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My project for the new year... One of the low drag E Types from the early '60's in 1/8 scale. As usual, full detail - opening front and doors. I love the shape. This one will need virtually the entire body scratch building. I doubt I'll be able to use any of the big Revell kit on this one so it really will be a full scratch build. I'm tempted by either the Protheroe or the Lindner car at the moment (green or blue one)... Roy. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Joined: 08/03/2014 Posts: 2,977 Points: 8,523 Location: united kingdom
Oooh I'm drooling already Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Joined: 19/06/2013 Posts: 4,588 Points: 13,553 Location: West Yorkshire
I can see another stunner on the way look forward to seeing her take shape Roy. Al
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
shall be watching your progress roy, just a question, where do you start on something like this.
Looks good to me Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Count me in to follow. Mark
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Thanks for the interest chaps. Steve - to begin I'll need to get a complete body 3D printed. Much easier these days - it used to be carve stuff from wood or make complex 'bucks' from thick card section as I did with my Aston DBR1 (pics below) As 3D printed parts tend to be quite 'thick' and difficult to work with, I'll clean it up and get another shell vac formed in 1mm plastic. That one will be chopped about to build the car body. All the chassis, frames, interior, engine etc will then be scratch built. I'll keep the 3D printed shell as a 'master' for any future models. I'm aiming to start around the end of Jan although I'm currently collecting reference as well as making some basic parts I'll need later such as much wider Dunlop wheels for the back, and tyres to suit. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Thanks for the info Roy. Will be watching this build with interest.
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Joined: 08/03/2014 Posts: 2,977 Points: 8,523 Location: united kingdom
Hi Roy if I was able to get plans for one, if I did what you did with the Aston is cardboard then sprayed it with that expanding foam they use for filling holes in walls which I could then shave to make the outside shape of a car could I then fibre glass it to make a mould for the Body. I would love to build a 1/6 Ford corsair (My favourite car well ahead of its time) I would love to put my 427 engine in it. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,555 Points: 13,825 Location: ipswich
Hello Ken.
...Yes, I know it seems like a big lot of aggro with card shapes and filler, but that's exactly how I used to make my scratch build models. Now, we have 3D printing which gives me a rough 'master' to work with far less aggro.
If you want to build a model of almost anything, you can get a 3D shell printed you can either work with, or use as a master to vac-form with. Yes, it's blinkin' expensive at present but at least you get to build a 'one-off'.
Model making is changing as we used to know it. Go with it if you want to make something different, that you can't get anywhere else...
This is a very interesting project , Roy. The 3D printed body shell that you refer to.. do you create the 3D model in a CAD package and then sub-contract to a printer? May I ask what package you use? Looking forward to seing the progress. Malc.
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A friend of mine has a contact at a 3D design company and he can get the 3D files for me and then print them. I have to pay for materials and the time it takes. A bit cheaper than say, Shapeways, but still quite a lump. My Lister shell was £400 a few years ago.
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