Rank: Semi-Pro Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/02/2017 Posts: 77 Points: 230 Location: Liverpool UK
Hi I'm new to the forum and I wondered whether anyone else has had my problem with issue 4. I have put the metal disc in place and rotated the bayonet fitting until it can go no further (against the plastic stops). As with other people it was quite tight to get the last bit of turn on it. However The disc wobbles. It's as though the disc diameter is slightly too small for the hole so although it's tight on rotation it can be moved up and down a little within the hole. I've tried putting the bayonet fitting in at half a turn different and rotated it against the stops but it does the same thing. I have a friend who is also doing the build and his connection is tight. Thanks for your thoughts on this! Happy modelling
Rank: Beginner Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 07/01/2017 Posts: 18 Points: 57 Location: Edinburgh
Mine wobbles a bit too; it's no biggie. I am planning on gluing it in place at a later stage, if it not required to move. Too early to tell how it will fit until the rest of the leg is in place.
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/02/2017 Posts: 77 Points: 230 Location: Liverpool UK
Some people seem to hqve left it fully turned with a wobble and others have left it slightly short of full rotation. I've backed mine off a bit as it's tight then (and glue and me don't see eye to eye!). Happy modelling
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Joined: 20/04/2012 Posts: 1,787 Points: 5,292 Location: Thurso
This part should not be glued as it is designed to be removable to access the leg pivot in the future. Graeme
Rank: Beginner Level 3 Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/06/2017 Posts: 26 Points: 71 Location: Texas
There's no point installing that part at this stage of the build .
I would advise this part is best fitted after the main legs are fixed to the body as it will need to be removed anyway to fix the legs in place. Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Rank: Beginner Level 2 Groups: Registered
Joined: 03/08/2014 Posts: 7 Points: 33 Location: uk
Yes it does wobble a bit. It causes no ill effects though. If it worries you on completion try a small piece of blu tac or something similar. Do not glue it. The leg screws will need tightening sooner rather than later.
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/08/2017 Posts: 73 Points: 243 Location: Missouri, USA
Despite what instructions say, do not install this piece at this time. It must be removed before you can attach the legs. I'm waiting for the tightening tool to arrive so I can remove the one I installed as mine is too tight to turn by hand after the leg is assembled.