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USS Constitution Official Build Diary - Pack 7 Options
#1 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:26:17

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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U S S Constitution Pack 7- Stages 61-70

Stage 61 contents:- Carriage bases, carriages, carronades, wedges, chimney, rivets, blocks and pins.

Take the chimney then remove any casting lines or burr's with a file, then paint it with black paint. Once the paint is dry glue the chimney at the rear of the second grating from the bow making sure the chimney faces to the rear.

Take all the carronades that you have received so far, you should have 10 sets of carronades,bases,carriages and wedges. Take all the parts and remove any casting marks,burrs. Once all the parts are cleaned up glue the carriage bases to the carriages then undercoat the carriages and wedges and once dry paint them red. The Carronades can be left as supplied or you can paint them black. Once the paint is dry glue a carronade to each carriage and insert a wedge between the carronade and carriage. Complete the other Carronades in the same way.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .

arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#2 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:33:22

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 27/09/2011
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Location: Dudley
Stage 62

Stage 62 contents:- Rails, ramin strips, rivets and blocks.

Remove the rudder from the fret supplied in stage 56 sand the edges and then paint them brown, you could also use any spare second planking to clad the rudder so it matches the rest of the hull.

Next take the hinges from stage 57 and fit each one to the rudder starting at the bottom and working your way up. Use a 0.75mm drill and nails cut to around 2mm in length to glue and fix each hinge in place. You will need to shorten the hinges as you get to the upper part of the rudder.

Now test fit the rudder against the hull and adjust it so that the bottom of the rudder fits in line with the keel and that the top fits under the gallery.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#3 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:35:21

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 63

Stage 63 contents:-Bulwarks, ramin strips, rivets,blocks and double blocks.

Remove the three bow Bulwarks from the fret and then sand them smooth, next paint the inside edges of the parts with black paint and also half way across the tops and bottoms. If you have not already done so smooth the tops of the bulwarks on the ship.

Glue the 1st bulwark to the ships bow making sure it is central to the bow and at the ends. Fit the other two bulwarks on each side of the one just fitted. Take two 2 x 5 x 300mm ramin strips and paint them black in the same way that you painted the bulwarks, once dry fit them behind the bulwarks already fitted. The strip will be about 1cm short of the 8th gunport so use some more 2 x 5mm strip to fill the gap.

Once the glue is dry sand the tops of the bulwarks smooth where the meet and repair any pant removed in the process.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#4 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:39:46

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 64

Stage 64 contents:- Bulwarks and detailing, ramin strips, rivets,hinges and double blocks.

Remove one of the stern bulwarks and prepare it in the same way the bow bulwarks were painted then glue it in place above the stern gallery. Prepare three 2 x 5 x 300mm ramin strips like before painting them in the same way. Glue these in place going forward from the stern gallery until you reach the 8th gunport where the bow bulwarks finished. Sand flat any joints and repair any paintwork on the bulwarks. You should now have bulwarks all around the hull with a gap on either side at the 8th gun port from the bow.

Next take four 2 x 5 x 300mm ramin strips and paint the inside face with the same green you have used on the inner bulwarks. When dry measure 8mm back from the 5th gunport on both sides of the bulwark. Take one of the prepared green strips and glue it centrally along the bulwark with the green face inwards the end of the strip should be inline with the three black steps at the bow. Repeat the above for the other side.

On the stern gallery bulwark mark a line 2mm back from the inner edge and then glue another green painted strip along the marked line, add two more unpainted 2 x 5mm strips behind the painted strip. When the glue is dry trim the strips in line with the side bulwarks. From the stern gallery add more strips with the green side facing inwards placing them centrally on both sides of the ship until you reach the rear of the 8th gunport. Sand any joints smooth and retouch any paintwork.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#5 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:46:06

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 65

Stage 65 contents:- Beakhead frame, kneesand heads, anchor parts, brass ring, rivets and brown thread.

Remove the last two parts from the stage 63 fret, prepare them with black paint s you have the previous parts then glue them centrally to the front edge of the green bow strips placed in the last stage. Cut two lengths of 2 x 6mm ramin strip and fit them behind the pieces just fitted. You should now have a bow bulwark that resembles the letter 'H' placed on its side along the green strip upright.

Remove the last gallery bulwarks and paint the insides black the same way the other was prepared then take four 2 x 6mm ramin strips and prepare those in the same way. Glue the upper gallery bulwark to the lower bulwark making sure both line up with each other and then glue the ramin strip to either side of the ship forward until you reach the 8th gunport. From the 8th gunport to the stern you should now have an upper bulwark that looks like the letter 'H' laid on its side. Smooth off the ends of the bulwarks just completed so they are flat and retouch any paint if needed.

Next take a 1 x 8 x 300mm ramin strip from stage 55 and use this strip to cover the ends of the stern gallery and between the bulwarks above the stern gallery. Once the glue is dry sand the edges to shape.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#6 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:50:26

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 66

Stage 66 contents:- Cutter fret, ramin strip and blocks.

Take the cutter fret and number the parts from 1 to 14 then carefully remove the parts and give them a light sanding. Take the false keel and add the frames to it starting at the bow with frame 2 until you reach the stern. Now take the base board and line the four notches up with the frame just assembled making sure the frames are flat against the baseboard and glue both together. Attach the two parts 14 to the bow of the frame and leave to dry. Once dry stain the cutter frame with a dark stain of your choice.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#7 Posted : 05 February 2018 18:54:44

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 67

Stage 67 contents:- Cutter parts, ramin strip, walnut strip, rivets and deadeyes.

Take the assembly made in the previous stage and fare the frames ready for planking. Make sure you are happy that the planks will lay flat along the whole of the cutter frame.

Take a 1 x 3 x 200mm ramin strip and lay it along the cuts in the frames on the side of the cutter assembly. The cuts in the frames are to show where the top edge of the cutter sides will be. Once you are happy with its fit glue the plank in place then repeat on the other side. Once dry trim the strips on either side.

Starting from the false keel add more strips working you way towards the first strip laid continue doing this until both sides of the cutter are covered. When the glue is dry remove any excess planking from the transom end of the cutter and then plank the transom with 1 x 3 ramin strip and then sand the ends to shape.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#8 Posted : 05 February 2018 19:00:27

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 68

Stage 68 contents:- Carronade parts, cutter parts, ramin strip, rivets and thread.

Take the cutter assembly from the last stage and smooth the planking with sandpaper fill any gaps with slivers of ramin or filler until you have a smooth surface ready for painting. Next take a 2 x 3 x 300 walnut strip provided in stage 67 and glue it along the tops of the bulwarks on both sides of the cutter. Once the glue is dry use a razor saw to remove the cutter assembly from the base board and then sand the frames flat along the lever of the cutters bulwarks. At the cutter bow remove any excess planking so that you have a 2mm gap for the stem to fit into. Use a stain of your choice to stain the ends of the frames that have just been sanded.

Remove the stem and bow part from the fret provided with this stage and lightly sand both partsthen glue the bow part between frames 2 and 3. Cut four lengths of ramin strip to lay along the inner cutter frames and then use more ramin strip to cover the end of frame three.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#9 Posted : 05 February 2018 19:05:57

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
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Location: Dudley
Stage 69

Stage 69 contents:- Bulwarks, double blocks, blocks, ramin strip, wood strip, ornaments, rings and pins.

Take the cutter from the previous stage and glue the stem in place at the bow then use a 2 x 3 x 300 strip of walnut to make a keel from the stem to the transom. Once the glue is dry undercoat the outside of the cutter up to the walnut bulwarks and then paint the hull with white paint.

Add the thwarts to the cutter using stained 1 x 3mm ramin strip then shape a 10mm long piece of wood and add it to the rear of the 1st thwart. Remove the gunwale from the fret sand and stain it then add it to the front of the cutter adding the stern bench in the same way. Cover the small bow area with more stained ramin strip then remove the rudder and tiller from the fret. Sand the parts then use a dark stain on the tiller and paint the rudder white. When the parts are dry glue them in place at the stern of the cutter,

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .
arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#10 Posted : 05 February 2018 19:11:49

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered

Joined: 27/09/2011
Posts: 15,196
Points: 45,687
Location: Dudley
Stage 70

Stage 70 contents:- Gun port lids, carronade parts and dummy cannon.

For this stage you make up a waterline marker as described in the stage instructions or use one that is available to buy either will do the job just fine. The area above the waterline is to be painted black make or set up your tool so your pen tip is 91mm from the base of the tool. Place the hull on a table making sure it is vertical to the tool and mark a waterline all around the hull. Use masking tape along the marked line then seal the edge with a clearcoat to prevent bleed.

Cut a 2 x 2 x 300mm ramin strip into two lengths of 150mm, mark a line 2mm below the edge of gunport 8 and 2mm past it towards the stern fit one of the 150mm strips along this line and do the same on the other side of the hull.

Give the upper part of the hull a light sanding then using the black paint of your choice start to pant the edges of the upper gunports and to fill in the lower gunports in the same way. Once all the gunports are painted on one side paint the rest of the hull black, do the same on the other side and the gallery. Sand the hull gently between coats and add as many coats of paint as needed to get an overall finish to the hull. When the paint is dry remove the masking tape.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use .

You can view the official video build for this pack here-

arpurchase attached the following image(s):
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

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