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Mast's and Yard's Options
#1 Posted : 05 April 2010 18:12:50

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Just gone throught all the post to check I'm not duplicating.

After watching the short DVD with issue one I saw what really pleased me and that was how to make the mast and yards properly, I had problems with the Bounty as they issued me with naff dowl rods. Over time they warpped badley, I then used McKays book to duplicate the proper masts and yards.

But one thing really got me stumped was the names of the damn things, this is a link that I used to try to better explain what it is all about.


make sure you scroll down, the links on the right of the page link to the bottom of the page (odd I know but thats how it is)also you wont be using all of these, its just added to cover all options.

This picture show the position of the masts and yards

and this is the corresponding numbers -

Many of these spars are from different periods and would not be carried together. Masts, topmasts and yards on a ship before about 1830: A. Bowsprit; B. Foremast; C. Main mast; D. Mizen mast; E. Bonaventure mizen mast.

2.Sprit topmast knee;
3.Sprit top;
4.Sprit topmast;
5.Jack staff;
6.Martingale or Dolphin striker;
7.Jib boom;
8.Spritsail yard;
9.Spritsail topsail yard;
12.Fore topmast;
13.Fore topmast hounds;
14.Fore topgallant mast;
15.Fore topgallant hounds;
16.Fore royal mast;
17.Flag pole;
18.Fore yard;
19.Fore topsail yard;
20.Fore topgallant yard;
21.Fore royal yard;
22.Main mast;
23.Main top;
24.Main topmast;
25.Main topmast hounds;
26.Main topgallant mast;
27.Main topgallant hounds;
28.Main royal mast;
30.Main yard;
31.Main topsail yard;
32.Main topgallant yard;
33.Main royal yard;
34.Mizen mast;
35.Mizen top;
36.Mizen topmast;
37.Mizen topmast hounds;
38.Mizen topgallant mast;
40.Mizen yard;
41.Crossjack yard;
42.Mizen topsail yard;
43.Mizen topgallant yard;
44.Mizen topsail yard;
45.Mizen topgallant yard;
46.Bonaventure mizen mast;
47.Bonaventure mizen top;
48.Bonaventure mizen topmast;
49.Flag pole;
50.Bonaventure mizen yard;
51.Bonaventure mizen topsail yard;
52.Ensign staff;
#2 Posted : 05 April 2010 18:56:43

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This is going to be very useful to me later on when all you experienced people start talking about Masts and Yards, thanks BigGrin


#3 Posted : 05 April 2010 19:02:04

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thanks david but I'm far from experinced, I'm still learning but thanks anyway:)

I think item's like this will at least give us all an idea what lays ahead.
#4 Posted : 05 April 2010 19:05:26

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Hi Colin,. thank you very much for posting the diagram and the link, I found it very informative and I reckon that I shall be visiting such websites to get a clear idea of all the maritime jargon that no doubt will be used with the HMS Victory build. I too built the Bounty and noticed bowing of the dowels intended for the masts that came with my subscription...I have posted a photo of Bounty on one of the threads on this site. I hope that this construction will not have the pitfalls I experienced with Bounty, but there again it was my first attempt at building in wood and may have been my own inexperience that was to blame, anyway, good luck with your build and thanks again for the guide. John.W
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#5 Posted : 05 April 2010 19:10:06

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yer thanks mate for the post on the masts etc
Capt Stedders
#6 Posted : 06 April 2010 00:09:12

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Is it just me, or did anyone else feel like certain parts of their brain had begun to fry, simply from reading that list? (and that's before anyone mentions all that ropey, rigging stuff) ... Eeep! Blink

Seriously though, thanks for the list of names - as mentioned by dtgray, its sure to come in handy later on.
Schnellboots on back burner


#7 Posted : 06 April 2010 09:43:01

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thanks colin looks useful mate
#8 Posted : 12 April 2010 21:43:01

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I wasnt sure if I should put this picture in the 'scratch building' thread or this one...guess I chose this one:)

This is my very first attempt at scratching a Yard and boom, I didnt like the Del prado special (Dowl), the string is from the kit. The stirrups are again from the kit and the boom irons are hand made, I'll get a better day shot over the weekend.

Scratch building is possible for the novice, I did it.

You cant really see it but the boom irons are black electrical tape cut thin and just rolled around to the desired thickness, seems to work.
The Yard arm cleats were hand made as was the center sling cleats.
#9 Posted : 12 April 2010 22:17:17

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Ive had these documents for some time and not sure who or where I got them.
I'm sure it will help on the names of things and understanding what I've added to my yards.

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