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Hi all due to the kindness of Richard, this arrived today all the way from the US of A.    It looks an amazing kit, obviously since it was a kind donation I have decided to take greater care than I did with the RE20 first thing I noticed was the fuel lines are way out of scale they should be 8mm which scales down to 0.7mm roughly (slightly less than that its actually 0.67recuring) the supplied clear tubing is 1.33mm  After heating and stretching I have a very close  That is about all I will get done before the funeral. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into this. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Hello Ken. It's a great kit and I'm sure you'll love building it. Looking forward to seeing your updates. All the best for the funeral.
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Not at home at the moment (father in laws funeral) (will be sadly missed) but before I left home I managed this much    Where would I find pics of this engine, I google it but all I get are pics of this kit in various stages of build. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
That's a great kit. You're going to have a lot of fun with it . Malc.
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Looking good Ken though not sure why the photos of your Renault F1 car build are in there, which was a nice build btw - your best yet I think?
Well done so far. 
KevPer Ardua Ad Astra
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Thats just the box mate. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Coming along nicely. Watching with great interest. Andy.
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Looking good so far Ken. Regarding the lack of brake pipes, even the 1/8 Entex kits are devoid in that respect. As you say though, it just adds to the build fun.
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Making good progress with this Ken and looking good.
Re the missing brake pipes, the manufacturers of these large expensive kits really ought to provide simple brake lines for the prices that they charge? With some good reference photos and some fuse wire, etc., it's fairly simple to make your own that will look like brake lines even if the way they are routed isn't entirely accurate, and they will always make your model look better for it?
Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Looking good Ken, nicely put together and great to see that classic black and gold JPS scheme starting to appear. Well done. 
KevPer Ardua Ad Astra
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Great progress on this now too Ken. I always loved the JPS cars - mainly because as I was a sign-writer for the JPS F1 powerboat team long ago. I did all the lettering and lining on the team boats for about 4 years. The JPS colour scheme just stuck with me. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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You really have had an interesting life Roy it has always stood out to me as one of the best schemes Ken's the name modeling's the game.