STAGE 16Box 4 Stage 16
This is the last stage of Box 4. We’ll assemble the distributor, water pump, timing cover and plug wires. It’s a pretty quick stage, but requires patience when handling the distributor, both in building and mounting it and installing plug wires. The stem under the distributor to the mounting plate is long and the mounting plate could be damaged if mishandled.
Again, keep your cloth handy. Everything is starting to crowd all the chrome. Clean first, build later. Betcha know who already made that mistake, redo’s not much fun.
The first photo is the blister, check your parts. I had parts fly taking the blister apart. Seems like I have more trouble with the blister packs and screw bags, oh well, on to the build.
I found that I needed a ruler, metric marked, and a hobby knife or a sprue cutter. The first plug boot I broke off left a plastic spur. Made it impossible to install on the distributor until I shaved it off. Again, be careful when handling part 16c.
Mount the distributor to the water pump. Next, put together, what seems to be an idler pulley that the fan will mount to, it is called out as the fan sprocket. The two bushings must be installed on the pulley so that there are two belt grooves. See the picture. Install the pulley, on to the timing cover.
Installing the timing cover and the water pump, distributor assembly The CM screw hole on the right side of the water pump is not counter sunk, don’t over tighten. No other surprises.
Measure up the plug wires and install as the instruction show. I wanted to measure the wires as I proceeded so as to not make a mistake. I used a toothpick to stretch the tubing a little so as not to push on the distributor to hard. I still supported the distributor as I put the tubing on the plug boot, just to make sure I didn’t break it off. I went slow and it all worked out. I did, however, have to find a flashlight so that I could see the tubing go on to the plug boot.
Box 4 is complete. I looked ahead at Box 5. More motor fun, alternator, pulleys, belts, fan blades and the exhausts. The motor gets put into the front clip, and the steering box gets built.
The motors a beast and gets beastier.
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