3rd Sep 1943

British troops invade Italy by landing at Calabria.

3rd Sep 1944

Lyons, France is captured by the US Seventh Army.


#240 Posted : 08 September 2016 12:27:44

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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4th Sep 1804

During the First Barbary War USS Intrepid explodes while entering Tripoli harbour.

4th Sep 1941

An undeclared shooting war begins when German submarine U652 fires at the US destroyer Greer off Iceland.

4th Sep 1942

Budapest is bombed by Soviet planes, the first air raid on the Hungarian capital.

4th Sep 1944

Antwerp, Belgium is liberated by British troops.

4th Sep 1945

The American flag is raised on Wake Island.


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