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Joined: 11/05/2020 Posts: 9 Points: 17 Location: London
I have been waiting for the remaining Falcon parts for about a year. I've had a few emails that I can be sent the remaining parts in one go, today I received an email from deagostin@deagostin.rsys8.com which takes me to https://eu.adyen.link/ to complete the payment info. Looking at the email address it's close but not 100% what I would expect, it smells a bit iffy so I thought I'd check.
Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Hi. If it is genuine (and I cannot say as your link won’t open), it should have your order number on it. If in doubt, give them a call, and pay on a credit card just to be doubly safe!
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ALL of those links look utterly dodgy and scam to me. Check with DeAg official.
Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Just checked the email address on the one i got for the Falcon, and it is the same. To quote the guys at CS, 'it looks a bit starange but it genuine, as it is coming from the payment portal in Italy. It should show a big red button for you to click onto'. However, as i previuosly said, pay on a credit card for the added protection!
As Roy says though, if in doubt, check with CS. There number in the UK is 0333 240 1227
Hope that helps.
Rank: Beginner Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 11/05/2020 Posts: 9 Points: 17 Location: London
Thanks All
I've received anther email today that looked more genuine so I've updated my details. Hopefully I will now be able to finish the Falcon sooner rather than later(or not at all)
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Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Has anyone had their order fulfilled yet from these emails? I paid mine two weeks ago and Modelspace Uk still don't have a record of it! Spoke to them this morning, and they say they have to 'back-track everything to Italy' Some times 'Left hand and Right hand' springs to mind!
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Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Well, as an update to this..... Received packs 15 and 16 of the Millenium Falcon yesterday. Admittedly, I though i'd bought ALL the remaining packs so was a little concerned (you would be too with MS' track record with this kit ), but was pleasantly suprised considering the worry the email caused initially!
So duly rang customer services and lo and behold - the remaining packs are being readied for collection at the warehouse for delivery - probably - next week
Think i would have appreciated an email confirming the delivery, but hey, if i get the deliveries it's Happy Days
I'll keep you posted
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Joined: 21/04/2011 Posts: 1,076 Points: 3,257 Location: Buckinghamshire
Hi Graham, Sounds like your dreams have finally come true!! It will also give all the other forum members a bit of a boost as it looks like issues are finally starting to dribble through. Good luck with the rest of the issues and look forward to seeing the build conclude. I do think that one of the most important tasks facing MS though, is to make their customer services into a credible organisation. I have lost count of the number of complaints saying"...they will come back to me..." or "your delivery is on it's way..." Chris
Rank: Superelite Groups: Registered
Joined: 10/05/2010 Posts: 2,608 Points: 7,519 Location: Lincolnshire
Well, who's a happy boy then! ALL the remaining packs arrived this morning The only thing is......to be honest the build has lost it's interest to me. It has taken sooooooo long to get where we are that the kit no longer holds my interest.
So, after spending all this money and waiting this long to complete the collection, I have decided im going to sell it on Ebay and invest the money in a kit i WANT to build .
Thanks to everyone for bearing with me on this issue.
Regards Gray
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