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Kev's MFH 1:12 1967 Eagle Gurney-Weslake T1G Build Options
Kev the Modeller
#181 Posted : 19 October 2021 20:33:37

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Many thanks for your kind comments Phil, Mark and Trev, always greatly appreciated! Cool ThumpUp

@ Mark - Always glad to help a fellow modeller Mark. I know what you mean about the ubiquitous 'silver 08' on these MFH kits but at least it gives ample opportunity to practice the dark arts of metallic effects on predominantly silver parts! If you like that you'll love my 'hot metal' effects on the exhausts of this Gurney-Weslake.

Update should be along in a day or two. ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
Kev the Modeller
#182 Posted : 27 October 2021 16:24:20

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Hello all,

Time for another update, this one deals with the assembly, painting and fitting of the exhaust system. Apologies in advance for this being such a 'picture heavy' update!

The exhaust system components as supplied in the kit:

The tail pipes are supplied as stainless steel tubing, and as stainless steel gives those lovely multi-coloured heat stains when it gets hot, that's exactly what I did! I heated it over a cigarette flame, using the hottest part of the flame which is the uppermost tip of the blue flame until the pipe was glowing red in the areas that I wanted the staining to be and then let it cool. When cool it was clear coated using 'Johnsons Klear':

Unfortunately, the main pipes aren't made of stainless steel but polished white metal, so couldn't be treated the same way. In order to get a convincing 'heat treated' look when painting, it is necessary to use colours that initially look too bright and bold, but you have to allow for a subsequent 'smoke' coat over the top which will darken it a bit and make it look more realistic. The picture below shows the first layers, achieved using Alclad 2:'Pale Burnt Metal' (ALC-104), AK Interactive: 'Metallic Purple' (AK-674), 'Metallic Blue' (AK-487):

The spaghetti like exhaust headers were then glued to the exhaust flanges and then all of the pipes were given several light dust coats of AK Interactive 'Metallic Smoke' (AK-671), to darken the pipes but not so much as to obliterate the 'heat' colours. When all was dried the exhausts were given a satin clear coat to seal it all in:

The exhausts were then fitted to the model and the supporting arms with retaining springs were also fitted. The pictures below show the completed exhausts from various angles:

As there was only one more item to fit to the engine, that being the mesh cover for the intake trumpets, I decided to fit it at the same time as the exhausts. Photos below:

That completes this update and indeed the building of the chassis/engine. The car is almost finished! All that is left to do now is to build the wheels and fit the tyres then it's just final assembly of the completed car. I then have to build and paint the standing Dan Gurney figure that I bought to go with this car. The wheels will be in the next update and the figure the one after that.

Many thanks for looking, all comments and criticisms welcomed. Cool ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
#183 Posted : 27 October 2021 17:39:22

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Hi Kev,
You've done a stunning job with this car.
I'm particularly impressed with the exhaust pipework.
Well done sir.
#184 Posted : 27 October 2021 18:38:47

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extremely neat and precise works showing just what can be achieved with an MFH if you have the skill and patience.Will be a show stopper once it is finished.


Kev the Modeller
#185 Posted : 29 October 2021 13:10:24

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Many thanks for looking in and leaving such kind comments Chris and Carl, very much appreciated as always. ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
#186 Posted : 29 October 2021 19:28:40

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That is some very impressive building Kev.

Not getting very far forward in sorting myself out here at the moment but did try to start sorting out some of the non loft stored kits last week.

I think if i lived to 1000 i would never get them built and doubting my skills everytime i look at many of them.

Was looking at a number of ebbro kits i have and wishing i could put something together with even a fraction of the skills you have because that would be an improvement on my skills.

Really interesting seeing your updates, I think you have a beautiful model there.

Happy Modelling

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#187 Posted : 30 October 2021 09:27:41

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A stunning build there Kev.
Incredibly impressive. That must be a centre-piece in your display cupboard surely.Love
#188 Posted : 31 October 2021 08:45:39

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Beautiful work Kev, that exhaust system looks superb.Love Love

#189 Posted : 31 October 2021 09:25:33

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Outstanding, nothing else to say.
Ken's the name modeling's the game.
Kev the Modeller
#190 Posted : 31 October 2021 23:36:17

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Many thanks once again for your very kind comments Tony, Roy, Mark and Ken greatly appreciated as always! ThumpUp

@ Tony - You should just build those kits Tony, especially the Ebbro models, they are beautifully detailed kits and don't worry about what skill set you have, the fun in modelling is in the process of actually building your model. What it looks like at the end is secondary and I'm sure it won't be as bad as you fear? Just have fun, stick some plastic together and enjoy it for what it is! ThumpUp

@ Roy - Yes, it certainly will be centre stage in my cabinet! I've always wanted to build an MFH 1:12 kit and this one above all others, so I'm very pleased to have achieved both of those goals!?

I have finished building the wheels and tyres on this and they have now been fitted to the car along with the nosecone and other body panels, so the car is now complete! I will post another update tomorrow to show that and then it's just the figure to build and paint and then to get this beautiful car parked in the 'Finished Build Gallery'!


Per Ardua Ad Astra
Kev the Modeller
#191 Posted : 01 November 2021 15:44:25

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Hello all,

Well, here it is, the final update for my build of the MFH 1:12 1967 Eagle Gurney-Weslake T1G Grand Prix car! Though it's not the end of this diary just yet, as I still have the Dan Gurney figure to build and paint.

This final update for the car shows the construction, painting and fitting of the wheels and tyres.

The kit components after clean up:

The wheel centres after primer ... :

... and after painting. The wheel nuts and tyre valves have also been fitted:

The next photo shows the finished wheel centres along with the rims and tyres. I've sprayed the centres using AK Interactive 'Magnesium' (AK-111'):

The centres permanently glued to the rims ... :

... and some shots of the completed wheels and tyres ready to be fitted to the car. The tyre treads have been lightly brushed with a mid-grey pastel to replicate the effect of the tyres having been used on a track surface:

The wheels and tyres are now fitted to the car:

The nosecone and a small body panel located on both sides of the engine intakes have also now been fitted and that completes my build of this beautiful model!

Photos below show the completed car from various angles:

And that, dear friends, is that! The car is now finished!! BigGrin ThumpUp

It's taken 11 months to build this, it has been a fun build and very challenging at times, but I have enjoyed that challenge very much and am pleased with the end result. I've learnt a lot from it and this being my first ever build of an MFH kit, it has given me an insight into what they involve and will stand me in good stead to make an even better job of the next one!

Stay tuned for what will be the final instalment in this diary, showing the building and painting of the standing Dan Gurney figure. After that it's over to the 'Finished Build Gallery'.

Thanks for looking, all comments and criticisms welcomed. ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
#192 Posted : 01 November 2021 16:12:47

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""....all comments and criticisms welcomed. Kev""

I don't think there will be any criticism Kev.
This has been an interesting and well described build from start to finish.
Brilliantly done.
#193 Posted : 01 November 2021 22:06:04

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goddo wrote:
""....all comments and criticisms welcomed. Kev""

I don't think there will be any criticism Kev.
This has been an interesting and well described build from start to finish.
Brilliantly done.

I agree. This was a real treat to follow. Thanks for continually posting Kev!

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#194 Posted : 02 November 2021 06:29:24
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This is an amazingly clean build. I’m a critical pita, and I can’t see a dang thing wrong. You ARE missing the closeup detail pics though!

You should submit your beauty shots to MFH to put into their gallery. My 156 is in there, and it’s not as nice as this, by a long shot. I will caveat that by saying it was my first car build since the early ‘70’s!


#195 Posted : 02 November 2021 09:01:42

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What an amazing build Kev. Every element you’ve put into this has been first class. The paint work on this is just perfect. Stunning build, well done and it shows modelling at its highest level.Love Love Drool

#196 Posted : 02 November 2021 09:21:37

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An absolutely amazing result Kev.
You should be incredibly proud of that one. It's a total stunner.Love
#197 Posted : 02 November 2021 14:18:01

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Stunning work there Kev. What a fantastic job you've made of that kit. No surprise with the build of the month award. BigGrin BigGrin
Kev the Modeller
#198 Posted : 03 November 2021 21:09:31

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Massive thanks for all of your fantastic comments chaps. Very kind of you and I'm always grateful that you take the time to post a comment. ThumpUp

@ Mark (Admin) - I intend to send MFH some photos when I've completed the figure that goes with this. I've not shown any 'detail' shots yet as I'm saving them for the final reveal in the 'Finished Build Gallery'. These were just a selection to show what it looks like when finished?

P.S. - I must look up your Ferrari 156 in the MFH gallery! Drool ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
#199 Posted : 05 November 2021 09:16:36

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Truly exceptional work and skill in putting this one together Kev and very deserving of the Build of the Month recognition. You've certainly shown how an MFH Kit should be built....Love Love Love .. Look forward to seeing the final image display on the Finished Build Gallery....Drool Drool Very well done.... Cool Cool Cool


Kev the Modeller
#200 Posted : 06 November 2021 13:41:06

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Many thanks for your kind comments and glowing praise Alan, I always appreciate such words from you!

Working on the figure at the moment, having to alter it a fair bit to get what I want, but it won't be too long before this is in the 'Finished Build Gallery'. ThumpUp


Per Ardua Ad Astra
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