A true work of art Malc, beautifully done.... Regards Alan
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Not sure I`d have been brave enough to open up those louvres, but you`ve done a fantastic job on them and the end result proves the effort worthwhile. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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That's looking so good Malc now that you have all of the main body parts painted and fitted. You seem to have made a very good job of getting all of the joints between the panels nice and snug and neatly aligned, which isn't easy I know!
Great work on those louvres too, they've really come alive now that they're painted and very brave to take that leap of faith in opening them up, no going back once you've started them but a very good end result achieved. They look great.
Very well done Malc! 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
Many thanks for all the comments and support.
Kev, you're right about those resin panels they have given me a few challenges but I think I've found a good compromise with the fitting.
Well... I've reached the stage where the car without body panels is finished . Couldn't resist taking a few pictures to share. Almost a shame to cover it up. These MFH kits do provide plenty of detail and although pricey give a very satisfying result. Malc. RM1 attached the following image(s):
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Just astounding! I think I'd be tempted to stand the body next to the chassis in a display case. As you say - a shame to cover it up.
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The detail on this kit is amazing. Bolts that look like bolts and not screws. The brake lines and the connectors. Everything is so detailed. Loving this kit and your doing an amazing job as well bringing it to life. Beautiful work. Best Regards, Ron
On the bench: DeAgostini '67 Ford Shelby Mustang, Hachette Space Battleship Yamato 2202, Agora Models T-800 Terminator Finished builds: DeAgostini Toyota 2000GT In the Stash: Losing count...
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 Jaw-droppingly beautiful result. These are the type of kits we can all aspire to own and build, just need to save up for a very long time I agree with Roy, if it was me i would display it with the body off too Regards Gray
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That is stunning.Its easy to think that because these kits are so highly detailed it is easy to get such a stunning result.That could not be further from the truth.It takes an enermous amount of skill and effort to produce a result as spectacular as this.I do hope you consider sending some pictures to Mr Hiro.I am sure he will inculde this in the gallery on MFH website.
Absolutely stunning.  Lovely kit, but the work you’ve put into this is outstanding. Mark
Thanks Roy, Ron, Carl, Gray, and Mark for the great comments. This kit has been a challenge ( and an eye watering price ) but a real pleasure to own and build. Nearly complete now and I'll be posting some pics of the bodywork soon. Malc.
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Wow, this is something very special, you could put this in a museum, it’s that good. Fantastic skills on display Malc, top drawer
Thanks again to everyone for the kind comments. I'm getting very close to the chequered flag with this build now.. Body panels painted and Exhaust pipe prepared. No decals yet ( and only 5 anyway ) so they will be positioned once the body is mounted on the chassis. Malc.RM1 attached the following image(s):
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On the home straight now. It really has been great fun following this build. A superb show of craftmanship.
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Looking very nice indeed Malc, can't wait to see it all completed and I'm sure that with your skills, when you take that chequered flag it will be in first place!
Very well done! 
Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Absolutely amazing. You must be very chuffed with it.
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Joined: 25/03/2011 Posts: 1,027 Points: 3,075 Location: Lincolnshire
Wow what a beauty, absolutely top drawer, deserves to be pride of place. Well done Regards Glenn
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