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HMS Guadeloupe (ex French Le Nisus), Brick de 24" by Jack.Aubrey - Scratch build - 1:48 Scale Options
#241 Posted : 04 September 2017 13:18:45

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Well done Jack
Happy building
#242 Posted : 14 October 2017 09:42:43

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I've been in Tuscany for about twenty days now. In this period I started thinking about my next model, which will begin here and, most likely, will be finished when I'll return to Cinisello (Milan). I don't want to anticipate anything about the new project right now, just think that I have already purchased the materials and I'm waiting for its arrival.

In the meantime, I arranged to complete the remaining two Guadeloupe's boats. I started with the intermediate size boat.
In the first image we can see the boat still fastened to its building slip. It has been in this state for almost a couple of years. .

01 P1100390_zpszajvd15m.JPG

The first activity I did was to unplug the boat in order to work inside. Thanks to the use of the mini drill with a cutting tool, this happened without any problems. Then I arranged to "fix" the outer wood color with a coat of oil for wood. This operation avoids that some drops of glue not properly removed, at a finishing stage may alter the wood color. The application of the oil, however, doesn't absolutely inhibit the use of vinyl glue. The picture below shows the color difference of the timber after having applied the oil.

02 20171001_215300.jpg

Then the work inside the hull began: the first activity was to double the number of hull ribs; task long enough considering their number and size but it's quite well done.
Subsequently the installation of the bottomwoods. . and the longitudinal seat supports.

03 20171001_215313.jpg

Then, the central seats, including reinforcements where provided, bow and stern, and finally the gunwales. Now the bigger tasks are over, although there is still enough work to be done, including the final finishing of what has been done so far.

04 20171011_102921.jpg

05 20171011_102928.jpg

06 20171011_102949.jpg

But this will be matter of the next posts . .
Cordiality, Jack.
#243 Posted : 14 October 2017 12:14:13

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Lovely work as always Jack BigGrin regards PhilCool
COMING SOON =1/72 Italeri diorama`s Battle for the Reichstag and Stalingrad battle at the tractor factory 1/16 Trumpeter King Tiger with loads of extras ON THE GO= refurbishment of 1/25 Tamiya tiger 1 , amt Star trek kits and space 1999 models

So Much to Build,But What a Hobby!

#244 Posted : 18 May 2019 11:13:02

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Saturday 18 May 2019

I returned from Tuscany to Cinisello a few days ago and I'am now involved in many matters raised during my absence from Cinisello. I believe as soon as possible to finally resume some real kind of ship modeling.
I am publishing the latest news about this model which, due to the various location changes, has been a little forgotten, preferring other models that luckily, were completed in a quicker time.

I honestly don't know when I will resume full-time work on this model, but before I can do it, I would rather finish the Ragusian Carrack model.

See you soon, Jack.Aubrey

The third launch of Guadeloupe. . . there is still a lot to do.
01 IMG_20190517_114519.jpg

02 IMG_20190517_114525.jpg

The other two boats are now finished, except for some small details (oars, etc.) to be made later
03 IMG_20190517_114512.jpg

04 IMG_20190517_114504.jpg

05 IMG_20190517_114452.jpg
#245 Posted : 18 May 2019 12:40:47

Rank: Super-Elite

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Very neat work Jack.

The wood you use on your models always looks so nice and its so smooth and good looking quality.

Happy Modelling

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COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#246 Posted : 24 May 2019 13:42:01

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Hi Jack,
Lovely job on the boats. Really inspiring!!!
Kind regards,
"Measure twice, cut once!!!"
Finished!!! HMS Victory,
Current build: Black Pearl.
On hold: Bismarck, Golden Hind, Flying Scotsman, Victory Cross Section, SOTS, Tiger 1.
Wish list: USS Constitution.
#247 Posted : 05 September 2022 14:23:35

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Thursday, August 25th, 2022

During the month of May I moved to my new house on Como Lake and I was able to setup my shipmodeling workshop in a garage under the house, garage purchased specifically for this purpose.
Once the setting up was completed, setup which was not a simple task given the quantity of material to be arranged, I resumed the modeling activities.

First of all I dedicated all myself in completing the model of the Ragusian Carrack; see also my build log at https://forum.deagostini....1662383457.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=42583270#post348003.

Now I have finally finished the carrack (only the plexiglass cover is missing, a job that will however be carried out by a specialist craftsman) and, finally, I can resume this model that has stood still for several years, I think since 2017 or maybe earlier.

At the moment the situation of this model is exemplified in the following two images: the hull is almost ready to cover with cooper the hull. I wrote "almost" because there are still several preliminary tasks to do; we'll see them later.



Unfortunately, the two lifeboats that I built with some difficulties for the brick are disappeared, used to complete the Ragusian Carrack display stand (I explain the reasons on my post dated Saturday July 2nd, 2022 on the same thread above) and then I'll have to redo them.

By lucky chance I found on the internet a kit to build a lifeboat that has exactly the same size as one of the two I have to redo. The kit is very simple: it reproduces all the pieces on plywood of adequate thickness and on thin pear tree boards; all are laser cut.
This saves me a lot of work for cutting the pieces. Instead, the assembly seems to me more complex than the ones I had built, but it is certainly not an insurmountable problem.
So one of the two boats will be built using this kit.

For the second boat I decided to proceed by scanning the laser pre-cut tablets and using them to reproduce the project with AUTOCAD. Once I have the project on the PC, I resize everything for the second lifeboat, print, cut, assemble and so on. Maybe, just to avoid making the same of the other, I will modify some details . . .

But let's get to the first one: as I said, the assembly presents simple steps but to be carried out precisely. To ensure a precise assembly of the ribs in this very first phase, I had to prepare a simple keel clamper and a tool to glue the ribs that guaranteed me perpendicularity and horizontality.
You can see the keel clamper in the following image: a very simple plywood board and a couple of wood strips.

01 Brick de 24/25082022/IMG20220824182050_BURST000_COVER.jpg

The sliding element for gluing the ribs is illustrated in the next two photos: with this tool their assembly has been resolved in a routinary and patience task, without unexpected problems.

02 Brick de 24/25082022/IMG20220824182227.jpg

03 Brick de 24/25082022/IMG20220824182252.jpg

Once the frames were glued, I then proceeded to install the elements of the bottom. this task also "strengthened" the whole.

04 Brick de 24/25082022/IMG20220825102558.jpg

see you soon,
Jack Aubrey
#248 Posted : 06 September 2022 09:22:11

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Friday, August 26th, 2022

The fact I was successful to precisely glue the lifeboat frames, all of them well aligned and spaced apart, has enormously simplified the assembly of the next element that you can see in the two following images.

The installation of this new element has also strengthened the overall skeleton of the lifeboat which, you have to believe me, is really a very delicate object to handle.

01 Brick de 24/26082022/IMG20220826185138.jpg

02 Brick de 24/26082022/IMG20220826185151.jpg

See you soon,
Jack Aubrey
#249 Posted : 07 September 2022 11:06:49

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Sunday, August 28th, 2022

One of the preliminary operations to apply copper to the hull of the brick is to build a tool to trace the waterline, tool I built today. It is a quite simple and handcrafted object but it has all the necessary customization possibilities.

01 Brick de 24/28082022/IMG20220828174152.jpg

02 Brick de 24/28082022/IMG20220828174159.jpg

Finally, I applied new elements to the lifeboat: in particular, these are pear elements that embellish the seats for the crew as well as reinforce them further.

03 Brick de 24/28082022/IMG20220828174313.jpg

See you on the next time; a cordial goodbye from
Jack Aubrey
#250 Posted : 07 September 2022 11:14:25

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Monday, August 29th, 2022

Another element added to the lifeboat: these are two pearwood pieces that make up the gunwale. Its installation was not very easy but with a good amount of patience it succeeded very well. The boat structure should now be complete so that next step will be the installation of the planks.

01 Brick de 24/29082022/IMG20220829164723.jpg

02 Brick de 24/29082022/IMG20220829164755.jpg

03 Brick de 24/29082022/IMG20220829164806.jpg

See you next time,
Jack Aubrey
#251 Posted : 07 September 2022 15:54:07
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Stunning work!


#252 Posted : 09 September 2022 21:52:32

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Friday, September 9th, 2022

I've been trying my hand with planking for a couple of days.
The various courses of the planking are also laser pre-cut and therefore are quite precise in following the lines of the hull. However their installation is not a very simple task.
First of all, it is necessary to hot-bend the strip in the bow area giving it the right curvature, then it is necessary to proceed very calmly and patiently so I am limited to installing a maximum of a couple of courses per session.
However, until now, everything seems to be going well.
There remains the concern for when I will have to install the last course: will it be accurate? will it be abundant? or will it leave an empty slot? We will see . . .

01 Brick de 24/09092022/IMG20220908184332.jpg

02 Brick de 24/09092022/IMG20220908184339.jpg

03 Brick de 24/09092022/IMG20220908184359.jpg

See you next time,
Jack Aubrey
#253 Posted : 23 September 2022 15:57:52

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Friday, September 22th, 2022

One more last effort . . . .

01 Brick de 24/22092022/IMG20220922092233.jpg

02 Brick de 24/22092022/IMG20220922092249.jpg

03 Brick de 24/22092022/IMG20220922092259.jpg

See you next time,
Jack Aubrey
#254 Posted : 23 September 2022 17:12:55
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Such clean work! Nice job!
#255 Posted : 01 October 2022 16:51:24

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Saturday, October 1st, 2022

A nice step forward . . .

01 Brick de 24/28092022/IMG20220928164312.jpg

02 Brick de 24/28092022/IMG20220928164356.jpg

03 Brick de 24/28092022/IMG20220928164402.jpg

04 Brick de 24/28092022/IMG20220928164420.jpg

See you next time,
Jack Aubrey
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