Rank: Beginner Level 3 Groups: Registered
Joined: 03/03/2018 Posts: 26 Points: 81 Location: Peoria, IL
Is there a way to order a replacement charger? Or does anyone have the specs for it to see if I can find a replacement? Thanks! Flyteach
Rank: Administration Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,301 Points: 23,991 Location: East midlands
Flyteach wrote:Is there a way to order a replacement charger? Or does anyone have the specs for it to see if I can find a replacement? Thanks! Flyteach Hi, If you go to the last post on the link below you will find the info you need in the attached picture. https://forum.deagostini.co.uk/default.aspx?g=posts&t=33291&__utma=210999945.1608539229.1650230025.1650230025.1650230025.1&__utmb=210999945.0.10.1650230025&__utmc=210999945&__utmx=-&__utmz=210999945.1650230025.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=46278244 Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Beginner Level 3 Groups: Registered
Joined: 03/03/2018 Posts: 26 Points: 81 Location: Peoria, IL
Thank you very much Derek. Can anyone confirm if the plug is a 2.5mm or 2.1mm? I know it's center positive. I'm thinking something like this would work: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015H0UPWU/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B015H0UPWU&pd_rd_w=t7BRK&pf_rd_p=57cbdc41-b731-4e3d-aca7-49078b13a07b&pd_rd_wg=5U1Zj&pf_rd_r=3EVR081VGHVEAVWQEKBA&pd_rd_r=f10043fd-b298-427b-b9c1-149fa034b237&s=electronics&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzS1lWR1BXME5DQ1FPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjM5MDc2QzY3SEZXVEo2WDRJJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzOTk4NzYzMzNPVEFUSjVXMU9RJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
Thanks! Jim/Flyteach
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