Rank: Amateur level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/01/2017 Posts: 49 Points: 156 Location: Tewkesbury
Hi. Seeing a few people with issues trying to get R2 to operate, is there or will there be an online resource for people with problem R2’s apart from the likes of the R2 Facebook Groups?
Would be nice if there was a checklist that people could go through
•Check Batteries •Check all leads/wires are in correctly & a good connection made •Have you initiated the battery pack? •Does R2 perform self checks, R2 moves a little, then rotates head right, then rotates head left •Are the R2 status lights showing correctly
Those are just some examples, but something Official would make 1st time builders have a plan of action if things don’t work right when initially powered up.
Hopefully we won’t see too many faulty units, looking forward to finishing mine when the subscriber issues come through
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Over time the forum will be that resource as it is for all of the product on sale.
Rank: Amateur level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/01/2017 Posts: 49 Points: 156 Location: Tewkesbury
Thank you for starting the pinned troubleshooting thread 👍
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