Vasa Pack 4 – Stages 30 – 41
Stage 30 Contents: Wooden Strips and Stern Decoration.
For this build stage add another four complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 12. The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decoration C36. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 31 Contents: Wooden Strips and Stern Decorations.
Add another three complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 9. Fit a strip from frame 8 to frame 14 on the starboard side of the hull, repeat on the port side. Cut and shape a strip from frame 8 forward to the bow, chamfer the end 24mm as shown in step 11 of the instructions. Then glue it into place, repeating the process on the other side of the hull. Complete the row by gluing a strip from frame 14 aft. Leave a gap at the stern of 4mm between this strip and the previous row as shown in step 12 of the instructions. Repeat on the port side of the hull. Create a wedge-shaped length of strip to fit the space between the strips created in the previous step. Glue the wedge into the gap and repeat on the other side of the hull.
The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Remove any casting flash or burrs from the decorations C24 and C26 received with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations then store carefully until needed.
Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 32 Contents: Wooden Strips. Add another complete row of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 3.
Fit a strip from frame 8 to frame 14 on the starboard side of the hull, repeat on the port side. Cut and shape a strip from frame 8 forward to the bow, chamfer the end as shown in step 5 of the instructions and glue into place, repeat the process on the other side of the hull. Complete the row by gluing a strip from frame 14 aft. Leave a gap of 5mm between this strip and the previous row. Repeat on the port side of the hull.
Create a wedge-shaped length of strip to fit the space between the strips created in the previous step. Glue the wedge into the gap and repeat on the other side of the hull.
Add a third complete row of wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 8 to 10. Steps 11 to 15 of the instructions outline the process for completing the planking of the lower hull. This is just a guideline only and you may find your model varies slightly. Follow the process to complete the lower hull planking, the end of the strips will be cleaned up in a later stage. The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 33 Contents: Wooden Strips and Deck Halves.
Separate the two deck halves D8 from the fret and sand them smooth. Test fit the first deck half D8 onto the starboard side of frames 10 to 13, resting it on reinforcements 57, 61 and the lower deck walls 47. Check that the deck half fits flush with frames 10, 12 and 13 and that the inner edge is centred with the hull. Test fit the second deck half next to the first, making any adjustments so that the piece fits flush with the frames. Check that the deck halves fit flush against the deck forward of them then glue both halves into place. Paint the very edge of the decks black to match the lower deck walls. Take a pencil and mark the edges of frames 5 and 7 onto the planks below. Mark the rest of the frames in the same way, repeat the process on the other side of the hull. Retrieve the cannon carriage fret supplied with Stage 23. Separate the carriage components from the wooden fret and smooth their edges Paint the four pieces black (RAL 9004) and leave to dry. Glue the carriage right side to the cannon base then glue the crosspiece to the base and the cannon right side, positioning it 2mm from the front edge of the base. Glue the carriage left side to the other side of the base. Separate the wheels from the fret then smooth the edges, paint the wheels black (RAL 9004). Remove any flash or burrs from the cannon, apply a coat of metal primer and leave it to dry. Paint the barrel with a bronze colour (No RAL Code).
Retrieve decoration c24 supplied with Stage 26 and remove any casting flash or burrs. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed.
Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 34 Contents: Deck Halves, Beam, Quarterdeck Bulkhead Cross Beam and Quarterdeck Bulkhead Uprights.
Separate the two deck halves D9 from the fret and sand them smooth. Test fit the first deck half D9 onto the starboard side of frames 13-17, resting it on reinforcements 61 to 64. Test fit the second deck half next to the first, making any adjustments so that the piece fits flush with the frames. Check that the deck halves fit flush in the centre and against the deck forward of them, then glue both halves into place. Paint the edge of the decks black.
Test fit a quarterdeck bulkhead upright 69 into the slot in the starboard deck half D9, as shown in step 4 of the instructions. Glue into place at a right angle. Test fit and glue upright 70 into the slot in the deck half, next to upright 69 and at a right angle. Take an upright 68 and test fit it in the deck half, flush up against 69 then glue it into place, then test fit and glue one upright 71 into the starboard deck half, up against upright 70. Now test fit and glue one upright 72 into the slot in the deck half next to 71. Repeat these steps on the other side of the deck half D9 to fit quarterdeck bulkhead uprights 68 to 72. Take quarterdeck bulkhead crossbeam 67 and glue it to the slots in uprights 68. Align the notches in the underside of the beam 66 with the tops of the uprights 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72. Lower the beam into place, resting it on the knees of frame 17, then glue into place. The painting of the lower deck walls was carried out in Stages 20 – 23 of this build. If you have yet to paint these areas then complete the task as outlined in steps 12 and 13 of the instructions.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 35 Contents: Wooden Strips. Now start to plank the upper hull by adding two complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips. Follow the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 6 noting that the stagger points for the ends of the strips start to change when adding the second row onwards. Add another three complete rows of wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 7 to 16.
The five rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 36 Contents: Wooden Strips and Quarterdeck.
Remove the quarterdeck D10 from the fret and sand the edges smooth. Test fit in place on top of the beam 66, inserting the two aft tabs into the holes in 18b, checking that the quarterdeck is flush with the fames as shown in step 2 of the instructions. The quarterdeck has a curve to it, dip the piece in water to make the piece more malleable and easier to fit. Once the fit is correct glue the quarterdeck in place.
Continue to plank the upper hull by adding three complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips. Follow the instructions as set out in steps 3 to 14. The three rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 37 Contents: Wooden Strips and Die-Cast Detail. Continue to plank the upper hull by adding two complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 7. The strips around the bow should be higher than the bow deck 2b and will be trimmed back later. Add another two complete rows of wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 8 to 14. The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Take the die-cast detail, C63 and remove any burrs or casting flash. Once it is smooth apply a coat of metal primer.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 38 Contents: Wooden Strips, Upper Quarterdeck Halves, Quarterdeck Door Frames, Bulkheads and Side Walls.
Remove the parts from the fret and sand smooth. Then take one of the upper quarterdeck halves D11 and test fit on the beams of frames 18 to 20, engaging the slots at the side of the deck half with the frames. Test fit the other deck half with the port side of the frames. Check that the two halves of the deck are aligned and flush along the centre, then glue them into position.
Take a side wall 75a and glue it into the hole in the lower quarterdeck, up against the inside of the cut-out in the starboard deck half. Glue a side wall 75b to the hole in the quarterdeck on the opposite side of the cut-out. The sides of the two bulkheads 74 are not the same. Hold one in the correct orientation, as shown in step 6 of the instructions and glue it into the quarterdeck, aft of the side walls and up against the starboard upper quarterdeck. Take one of the door frames 73 and hold it in the correct orientations, then glue it to the front of the side walls ensuring it is the correct way around. Repeat these steps with parts 73, 74, 75a and 75b on the port side of the quarterdeck.
Add another complete row of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 10 to 13. The row of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 39 Contents: Wooden Strips and Die-Cast Detail.
Add another four complete rows of 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strips above those previously fitted, following the instructions as set out in steps 1 to 12 and observing the change in the stagger points between the ends of the strips.
The four rows of wooden strips added during this build stage are those shown above the row of red pins. The pins have been added to provide clarity. Now begin work on the main deck. Glue three lengths of wooden strip 0.5 x 4 x 300mm along the inner edges of the starboard deck halves, overlapping the opening in the deck. Mark the mast holes on the strips with a pencil. Glue another three lengths of wooden strip onto the port side deck halves, up against the central join and next to those from the previous step. Mark the mast holes on these strips as well.
Take the die-cast detail, C63 and remove any burrs or casting flash. Once smooth, apply a coat of metal primer.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 40 Contents: Wooden Strips, Poop Deck, Door Frames and Side Walls. Remove parts from the fret and smooth them with sandpaper. Test fit the poop deck D12 on top of frame 24, reinforcements 30 and 31 and uprights 28. Make any adjustments necessary to the fit and then glue into place. There is a slight curve to the poop deck, you may find it helpful to dip the piece in water first prior to fitting.
Take one of the side walls 77, place it between decks D11.and D12, glue it into the slots. Fit the second side wall in place on the other side of the decks in the same way as the first, then test fit and glue door frame 76 to the front of the two side walls. Glue door frame 78 onto the side walls, flush against the forward edge of the poop deck. Fix one side wall 79 to side wall 77 and the two decks, as shown in step 6 of the instructions, then fit the second side wall 79 on the opposite side. Now fit the two side walls 80 into the slots in the two decks. Continue work on the main deck, placing more wooden strips up against those from stage 39. As you place the strips, be sure to mark the holes onto them. Fit a strip either side of the openings in the decks, next to those from the previous step. The front end of the strip should end 40mm forward of the join between D8 and D7. Continue the rows forward with two more strips, one either side of the deck opening. Start new rows next to the previous ones. The forward edges should end 30mm aft of the join between strips in the previous row. Continue the rows forward with another strip on either side. Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 41 Contents: Wooden Strips, Stern Sculpture and Templates.
Mark the edges of the frames at the top of the rows of strips and repeat on the starboard side. Using a ruler, continue the lines down the sides of the hull and mark the frame numbers next to the frames. Now mark a line along the length of the hull from frame 2 to 20, in the join between strips 17 and 18 (counting from the top).
Remove the templates labelled Portside from the sheets and cut out the portholes from each template. Use masking tape to fix the port side templates to the port side of the hull, aligning the frames lines of both. The bottom edge should be flush with the line marked between rows 17 and 18. Mark the edges of the portholes onto the hull with a pencil. Now remove the three templates from the hull. There should now be outlines for all the port side portholes.
Remove the three starboard templates from the sheets and cut out the portholes. Then temporarily fix them to the starboard side of the hull, aligning the frame lines and the line between rows 17 and 18. As before, mark all the portholes onto the hull then remove the templates.
Glue a 2 x 5 x 300mm wooden strip on the port side of the hull from frame 2 to 10mm aft of frame 7, repeat on the starboard side. Glue another strip from 10mm forward of frame 12 aft to halfway across frame 19. Repeat on the starboard side. Complete the row with a strip from frame 19 aft to the forward edge of the transom wall, repeat on the other side of the hull.
Fit a new strip from 10mm forward of frame 12 aft to halfway across frame 18. Do the same on the starboard side. Complete the row with a strip from frame 18 aft to the forward edge of the transom wall. Repeat on the starboard side of the hull.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. You can view the official video build for this pack here..https://www.youtube.com/...pihCUITNN6t6G8Ul5yETfAu
Gandale attached the following image(s):
Ships Decorations Pack 4
The decorations contained in pack 4 have been painted following the instructions given for each stage. Remaining decorations are to be painted in pack 5 and will be shown at the end of the pack.
Store the painted decorations carefully in stage labelled bags until needed. Gandale attached the following image(s):
This completes Pack 4....
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