Having seen so many builders go through so many issues with this build, and experiencing several myself, I decided to literally gut my R2 and build a whole new internal system to make him work the way he should have from the start. The only original components are the dome lights (although now custom driven), the motors (again custom driven) and the battery box/charger.
So here's my fully working radio control version, with working tools.
There were a few challenges along the way but I'm happy with the result.
1. Full range of movement (F/B/L/R) with fine control
2. Working front tools (arms / extinguisher (smoke) / taser / saw) with servo operated doors
3. Sound with mute and volume control
4. Working head torch
5. Working hologram (Leia / 10 second warm up)
6. Proximity sensor with alarm warning
7. Full radio control (multi channels) including isolation of motors
8. Sentry mode (whan idle for 1 minute) head movement
9. Motor shut down if remote off or out of range
Body Buttons:
1. Single Click : Arms in/out, Long Press : Sentry Mode enable / disable
2. Single Click : Smoke open / close
3. Single Click : Taser open / close
4. Single Click : Saw open / close
5. Single Click : Sounds on/off, Long Press : Adjust Volume up / down
6. Single Click : Proximity on / off
Remote Functions:
1. Driving (F/B/L/R) on left stick
2. Head (L/R) on right stick
4. Activate Hologram / Torch
3. Disable Hologram / Torch
5. Disable Motors
6. Disable Sounds
7. Open / Close Arms
8. Open / Close Extinguisher / Activate Smoke
9. Open / Close Taser / Activate Spark
10. Open / Close Saw
I plan to do more with him, specifically in the dome with working sections, and I may hook him up to be controlled via my Alexa devices.
R2 Working demoI couldn't make R2 without doing his other half of course, so here he is with a large scale modified C3PO (from Amazon).
R2 / C3PO demoIt's such a shame that DeAgostini couldn't make a better product given the possibilities in a model of this size, and especially for the money that it cost. So if you're fed up with your £900 paperweight, why not do the same?
Some further info on him is available from my page