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Joined: 04/08/2014 Posts: 16 Points: 51
Hi guys, I know and understand that this is strictly Red Bull but i was wondering if i could get Ferrari stickers for my RB7. The reason is that i have two RB7(1 mine and 1 my dads) and to make it interesting when we race to make it different and have a Red Bull and a Ferrari? i have found loads of 1/8 but no 1/7. can anyone help? has anyone even asked? Thanks. DavidSDuncan attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,546 Points: 13,798 Location: ipswich
I know there's a difference in size between 1/7 and 1/8, but as the Red Bull car isn't the same as a Ferrari anyway, would the slightly smaller 1/8 decals look too far out? If you are placing the decals in a 'sort-of' configuration, it might not even notice.
Rank: Beginner Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/08/2014 Posts: 16 Points: 51
Hi Roy, Thanks for the feed back. I know that there is a difference in the look between the RB and the Ferrari, i was just wondering if there is a ferrari sticker kit that will sort of suit the RB? if not then who do you think will be able to make up a sticker kit? i have looked on quite a few sites but to no avail. Do you perhaps know where i can start looking?
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Hello David. PM me and I'll see if I can help.
Rank: Beginner Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/08/2014 Posts: 16 Points: 51
Hi Roy,
i have posted a few examples of what im actually looking at. I hope it will help?
Rank: Beginner Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/08/2014 Posts: 16 Points: 51
The bottom two pics are of the 2016 Ferrari.
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
You could possibly scale up the decal set in the first photo to 1/7 and print onto decal paper
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Just looked at your image. The problem with printing these on home decal paper is there's a large amount of white decals and white only text. Inkjet printers can't print white so the only way round it as a DIY exercise would be to re-draw all the white decals onto a Ferrari red b/g to print. In effect, all the white text decals would be in a solid red rectangle.
Getting the exact red to match the model paint colour would be a bit hit and miss but it could be an answer. Other than that I'd suggest my first option - would 1/8 decals look very wrong on a 1/7 car?