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Joined: 13/03/2012 Posts: 306 Points: 847 Location: Germany
Sorry guys that I am not so often in the forum at the moment, but at the moment I have to steal my time . Hope it would go better soon.
This is a project of mine that I have been building for 2.5 years now. The project is usually completed with the plutonium case from issue 130. For the plutonium case, I lit the plutonium containers with LEDs. Now there is an extension with 29 issues. As example Wheels for the railroad tracks, railroad tracks and a replacement circuit box "the big chip". In any case, I have ordered these 29 issues. Now waiting for these issues gives me the time I need to "rebuild" the Delorean. Take everything apart again until down to issue 74. The reason is that there are now so many electrical modifications for the Delorean that I want to install. Modified "Flux", "Christmas tree" etc. I would like to incorporate everything. as close as possible to his “big brother”. The complete functions will later be controlled by a remote control, opening the eternal doors and pressing the switches is no longer necessary anymore. Secured under his showcase, everything would be controlled from outside.
I no have already received some of the special editions. A sleeper, a track, sleeper holder. The track is made of solid cast iron, and looks very good. I don't like the sleeper, which is simply brown. No wood grain just not natural.To change to natural, Watertransferprinting is used again for this. There are transfer foils with a wood look. With this I will also treat the other 7 railway sleepers. Further the nuts are imitated on the track and sleeper holders. Here I removed the nuts with a cutter, drilled holes and took real screws with nuts. Now while waiting for the next sleepers i will start taking apart the Delorean.Forum Support Team http://www.model-space.com/de/
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Impressive stuff, Andreas You're right, it looks much better with the sleepers water-transferred - much more realism. Regards Gray
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Joined: 13/03/2012 Posts: 306 Points: 847 Location: Germany
Thank you Carl ,Gray appreciate it Forum Support Team http://www.model-space.com/de/
Very nice work Andreas, the sleepers look so much better. Mark
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,555 Points: 13,825 Location: ipswich
It's looking really good. I'm sure I read somewhere there is ready-made garden railway track that is the right scale for this model. It could save a fair bit of work.
That looks really cool. Malc.