Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/11/2016 Posts: 60 Points: 179 Location: Rochford, UK
Hi all and Marry Xmas one and all :) I have just tried to place an order for 2 back issues of R2D2 from the De Agoni On-Line Shop, same way as I have done previously, but the service seems to be off line ? When I try to login it says "Service Currently Unavailable" ? If I try to place the order as a guest it won't go past the first page ? It has been like that all week ? Does anyone know what is wrong ? Built..... - Aston Martin DB5 and McLaren MP4-23 Built..... - Millennium Falcon Built..... - R2-D2 Built..... - Thunderbird 2 + Pod 2 + Take-off Ramp Building.. - Ford GT40
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
This is being investigated
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/11/2016 Posts: 60 Points: 179 Location: Rochford, UK
Hi, Well the login link is now working again, but it still won't let me login ? Also if I try to order as guest it still won't move past the first page and if I try to register again or request forgotten password, it says something like "cannot contact central system" ? Built..... - Aston Martin DB5 and McLaren MP4-23 Built..... - Millennium Falcon Built..... - R2-D2 Built..... - Thunderbird 2 + Pod 2 + Take-off Ramp Building.. - Ford GT40
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Have passed this back though they are still on with trying to fix the system problem
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/11/2016 Posts: 60 Points: 179 Location: Rochford, UK
Hi, well I think I have managed to place an order, but I had to do it as a Guest again as it still would not log me in or let me select "Forgotten Password" Also I have not received any confirmation email for the payment or order ? Is it possible to check that my orders are now in the system and how long should it take to receive the back issues as I haven't received the ones I ordered back at the beginning of December yet ? Built..... - Aston Martin DB5 and McLaren MP4-23 Built..... - Millennium Falcon Built..... - R2-D2 Built..... - Thunderbird 2 + Pod 2 + Take-off Ramp Building.. - Ford GT40
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
You’ll need to phone c/s.
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/11/2016 Posts: 60 Points: 179 Location: Rochford, UK
I could not get through on the phone so I sent them an email. However, it is now 2 weeks later and I have not had a reply to that email and when I phoned just now the person I spoke to ended the call before taking my details ? Are there any issues with the CS phone system at present ? Built..... - Aston Martin DB5 and McLaren MP4-23 Built..... - Millennium Falcon Built..... - R2-D2 Built..... - Thunderbird 2 + Pod 2 + Take-off Ramp Building.. - Ford GT40
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Rank: Semi-Pro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/11/2016 Posts: 60 Points: 179 Location: Rochford, UK
Nope it appears to be an issue my end as several calls I have tried to make this morning have cut off half way through. I might have to wait until I get home from work, what time do they close ? >>> UPDATE <<< OK I managed to get through using the fax line at work and CS were able to confirm that both orders have been received OK and one has already been dispatched and the second is due to go out today :) So hopefully not long to wait now, it would save a lot of worry if the system sent out confirmation emails once the orders are placed, it does ask for an email address but does not seem to use it ? Regards, Dave. Built..... - Aston Martin DB5 and McLaren MP4-23 Built..... - Millennium Falcon Built..... - R2-D2 Built..... - Thunderbird 2 + Pod 2 + Take-off Ramp Building.. - Ford GT40