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steele's 2019 build Options
#1 Posted : 28 February 2019 02:56:08

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Hi everybody, I just signed up a few days ago, after taking advantage of the "sweetheart deal" this month---just got my first shipment today. I'm doing the double-pack/12 month version.

Quick history---I mainly do planes, trains, and ships, and now Star Wars, after realizing years ago that "glossy finishes" were clearly not my thing. I'd seen Eaglemoss' DeLorean heavily advertised recently, but don't think I'd ever encountered a partswork model before that. A bunch of Youtube "suggestions" and googling later---I found a Countach was available from DeAgostini/Model-Space---my absolute all-time fave car, which I'd tried to make Testor's kit many years ago (and was probably also the last time I attempted to paint anything gloss red). And not just any Countach, but the red "Rallye Racing" Walter Wolf one, which is as cool as Countaches get.

Anyways---may not actually get anything "built" tonight, really just doing inventory (2 packs, 7 stages), clearing out a bigger workspace (I knew it'd be huge, but nothing prepares you for just how heavy those wheel-castings are!), etc.

I don't think I've seen Stage 2 photographed in-package before, so I took a quick one---just used my phone, to see how it turns out---if needed, I'll switch to my actual camera for future posts, but if this is ok, I'll just stay with the convenience of using my phone and emailing the pics to myself.

I plan to do a few little upgrades/mods, gathered from all the other builds here---I think I've read them all by now, in preparation. I've seen at least 2 people add the battery cable to the alternator---would appreciate if anyone could point me to the parts used to make the actual connection to the alternator---that's about the only mod I plan that I don't know how to do just yet.

Other plans: "Future" all the foglight/headlight lenses. Bare-metal-foil the light housings when possible. Detail painting any bolt/bracket that needs it. Swap out headlight LED's to more of a "golden white" if possible (they seem rather 'yellow' in many pics, but LED's never show up on camera as their true color--will see when they arrive)

I also plan to at least wax the body panels, and maybe polish them first as well. (should't need to clay them!)

steele attached the following image(s):
#2 Posted : 28 February 2019 03:03:02

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Doing inventory, discovered a missing piece, but am hoping it won't be an issue:

Stage 4, the "A" (short) bolts----one is missing. Inner bag still sealed, and from the way the missing bolt's sprue-gate is smooth and chromed---it came off BEFORE the sprue was chrome-plated. (and I found another build-diary missing the same bolt in the exact same location)

These sprues appear identical to those in Stage 3---and Stage 3 only needs 14/16 of its own A-bolts, with the other 2/16 holes using B bolts. So using 1 of the 'spare' bolts from stage 3, for stage 4, should work out and still leave me with one spare A-bolt. Can anyone confirm if they are absolutely identical, and that the numbers will work out? (I.E, there's no later stages that require any other A-bolts).

steele attached the following image(s):
#3 Posted : 28 February 2019 07:13:14

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Your doing a great build with this car and it will be big and heavy when finished.

You should be ok with the bolts .

For polish I would use a model wax such as Tamiya do and dont go near anything for real cars as they will damage the paint on your model.
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#4 Posted : 28 February 2019 08:46:04

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Great start, I can hear your passion coming through. Looking forward to seeing this come together.ThumpUp

#5 Posted : 28 February 2019 09:28:46

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Great to hear you have your first package, you're going to love this one from start to finish.... Pics look good and I look forward to seeing your progress....Cool Cool


#6 Posted : 28 February 2019 09:47:04

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BigGrin Ooow a new Countach build! This should be good Drool

Good luck with your build, i'm sure you're going to enjoy it Love

#7 Posted : 28 February 2019 15:36:46

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I have novus plastic polish among my modeling supplies---is that ok for the body panels? Or should I purely use Tamiya's wax for this build?
#8 Posted : 28 February 2019 20:17:04

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BigGrin I have only used Tamiya's model wax and can vouch for its results as I also used it on my Countach. I cant comment on the Novus stuff as I have never used it.Cool
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#9 Posted : 28 February 2019 20:48:20

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So just using Tamiya wax "right on the parts as-is with no other prep", will noticeably increase the smoothness/shine?
#10 Posted : 28 February 2019 21:04:13

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Its a superb kit.I wouldnt use NOVUS on it though, just the Tamiya wax.NOVUS is a bit too harsh for the surface I think. there are some tiny imperfections in the paint coat on mine that I worried I would end up polishing off the paint off so I just used was and got a really nice shine.


#11 Posted : 01 March 2019 04:01:55

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Did my first actual bit of work on it tonight, coated the fog light lenses in Future. (Yes, it's skipping a few stages ahead, but I want the finish to be cured rock-hard when it's time to press them in place). Took some before pictures, will post them along with some after pictures once they're dry enough to handle.
#12 Posted : 03 March 2019 05:31:32

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I'm going a little bit out of order---I want the foglight lenses to be VERY hard-cured after being coated in Future, as they are a press-fit, so I did them as the very first thing to allow lots of time to dry before I actually get to stage 4, and I'm spending some time polishing/painting flaws in the spoiler (Testors Guards red is a very close match, and am using that for now, but have the proper Mr Color #68 on the way).

(I think the spoiler is the largest "smooth/uninterrupted" red area on the whole car, so I really want it to be perfect---I don't think a replacement one would have really been any better, just "similar tiny flaws in different places"---unless there's a good number of truly flawless spoilers out there?)

Anyways---used Bare-Metal foil for the first time ever, and chromed the foglight housings---before and after pics:

steele attached the following image(s):
#13 Posted : 03 March 2019 08:57:32

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BigGrin Hi there all looking good and nice work.

There is an alternative to bare-metal foil now its the the 'Molotow Liquid Chrome Pump Marker Pen' range with different width tips. There are several of us on the forum that use them and all can recommend them. I have added a fleabay link so you know what to look for and any good art shop in your area should have them in stock-

Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#14 Posted : 03 March 2019 16:27:39

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I've seen those, didn't know they really were that good. Honestly I'm
not 100% happy with the foil (I did ok but not great) so maybe I'll try the pen.
#15 Posted : 09 March 2019 22:46:59

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Just a small update----stripped the Bare Metal Foil off of the foglight housings, and used Molotow chrome----it is amazing stuff. Still letting it dry, along with the Future-coated lenses. I plan to let them dry and not assemble them until the next pack of parts arrives. (don't want to apply any pressure to their coatings until they are rock-hard-cured-dry)

Finished the valve covers---was very careful not to lose any chromed bolts, as stage 4 was missing one, and I had to use a spare from stage 3. But it all worked out in the end. :)

steele attached the following image(s):
#16 Posted : 10 March 2019 10:03:31

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Nice work and looking very good.Love

#17 Posted : 23 March 2019 01:55:53

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Just a tiny update---well, my Mr Color/Mr Hobby madder/monza red (same color, different name depending on what year they printed the label) arrived yesterday, so this weekend I should be able to really make some progress towards getting my spoiler's finish perfected.

And today, the next shipment was charged to my credit card, so hopefully I'll have a few more stages to work on next week. :)
#18 Posted : 28 March 2019 20:18:40

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Packs 3 and 4 arrived today---I wasn't expecting the transmission to be so big! I think I'll need my ENTIRE dresser-top to display it when it finished. Sadly, the throttle-linkage was broken into multiple pieces on arrival, I've emailed customer service----but I can do the carbs/distributor wires on the engine in the mean-time. Plus I can finally use the "metal primer" spray I bought just for this model, on the exhaust tips. (then on to decaling them---which is my favorite thing, and the aspect of modeling I'm best at---though there's not many decals on this kit)

Will post some actual build-progress pics once I get a bit further along with the engine.

Size comparison---transmission half, vs the scissors used to open the box:
steele attached the following image(s):
#19 Posted : 30 March 2019 22:55:33

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One of the first mods I've done---painted the engine casing silver. Saw a few others do it in their builds, and looking through all the pics I can find--I think they're correct, so I did it too. Now, the real thing isn't likely "painted silver" but is just a raw (aluminum?) casting, and most of the model's other engine "raw metal" bits have a texture to them to represent the surface left by the casting process---as did this piece's factory black paint, though to a lesser degree. I considered buying a textured spray paint to try to get the same effect, but figured it'd be over-scale. In the end I went with 'brushed nickel' spray paint, it seemed to be the closest match (pure silver/aluminum paints seem too "cool" in hue---nickel's a bit warmer, and some nickel spray paints are very warm). It came out quite close---this photo is purely to show the level of color-match I achieved---it's on the wrong end and upside down here.

steele attached the following image(s):
#20 Posted : 31 March 2019 08:43:58

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BigGrin All looking good and nice workCool
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

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