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Looking good Al
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Coming along very nicely Al. I think wiring issues affect a number of kits. Been reading updates on the spitfire were some people are reporting a dead propellor motor but i think that is down to to poor wiring and not helped by that big “dolllop” of sealant they chucked onto the connection. There was a posting on one of the facebook groups i look at were someone had changed the bus to a greenline colour scheme. You have yourself a very nice model on the go there. Tony Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
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Cheers guys Tony I think you could be right on the wiring issues affecting kits, personally once the kit is built and the electrics all working I remove the batteries from them and rarely ever try them again. Al
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Issues 41-45 Over these issues we fit the drivers headlight electrics and the front vents and cab windows. The radiator grill and wing from earlier in the build were attached to the cab assembly before the dashboard and floor was fitted. This assembly was then attached to the bus and the steering connected up carefully followed by the electrical cables being connected and routed in the frame channels.The speaker unit was then attached underneath the rear floor and the first of the seats built and fitted, lots more of them to come over future updates . Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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Issues 46-50 As promised we received lots more seats to assemble. Having assembled the last of the downstairs seating we turn the attention to the rear of the drivers cab panel before we start with the first panels of the interior trim. Finally the second interior panel set completes the sides and you end up with an other large sub assembly. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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Looks FAB. The inside is just as I remember as a young child in East London near 60 years ago. I used to go to the front left hand seat (downstairs)and be the bus driver. I used the transmission tunnel to get up on the seat and much to my parents embarrassment would sit on who ever`s lap was there.(You could do that in those days ). Waiting to see the future updates on this one. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Looking good Al, making excellent progress.... Regards Alan
Really looking good Al. That must be some size kit. Mark
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I should think all those seats are a bit mind-boggling. It's really looking good though. Reminds me of when I was a kid and lived in Dagenham. Those buses to Romford or the city.
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Thanks for looking in guys more soon. Al
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Issues 51-55 We now get a small break from the seat assembling and fitting . First the route number box is assembled and mounted to the rear cab panel. Then the front interior panel has its handrails fitted before the windows are fitted and the panels joined. It is then attached to the lower deck assembly and before carrying on I couldn't resist a couple of pics of it in position on the chassis. We then turn our attention to the rear of the bus by fitting the used ticket bin,handrails and also the working push buttons for the bell. I have to say that all the printing on panels has been very nicely done and looks great. The wiring for the buttons is placed in position and the window and interior panels fitted. This assembly is then attached to the lower deck assembly. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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Issues 56-60 With these next issues we start by receiving the rear portion of the lower deck ceiling and fitting the handrails and light lenses. The remaining piece of ceiling is fitted and once again the light lenses installed and also the seat rail upright mounts. The stop request cord is then fitted and then the switch added and cable placed in position. The rear platform is shown together with the battery box and on/off switch and we now install the lower deck lighting. We then receive the circuit board and understairs luggage stowage panels. At this point I resisted the temptation of testing some of the electrics now fitted and opted to wait until later in the build once I had received all the electrical items. Reason being Hachette have you plugging and unplugging wires numerous times and sometimes fitting cable extensions which has had a lot of people having switch/battery box and circuit board issues and things generally not working as they should. Sometimes it pays to be a bit behind on a build as you can get the benefit of others experiences. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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Joined: 19/06/2013 Posts: 4,588 Points: 13,553 Location: West Yorkshire
Issues 61-70 We kick these issues off by assembling more of the stairs to the upper deck and adding the understairs storage previously built. The inner rear panel has its handrails added and then the pole on the platform is secured at its base.Next the bonnet hinges are made up and once fitted to the bonnet, mounted to the lower deck compartment. This in turn is now secured onto the main chassis. The staircase assembly is then attached to the rear and the on/off switch fitted. The battery pack is taped in place and the roof also temporarily fitted. The next couple of issues contain the upper deck seating. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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Amazing build Al I think you are doing Routemaster subscriptions a world of good, showing just what you get If you can still get them, that is
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Another great update... A small observation - NOT a criticism - the screws holding the metal plates on the stair risers look way too big to my eyes. I think I would be inclined to fill the screw holes and repaint the panels, then just glue them in place... Mind you, it's a VERY impressive build so far.
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Thanks Guys Gray you can still subscribe to it but I think only from issue 101 Roy, you are rightly correct in noticing that they do look too big because they are I know many others have used a combination of glue, smaller screws and rivets to overcome the problem of screw size. There is also the tendency for the plates to return to there slightly concave shape when glued so in the end i decided to leave as is being as not much of it will be seen if i put the conductor or a passenger in front of them Al
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Issues 71-80 We complete the first three issues by fitting the seats to the three upper deck sections. The first piece of the upper deck floor framework is then fitted underneath the rear of the deck floor and once completed will mount to the lower deck section. Next we receive the rest of the lighting components and it was now I tested all of them, as can be seen in a few of the pics everything worked as it should. The second piece of the upper deck floor framework is then secured in place and we move on to assembling the front upper deck interior panel and the top of the staircase. The front panel is fitted to the upper deck floor and the destination blind is then assembled and secured to the panel. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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very impressive al, how did you get on with the front roll blind.
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Steve1701 wrote:very impressive al, how did you get on with the front roll blind. Thanks Steve,i didn't have any problems with it, just read through the instructions a couple of times and made very sure I kept my handling of it to a bare minimum, especially with all the grease on the sprockets. Al
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Issues 81-88 We start off by adding a couple more details to the drivers cab ceiling and the wiring for a couple more functional switches, before both panels are fitted to the underside of the top deck. The wires from these switches are connected into an extension loom and carefully positioned into cut outs in the underframe. Next we fit the inner trim panels on both sides and it was time to get a pic of the bus with the upper deck placed on top. The front windows are fitted into the outer panel which contains the destination boards and the rear inner panel is now fitted along with the upper deck poles. We also get the first parts of the upper deck ceiling and some posters. Al Spal attached the following image(s):
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