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Following along in the same vein as Lordsatyrs Star Wars trivia quiz is anyone interested in doing a Thunderbirds trivia?
If so first question;
What does F.A.B. stand for?
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...According to Gerry Anderson himself, it meant nothing, other than it was a 'cool' word in the '60's.
A few fan groups have invented acronyms for it. One such acronym is Fully Acknowledged Broadcast.
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it was like "supermarionation" he loved the start of the epic movies at the time.
like cinemascope. so he made this one up.
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I see I am going to have make these questions MUCH harder.
You both got it.According to Gerry Anderson it didnt really mean anything.Some fans said it meant "fully aware and briefed" or "fully acknowledged broadcast" at Roy said.
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New trivia question of the week.
What was the inspiration for naming the Tracy sons?
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American space astronauts...
Scott Carpenter, Virgil Grissom, Alan Sheppard, Gordon Cooper and John Glenn - if I remember correctly.
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Correct Roy-And bonus question-what did those astronauts have in common?
Apparently Gerry Anderson thought that naming the Tracys boys after astronauts would help to sell the show in USA.He was very keen to get into the USA TV market. Thunderbirds did have some success in USA, but it never caught on like it did in UK.
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...They all piloted Thunderbirds... lol.
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roymattblack wrote:...They all piloted Thunderbirds... lol.
Roy. LOL. Nope. They were part of the Mercury 7 astronaut group.Americas first group of astronauts.They were all true blue American heroes and Anderson thought using their names and having American accents would make the show more appealing to US kids. Carl
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Well, I'll add a question to keep it going...
Everyone (almost) knows that Scott was modelled on Sean Connery.
Who was the basis for John Tracy??? (Actually just about the best likeness of all the characters)
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Nope... That's where his name came from, but I'm asking where his looks came from...
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when i look at him, he reminds me of a young charlton heston.