Vasa Pack 7 – Stages 66 - 77
Stage 66 Contents: Grating Strips and Decoration
Remove any flash or burrs from the decoration C45, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. Painted decoration for this build stage will be shown at the end of this pack.
Separate two G1 and two G4 pieces from the fret supplied with stage 65. Assemble the parts to create a frame in the same way as with previous frames. Take 12 grating strips and cut each strip to create an 8 notch and 6 notch pieces, then take a further 2 grating strips cutting each strip into two 6 notch pieces. Now create a frame with two of each of the grating pieces, ensuring the inner corners are set to 90 degrees. Glue in place a further four 8 notch pieces and six 6 notch pieces to complete the grating. Sand the grating until it fits inside the frame previously assembled from the frame fret, then glue the pieces together to create part GD. Follow the same process to create a second part GD.
Take the two GD gratings and all the GD, GC and GE grating assemblies from stages 63 and 65. Glue them together in the sequence shown in steps 11 to 13 of the instructions, ensuring the edges are aligned. Retrieve the prepared 2x2mm wooden strips from Stage 64 to create the grating frame. The ends of the strips should be cut to 45 degrees to fit flush together. Glue the strips to the edges of the grating.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store the assembly, place any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 67 Contents: Cannon, Carriage, Carriage Wheels, Axle, Cannon Handles and Decoration. Remove any flash or burrs from the decoration C46, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then store carefully until needed. The assembly of the cannon and carriage is the same as that outlined in Stage 2 so will not be repeated here. Assemble the cannon and carriage then store the parts until they are needed again.
This stage is now complete, carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 68 Contents: Decoration, Buckets, Bucket Handles and a Figure.
Remove any flash or burrs from the decoration parts C13 and C19, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decoration then glue the arm to the figure. Store the decoration carefully until needed. Remove any flash or burrs from the buckets and bucket handles, glue the handles in place then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the buckets then store carefully until needed. Retrieve the three parts of the figure and remove any flash or burrs from them. Using superglue, join the legs to the body then glue the arms to the body. This figure will now be referred to as C58. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry then follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the figure. Store the figure carefully until needed. This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 69 Contents: Wooden Strips, Forward Deck, Bow Reinforcements and Door Frames. Glue two rows of 0.5x4mm wooden strips along the deck on either side of those already there. The join between the strips should be 30mm forward of the join in the inner rows and the ends of the rows should be flush with the edges of the deck at the bow and stern. Glue another two rows to the deck next to those just fitted, ensuring you maintain the stagger points between strips. The front edge should finish as close to the forward edge of the deck as possible and the aft edge of the row should be flush with the stern bulwark. Smooth the ends of the strips along the front edge of the deck flush with the edge.
Remove parts 94 to 97 from the fret and smooth the edges of the parts. Test fit and glue reinforcement 94 into the hole in the centre of the bow deck, up against frame 2 and ensuring that the reinforcement is set at 90 degrees to frame 2. Test fit and glue the two reinforcements 95 into the next openings in the bow deck, inside parts 2b. Check that the rear ends of the two reinforcements are touching frame 2. Now test fit and glue the two reinforcements 96 into the two remaining slots in the bow deck, making sure the aft edges are glued to frame 2.
Apply glue to the tops of the reinforcements and then place the forward deck onto them. The notch at the rear of the deck should engage with the top of reinforcement 94. Make sure the forward deck is as flush as possible with the forward edge of the main deck. Remove any burrs or flash from door frames 125 and 140 supplied with this stage, then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Store the door frames until needed.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 70 Contents: Brown Thread, Cannon, Carriage, Wheels, Metal Rod, Eyebolts and Brackets.
Shape a 1x4mm wooden strip, supplied in stage 69, to fit from one side of the hull to the other, around the front and at the bottom of the reinforcements at the bow. Glue the strip in place. Shape another 1x4mm wooden strip to fit around the front edge of the forward deck. Glue it in place, flush with the top edge of the deck.
Shape another strip to fit around the bow, underneath the strip fitted in the previous step then glue it into place. Shape another strip to fit in the gap remaining and glue into place. Any remaining gap should be filled with an offcut of similar wooden strip. Now sand the strips fitted until you have a smooth and even surface.
Draw a line along the centre of the forward deck and glue a piece of 0.5x4mm wooden strip (supplied in stage 69), to the deck, up against the line. Then glue another piece of wooden strip on the other side of the line. Continue to apply 0.5x4mm wooden strips to the deck from the centre out to the edges. Trim the ends of the strips flush with the forward edge of the deck.
Separate the cannon carriage components from the fret, smooth the edges of all the parts and paint them black. The assembly of the carriage is the same as that outlined in Stage 9 so will not be repeated here. Remove any imperfections from the barrel of the cannon then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Paint the cannon with a bronze colour (No RAL Code). Store the cannon and the assembled carriage until needed again.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 71 Contents: Aft Gallery Roof and Decorations.
Continue covering the deck. Cut and shape a 0.5x4mm wooden strip to fit between frames 15 and 17 on the starboard side of the model, glue the piece into place. Now repeat on the port side of the deck.
Glue two strips on each side of the deck, from the bow aft to frame 15. At the bow and aft, the strips will have to be shaped to fit the curve of the walls and make sure that the join of the strips amidships adheres to the same stagger pattern. Now prepare a length of strip to fit between frames 15 and 14 on the starboard side. Glue the strip up against the wall then repeat on the port side. Fix two more strips on each side of the deck, shaping the ends of the strips to fit the walls at the bow and aft and following the same stagger pattern between the joins. Now shape three pieces of strip to fit forward of frame 4, between frames 12 and 13 and aft of frame 13, repeat on the other side of the deck. Apply two more strips on each side of the deck, shaping to fit the curves of the walls and following the same stagger pattern. Prepare two pieces of strip to fill the gaps between frames 4 and 5 and between frames 10 and 12. Repeat on the other side of the model.
Place a strip on the deck between frames 5 and 10, mark the edges of frames 7,8 and 9 on the strip then cut out sections where the strip will fit around the frames. Glue the strip onto the deck then repeat on the other side of the deck. Now prepare more pieces of strip to fill any remaining gaps between the frames on both sides of the hull. Now retrieve the domed roof and decorations (C64, C64a, C64l, C64f and C64m), received with this stage. Remove any flash or burrs then apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Keep the pieces in a bag labelled with this stage number until they are needed again.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 72 Contents: Wooden Strips and Decorations
Retrieve the domed roof and decorations (C64, C64a, C64l, C64f and C64m) from stage 71. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations. When dry, carefully store the decorations in a bag labelled with this stage number until they are needed again.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 73 Contents: Gallery Roof and Decorations.
Draw a line down the centre of the quarterdeck. Cut two lengths of 0.5x4mm wooden strip and glue them either side of the line just drawn. Now prepare four more pieces of wooden strip and place them, two on each side, next to the previous two. Before gluing them, shape the ends of the strips to fit around the door frames.
Prepare two more pieces of wooden strip, shape them to fit around the door frames and then glue them into place. Prepare and glue another two strips on either side, shaping them as necessary. Continue to apply strips to the quarterdeck to complete the planking of the quarterdeck to the edge. The strips furthest from the centre will need shaping to fit around the frames and curve of the walls.
Start planking the upper quarterdeck, starting with a strip along the join in the centre. Mark the mast hole onto this strip, then place a strip on the other side of the join, marking the other half of the mast hole. Glue another strip on either side of the first two. Now prepare two more lengths of wooden strip to fit next to the others, shaped to fit around the door frames then glue into place. Now prepare and glue four more strips on either side of the last ones and glue into place. Continue to plank the upper quarterdeck then fill the remaining spaces against the walls with more strips to complete the planking. This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 74 Contents: Wooden Strips, Gallery Roof and Decorations.
Draw a line along the centre of the poop deck. Cut two lengths of 0.5x4mm wooden strip to size and glue against the line, one on either side. Continue to cover the deck with wooden strips until you reach the side walls. Shape strips to fit around the frame uprights and the angle of the walls then glue into place.
Cut the forward edges of the strips in line with the forward edge of the poop deck. Now trim the ends of the strips of the upper quarterdeck in line with the forward edge of the deck then do the same with the quarterdeck.
Tip: I chose to sand the inner bulwarks between the frames, taking care not to damage the main decking. This was to ensure there was a smooth surface to glue the linings against.
Cut four lengths of 0.5x5mm wooden strip to fit between frames 2 and 4 then glue them into place. Glue another length of strip above the others and when the glue has dried, cut away the excess in line with the top of the wall. Cut more lengths of wooden strip to fit between frames 4 and 5, and 5 and 7. When dry, trip them in line with the top of the wall.
Glue four pieces of strip to the space between frames 7 and 8, then trim them to match the edge and top of the wall. Now place pieces of strip between frame 8 and 9, and 9 and 10 then trim the strips in line with the top of the wall. Apply four pieces of strip to the inside wall between frames 10 and 12, then trim the strips when dry so that they match the profile of the wall.
Cover the wall between frames 12 and 13 with another four pieces of strip then trim the strips in line with the wall.
This stage is now complete. Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 75 Contents: Gallery Roof and Decorations.
You will now be continuing on from the previous stage, planking the inside of the wall. Cut five pieces of 0.5x5mm wooden strip to size and glue them between frames 13 and 14. When dry, trim the strips so that they align with the edge of the wall. Now fill in the space between frames 14 and 15 with six pieces of strip then trim the edges when dry. Glue seven pieces of strip onto the wall between frames 15 and 16, cut away the excess so that the strips match the edge of the wall. Continue aft, shaping strips to fit between frames 17 and 18, shaping around the deck. Apply four strips between frames 18 and 19, cutting away the excess when dry then cover the wall between frames 19 and 20 with four strips and again cut the top of the strips flush with the top edge of the wall. Now glue some more strips between frames 20 and 24, again cut them flush with the edge of the wall. Complete the starboard wall by gluing two more strips from frame 24 aft. Cut the strips to match the edge of the wall when the glue has dried.
Start planking the port wall. Fit strips between the frames from frame 2 to 9, following the same process as on the starboard side. Continue to cover the port wall aft from frame 9 to 15, then fit strips from frame 15 aft to the transom.
Shape two pieces of strip to fit between the walls at the transom, matching the curve and angles. Glue them into place and when dry cut the top to match the edge.
Remove any burrs of flash from decorations C67, C67a, C67b, C67d, C67e and C67f supplied with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer to them and leave to dry. Store the decorations carefully in a bag labelled with this stage number.
This stage is now complete. Store any unused parts in stage labelled bags. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 76 Contents: Decorations. Remove any burrs of flash from decorations C38, C40, C41 and C42 supplied with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint the decorations. When dry, carefully store the decorations in a bag labelled with this stage number until they are needed again.
This stage is now complete. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Stage 77 Contents: Decorations. Remove any burrs of flash from decorations C13, C16, C24, C37a, C37b, C43 and C44 supplied with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer and leave to dry. Follow the painting guide provided within the instructions to paint and assemble the decorations. When dry, carefully store the decorations in a bag labelled with this stage number until they are needed again. This stage is now complete. Gandale attached the following image(s):
Ships Decorations Pack 7 The decorations contained in pack 7 have been painted following the instructions given for each stage noted in pack 7. Store the painted decorations carefully in stage labelled bags until needed. Gandale attached the following image(s):
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