Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Really sweet kit, this one. Look forward to seeing it come together.
Love everything about this build, a truly impressive kit.... Regards Alan
Thanks for looking in and your comments both , more soon Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 51
Stage 51 Contents: Outer Row Footboard Strips, Connecting Cable ‘K1’, Fixing Screws, Strip End Clips and Second Row Footboard Strips.
Take the second row of rubber footboard strips, they are marked with ‘C’ and 3, ‘D’ and 4 on the back. Detach them from their moulding sprue and remove any moulding marks with fine sandpaper if necessary. Remove the backing paper from the self adhesive tape on the back of the strip, marked ‘C’ and ‘D’ on the back. Carefully lay the strip down in the channelmarked ‘C’ and‘D’ making sure it is even and straight, then press it to stick it in place.
Now locate the two end clips marked with a ‘C’ and ‘D’ and remove them from their sprues. Match up the letters to the ones on the footboard and fit them in place using the silver fixing screws, trapping the end of the rubber in the process.
Remove the backing paper off the strip marked ‘3’ and ‘4’, then stick the strip in the channel marked ‘3’ and ‘4’. Take the clips marked ‘3’ and ‘4’, screw them to the footboard to fix the ends of the strip in the same way as the first one.
Continue with the outer row of footboard strips marked ‘1’ and ‘E’, ‘2’ and ‘F’ on the back. Fit these in the same way as you did with the previous strips, also screwing the end clips in place.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 52
Stage 52 Contents: Microswitch & Wiring, Cable Clamps, Fixing Screws, Rear Brake Pedal, Rear Brake Pedal Spindle, Rear Brake Pedal Return Spring and Footboard Centre Tunnel.
Take the microswitch and fit it into the moulding underneath the front of the centre tunnel, press it into the housing with the switch button projecting towards the hole in the side of the centre tunnel. Now take the rear brake pedal spindle, which has a 'D' shaped flat on one end and a roughly triangular cam sticking out of the side near the other end, then fit the end with the flat through the hole in the side of the centre tunnel. Lay the shaft of the spindle in the three curved rests moulded in the centre tunnel and turn the cam so that it contacts the switch button, then take the clamp that has a small projection on one side and fit it over the spindle.Press the clamp firmly into place and secure in place with two fixing screws.
Look at the outside of the centre tunnel and identify the hole next to the spindle. Take the pedal return spring, which has one longer end of the running straight from one end. Fit the end of the wire into the hole just identified, fitting the spring all the way onto the spindle.
Take the brake pedal, there is a long slot next to the hole which fits onto the projecting end of the return spring. Engaging the spring will leave the pedal in an unnatural position, so rotate it gently clockwise, tensioning the spring as you do so. Holding it in place, fix the centre of the pedal to the spindle with one of the screws supplied.
Test the operation by pressing the pedal down and checking that it returns to the original position.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 53
Stage 53 Contents: Centre tunnel Outer Strips, Fixing Screws, Strip End Clips and Third Row Footboard Strips.
The third row of rubber footboard strips are marked with ‘5’ and ‘6’, and ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the back. Detach them from their moulding sprue and remove any moulding marks with fine sandpaper if necessary.
Take the backing off strip ‘5’ and ‘6’ and position it in the channel on the right of the footboard, then press the strip into position. Separate the end clips from the sprues and screw them over the ends of the strip as you did in stage 51.
Take the strip ‘A’ and ‘B’ and remove its backing, stick the strip into the channel then fit the end clips as before. Keep the remaining strips, end clips and fixing screws for use lateron in the build.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 54
Stage 54 Contents: Leg shield Centre Cover, Spare Wheel Bracket and Fixing Screws.
Take the connecting cables ‘E’ and ‘K1’ from stages 45 and 51 then plug one end of each into the connection board you fitted in Stage 50.
Now take the three flanged screws from stage 29, these are used to secure the fork mounting plate. Tighten the three flanged screws to fix the fork mounting plate to the back of the legshield, then take the fork cover and horn assembly you assembled in stage 37. The wire from the horn has a plug on the end labelled ‘C’, fit the plug through the rectangular hole at the bottom of the leg shield, going from the front to the back. Take it up the back of the leg shield until it reaches the connection board, now plug it into the socket labelled ‘C’.
Take the handlebar assembly and lay the assembly on the inside of the leg shield, take the wire with the plug labelled ‘B’ passing it through the same hole as plug ‘C’, but this time going from the back of the leg shield to the front and plugging the end of the lead into socket ‘B’ on the back of the horn circuit board.
Now fit the fork cover back against the leg shield, making sure that the mounting posts go into the holes, press it into place.Leaving the handlebar assembly resting on the leg shield and making sure it doesn’t fall off, raise the front of the leg shield so you can access the rectangular hole behind the horn,through which you fedwires ‘B’ and ‘C’. Take the fork assembly and carefully feed the end of the fork through the hole.
Place the base of the leg shield down on the work surface and lay the front wheel on its side with the crest facing away from the shield. Now take the shortest cable leading from the handlebar assembly, which if the front brake cable. Pass the front brake cable through the hole in the leg shield and down beside the mudguard, then feed it through the hole in the top of the mudguard in front of the fork, making sure it runs down the right side of the wheel between the fork and the shock absorber.
Feed the surplus cable down beside the wheel, then carefully take the handlebar assembly and fit it onto the top of the fork, making sure that all the cables and wires are in front of the fork and trapped between the parts. Press the handlebar assembly onto the fork, keeping the wires and cables out of the way, until you can see the threaded portion at the top of the fork. Take the nut provided in stage 4 and tighten it onto the thread using the T bar spanner.
Take the two fork retaining clamps and screws provided in stage 29. Raise the fork into position behind the leg shield and fit it into the curved cradles on the back of the fork mounting plate, tucking the wires and cables into the space between the fork and the mounting plate so the fit neatly out of the way.
The two retaining plates are used to hold the fork against the mounting plate.
Start with the upper one, noting which way up it goes and noting that the two circular collars around the shaft of the fork fit between the cradles on the back of the fork. Fix the retaining plate with two screws then fit the lowerretaining plate in a similar way. Now take the upper handlebar cover, which has a lead with a plug labelled ‘A’ running from it. Plug the end of the cable into the socket in the lower handlebar cover, then bring the two halves of the handlebar cover together so they fit flush all round. Take the screws and screw covers provided in stage 1, screw the two halves to the handlebar cover together tightening both screws fully.
Then remove the screw covers from their moulding sprue and press them into the holes to conceal the fixings.
Now take the headlight assembly and align it with the opening in the front of the handlebar covers. The headlight has a bayonet type fixing, line up the projections and give the headlight a clockwise twist to lock it in position.
Take the centre stand and all its fixings from stages 47 and 49. Fit the stand into the supports under the footboard, noting which way round it goes.
The stand is held in place by the two brackets, which fit over the main bar, through the 'D'shaped loops, notice the brackets are different shapes, each bracket fits into a recess. Place the brackets in place and line up the two mounting holes, then insert the bolts from the top of the footboard so they protrude through the brackets on the underside.
With the four bolts in place, start by fixing the two bolts which are protruding through the forward sides of the brackets, using the nuts supplied. Tighten the nuts to hold the brackets and stand in place, then take the two stand return springs, which need to be hooked around the stand and the other two bolts. Hook the end of the spring round the leg of the stand then fit the loop over the thread of the bolt. Screw a nut onto the projecting thread and tighten it to secure both the spring and the bracket, then repeat the process to fit the other spring.
Test that the stand pivots freely, tensioning the springs so that the pull it back underneath the footboard when you release it.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 55
Stage 55 Contents: Spare Tyre and Centre Tunnel Middle Strip.
Install two AAA batteries in the battery box inside the tank. They fit in opposite direction with the negative terminal facing the spring.
Take the rear body assembly, footboard centre tunnel, the remaining footboard strips and clips from stage 53 together with the new centre strip supplied with this stage.
Note I found it easyer to fit all the strips to the tunnel first then attach it to the rear body.
Fit the centre tunnel back against the rear body assembly then fit a block of wood or similar under the rear body to keep the parts level. Take the centre tunnel footboard strip, which is the longest of the three and marked ‘J’ on the back. With the letter ‘J’ towards the front, match up the locating pins on the back with the holes in the central channel and press the strip into position. Now take the end clip ‘J’ off the sprue and fit it over the front of the strip and screw the clip into place. Take clip ‘I’ off its sprue and screw into place to complete the centre strip.
Now take the strip marked ‘K’ and ‘L’ off the sprue and fit it into the right hand channel in the centre tunnel, matching up the letters at the ends then secure clips ‘K’ and ‘L’ as before. Take the final strip, which is labelled ‘G’ and ‘H’ and fix to the left hand channel then secure the ends with clips ‘G’ and ‘H’.
It is advisable to continue supporting the assembly on a block until you bring it together with all the sub-assemblies.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Another great looking update.... Regards Alan
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2013 Posts: 4,588 Points: 13,553 Location: West Yorkshire
This is coming together really well it looks like a really well thought out kit. Al
Thanks for looking in and your comments guys Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 56
Stage 56 Contents: Fixing Bolts & Nuts and Spare Wheel.
Take the spare tyre supplied with stage 55 and fit it to the wheel rim as you did with the front and rearwheel. Next use the remaining tyre valve supplied with stage 27 and fit it to the wheel rim as you did before in stages 27 and 29.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 57
Stage 57 Contents: Leg shield Edge Trims, Fuel Tank Top Clip, Engine Cover Bracket, Gear Cables, Brake Return Springs, Rear Brake Cable Clamp Screws, Air Cleaner Fixing Flange & Screws, Cable Clip, Rear Brake Cable Adjuster & Nut, Rear Wheel Nut, Exhaust Fixing Bolt, Rear Wheel ‘R’ Clip, Spanner, Swingarm Pivot Bolts, Flanged Screws. Rear Brake Cable, Screw on Clutch Cable Nipple, Fixing Screws and Small Fixing Screws.
Take the engine assembly from stage 18 and locate the small clip shown in step 2 of the instructions, then take the black spark plug lead and fit it under the clip. Then follow steps 5 to 19 of the instructions to correctly fit the two gear cables.
Retrieve the body assembly from stage 55, take the two wires coming from the engine, which have plugs marked ‘M’ and ‘R’. Fit both plugs up through the hole in the underside of the fuel tank so they can be connected to the motherboard. Then fit the crosspiece of the swingarm into the rear body shell as shown in step 19 of the instructions, making sure you support the weight of the assembly. Continuing to support the weight of the engine, insert the pivot bolts into both sides of the swingarm crosspiece and do them up finger tight. Take the spanner and tighten the bolts remembering that the swingarm must have just enough play to pivot freely up and down.
Now take the shock absorber mounting bolt and nut and insert the bolt through the mounting and the fixing eye in the shock absorber. Fit the nut onto the end of the bolt and tighten it with the T bar spanner.
Turn the assembly over, locate the ‘M’ and ‘R’ plugs on the wires coming from the engine, which you fed up into the tank, then plug them into the corresponding ‘M’ and ‘R’ sockets on the motherboard. Take the cable clip and fit in position as shown in Step 39 to 41 of the instructions.
Now fit the air cleaner fixing flange into the holes in the side of the body and secure in place with two screws, the different sizes of holes mean it only fits one way round. Take the engine cover bracket and two screws, insert the screws into the bracket first, then screw it to the side of the body shell behind the cable clip.
Now take the silencer and its fixing bolt, line it up with the engine so the end of the exhaust pipe is over the exhaust port and the bracket is over the hole in the swingarm. Fit the bolt through the bracket and tighten it into the hole in the swingarm. Follow steps 55 to 64 of the instructions and fit the throttle cable, air cleaner and air cleaner vent pipe. Finally, fit the outer sheaths back onto the tow gear cables and pull them through as far as they will go.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 58
Stage 58 Contents: Battery Compartment Door, Battery Support Bracket, Battery Strap, Battery Retaining Springs, Front Brake Cable Clamp Screw, Battery, Flanged Screws, Battery Top Bracket, Compartment Hing Spacer, Spring Retaining Look, Key, Spring Retaining Hook and Fixing Screw.
Take the rear brake cable adjuster and nut, the rear brake cable, the two silver set screws and the return springs from stage 57. Closely follow steps 1 to 25 of the build instructions to fit and adjust the rear brake cable. Now follow steps 26 to 45 of the instructions to fit the battery and battery retaining strap to the body shell.Bring the two large sub assemblies together, placing both of them on their left side and laying all the electric wires out straight. Fit the centre tunnel loosely over the footboard and start by fitting plug ‘D’ in the last socket on the connection board. Then take the two cables ‘E’ and ‘K1’ from the handlebars and feed them over the swingarm gently pulling them towards the rear. Feed both wires up through the hole in the tank and plug ‘E’ and ‘K1’ into the corresponding sockets on the motherboard.
Take the clutch cable from the handlebars and lead it to the rear, tucking it under the corner of the central connection board to keep it in place as you fit the centre tunnel to the footboard. Make sure you have the four smaller fixing screws and five longer ones from stage 57 to hand. Closely follow steps 54 to 56 to secure the bodywork together.
Now follow steps 58 to 70 of the instructions to connect up the front brake and clutch cables.
Next, follow steps 71 to 81 of the instructions and fit the leg shield centre cover, the steering tunnel cover and the spare wheel bracket.
Now follow steps 82 to 92 of the instructions to fit the rear wheel.
Install the top of the fuel tank by pressing the eight locating pins into the corresponding holes so it sits flush. Now follow steps 96 to 109 of the instructions to fit the seat. This completes the main assembly and the electronics are now ready for testing.
Follow steps 110 to 126 of the instructions to fit the batteries to the remote control and to test the electronics.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 59
Stage 59 Contents: Left Rear Cover.
Take the rear compartment door and key from Stage 58 and carefully insert the key into the lock. Align the door with the left side cover and with the lock at the top, fit the hinge on the bottom of the door through the opening in the cover.
Turn the assembly over and make sure the three holes in the hinge are fitted over the three mounting bosses in the cover. Temporarily rotate the catch upwards and using the three flanged screws from stage 58, screw the hinge to the side cover.
Fit the side cover to the left side of the Vespa, match up the long rubber tipped pins with the four holes in the side of the rear body. Apply even pressure to seat the cover flush with the body.
Take the nuts and bolts supplied in stage 56 and fit the bolts through the spare wheel bracket, from behind. Holding the bolts in place, fit two of the holes in the spare wheel over them noting that the dished side of the wheel faces outwards. Fit the two nuts and tighten to secure the wheel.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Stage 60
Stage 60 Contents: Engine Cover and Front Luggage Rack Support.
Check the engine cover catch located between the engine and rear corner of the fight hand footboard, make sure that it is folded forwards and down. Take the engine cover and locate its three fixing points. There is a wire hook at the top which fits behind the bracket on the body, above the engine, this must be fitted first. Then there are two rubber tipped pins at the bottom, which fits into holes in the body. Hook the top fixing into place, then rock the bottom of the engine cover towards the body so you can press the pins into place at the front and rear, making sure the cover is flush all round.
Swing the catch on the body back and up to engage the bracket on the front bottom corner of the cover, locking it in place.
Take the two long and two short leg shield edge trims supplied in stage 57 and slot one short edge trim over the edge of the leg shield, starting from its lowest point, where the outer footboard strip ends. Now take one of the long strips and start fitting it from the point where the short one finished, it should finish in the centre of the leg shield, just under the headlight. Take the remaining long strip and continue fitting from where the second one ended, then follow on with the final edging strip.
This stage finishes the basic build of the Vespa but there are several more accessories to add and customise you build. You can add them all or just one or two its your choice.
This stage is now complete.
Carefully store any unused parts in a stage labelled bag.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
That has come together very nice, what a fantastic kit. Love the features. Mark
Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Seems to have gone together with no problems Great Build Andy, and another kit well put together Regards Gray
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/06/2013 Posts: 4,588 Points: 13,553 Location: West Yorkshire
Great job Andy this looks a superb kit. Al
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
The accessories will be the icing on the cake, looks great
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