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Hope someone can finally help.
Finally finished the build shortly after Christmas, after which I had the "lurch forward, Red Light and then nothing" issue that alot of people seem to be having.
After spending a month trying to get a resolution from Jacklin Enterprises, I was finally told that I need to contact the Forum on this website... so over to you:-).
I have the Red Light and nothing else issue, but looking through the forum I saw that if you power it on when connected to the mains, it works for some people, thus pointing to an issue with the batteries. So I tried that today and indeed head does rotate once and the front LED continues to flash, but nothing else. I cannot connect to the the internet and none of the other button do anything.
The batteries have all been tested individually and they match the required spec.
I have taken everything apart and tested all the cables again and whilst doing this I noticed some other problems, please see below.
1. Green lights stay on when moving both legs over a table edge.
2. Instead of being a constant blue light, when I move something in front of the LHS blue proximity sensor, it flashes on and off and is not constant
3. When I first tested the projector, I had one image and not 2. From looking through web forum, I understood that the issues was due to the test circuit not having enough power, but when it was connected to the r2 unit it should have been fine.. however, testing it yesterday I have a light, but now have no image whatsoever.
I really hope that you can help me with this please, as I currently have an £880 ornament sat in the corner.
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Hi Jay D. You issues regarding your R2-D2 have been referred to the Project Team for some technical input. Hope to get back to you soon. All best wishes.
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Hello there,
It has been 2 weeks since your message was sent and unfortunately I have not been contacted regarding my R2D2 issues, is there any update on when this is likely to happen please? Thank you for your help.
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Sounds like mine. I’ve checked all the connections and everything looks good. But I cannot get him to turn on. If I leave the adapter plugged in he will power up (head spins, Lights blink and he even whistles) but then stops and nothing else. Without the adapter plugged in - a blue light in the feet flashes for a second (same light stays on when adapter is in) and R2 does nothing at all.
Batteries are the recommended kind from the same vendor most everyone else is using. All have been fully charged in the charger provided. All connections are good.
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Hi I am having identical issues to this is there any resolution very frustrated.
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Unfortunately no resolution for this so far, in fact no response at all from anyone since the moderator's post on the 27th March that someone in the technical team is looking at this and they would get back to me. I have emailed De-Agostini directly on 2 occasions since and still nothing. Very, Very frustrating.
Hi Jay The red light usually means the batteries are less than 20%. The batteries ideally should be 3.6/3.7v nominal Button Top Over 2000 mAh capacity (recommended 2600-2800 mAh but can be over). Over 3 Amps discharge output Unprotected type The important part is they are over 2000 mAh capacity Less than that R2 struggles and won’t operate properly, sometimes giving a red light. The troubleshooting guide can be found here. https://forum.model-space.co.uk/...aspx?g=posts&t=30247Hope that is a start for you. Regards Mark .
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Hi Mark, Thank for getting back on this, but as I mentioned in my initial post, I had already tested the batteries and they are definitely the correct spec. However, I have removed and tested them again and they had lost little charge, so to make sure, I charged them all to full again. Unsurprisingly to myself, still not working. In fact, when I push the power button now, the unit moves forward 2cm's, but now the red light does not come on. I have read all the posts from the link you sent me to make sure that I haven't missed anything, but I am now sure this is not a battery issue and I really would like some help in getting to the bottom of what is stopping this from working, let alone the other issues that I mentioned in my initial post. I await your response with baited breath JD
Hi JD Just a couple of things, did you do the initial start up procedure again after recharging and replacing the batteries in the battery box? The fact the the red light is not on is probable a good thing. I know you said you have the right batteries, are they over the 2000mAh capacity? I’m sure you do have the right capacity, just trying to eliminate all possibilities, and it is difficult as I am not in front of it. Secondly, you said the unit moves forward when powering up, which is what it is suppose to do, check the cables on the mcu, ensure that they are pushed home in the slots, again I’m sure you’ve done this many times but it is well worth checking again. If after you checked the above and you are still having the same issue, then I would suggest ordering a replacement mcu. Regards Mark
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for getting back to me and I do appreciate the difficulty in solving the problem without having the unit in front of you.
The batteries are actually 3700mAh, so well over the required 2000mAh.
I have taken apart the unit again and checked that all cables are connected correctly and unfortunately nothing has changed.
How do I go about getting a replacement MCU and will this likely solve the additional problems with the projector and the blue proximity sensor.
I know there is an issue with the green sensor under the feet, but I am not too worried about this as I am unlikely to ever use it off the ground.
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards
Hi Jason You can order a replacement part from customer services, the phone number will be on the inside front cover of the magazine. I cannot be 100% sure that will cure the problem, you never can, but being the main control board it will be the first place to try. Fingers crossed. Regards Mark
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There have been issues with the batteries not making contact with the terminals inside the battery box. There are some web-like structures cast into the ends of the box that interfere with the batteries. Have a look, with a strong flashlight (torch??) to verify that all batteries are in firm contact with the terminals.
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Also check the SPRING end of the battery terminals. Sometimes, they are not getting centered and are not making contact with the metal, but is actually contacting the plastic shrink around the battery. At best it MAY be a bad connection. When I had the problem, I ended up putting one battery at a time, using a multi meter to ensure that I was making good contact. No problems after that. Fred admin wrote:Hello,
There have been issues with the batteries not making contact with the terminals inside the battery box. There are some web-like structures cast into the ends of the box that interfere with the batteries. Have a look, with a strong flashlight (torch??) to verify that all batteries are in firm contact with the terminals.
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Hey Fred, appreciate you taking the time to post the info. I did also see that might be a possible solution on another forum post and did try it at the beginning of the month. Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem. I have since called and spoken to the customer services team and they are going to replace the main control board. Unfortunately they are not in stock, so I have to wait until the beginning of September until I get the replacement... fingers crossed.
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