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Ironman Official Build Issues 71 - 74 Options
#1 Posted : 12 September 2023 21:03:27
Rank: Administration

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Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin

Well we are moving into the last 30 issues of Ironman and I hope you have all been enjoying watching this build as much as I have building it.Cool Cool Cool

This pack will be the updates for issues 71 - 74 and will include the build of the basic stand supplied to hold your figure of Ironman. I will separate the main part of the build from the stand, so should you choose you can build the stand as a separate item from the main build in one go at a later stage, but with the choice to build it as you go along.

So lets get into Issue 71 (Main build)

The parts as always are shown in Pic 1 (including the small parts for the stand) and the main base part for the stand shown in Pic 2.

First thing you need to do is recover the left hip bearing ring ring from issue 33 (part 33D - marked with an "L") and bring it to your work space along with a ball joint and the left central leg support cover supplied with this issue. Pic 3.

Start by feeding the "T shaped" end of the ball joint through the bearing ring, exactly as shown in Pic 4. The position the "T shaped" end into the recess in the cover plate and fix it in place using two LP screws. Pic 5.

You will now build the mirror version for the other side of Ironman. Recover the other bearing ring from issue 52 (Part 52D)and along with the second ball joint and the other cover plate (supplied with this issue) create the second assembly as shown in Pics 6 and 7.

The two assemblies that have just been constructed, along with any main unused parts are shown in Pic 8. Any unused screws will be used in the build of the base, so keep them safe if you are not building the base at this time.

That`s all for the main part of the construction, but the first stand update will follow very shortly. your choice to do it now or leave to another day. BigGrin

(Derek) Admin
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#2 Posted : 12 September 2023 21:24:04
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Well I`m back already, LOL LOL LOL

Update for the base supplied as standard with the kit is as follows.

Bring the base halves form issues 70 and 71 to your work space. Pics 1 and 2.

Place the base halves together and using the two base clips (supplied in this issue) fix the base halves together, as shown in Pic 3. Pic 4 is a closer view of a clip in the correct position.

With the base parts in the same position you can now place and fix the four base connectors using eight LP screws. indicated in Pic 5.

That completes the base update for this issue and when you flip it the right way up it should be the same as shown in Pic 6.

See you all soon for the next update. Issue 72.

(Derek) Admin
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#3 Posted : 15 September 2023 20:44:59
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Well I can`t keep you all waiting any longer, Flapper , so here`s the update for issue 72.

I have split this issue the same as the last into two sections. (A+B)

Section A, will be the main Ironman Build and Section B, will be the standard supplied base build section.

Ok, onto the main Ironman part of the build.

Now, I think you must all know me by now and if I think something in the order needs changing then I`ll say so. Therefore I will follow the given instructions and point out where I think things need changing in this case.Blink

Lets get on by saying that all the parts supplied are shown in Pic 1.

Bring the Chest Structure and ARC reactor holder (from this stage) to your work place and place then fix the Reactor Holder to the inside of the Chest Structure using two EM screws. Pic 2.

Now position the Reactor Mast and Base Plate as shown in Pic 3.

Finally, holding the Reactor Mast, position the Mast Base onto the rear of the Reactor Holder and secure it in place using two IP screws. Pic 4.

That ends this stage for the Main Ironman Build. Confused Confused

EXCEPT for what follows here:

At this point you have a flimsy Reactor Mast protruding from the rear of the Chest Structure. The thing is that the Chest Structure is going to get a lot of handling over the next few issues of the build and in my opinion the Reactor Mast is therefore susceptible to damage.

Here`s the options:

1, Leave the mast in place and be very careful that it doesn`t get damaged, or

2, Don`t fix/or remove the Mast until it really needs to be in place. If you choose option 2, then don`t forget to keep the parts and screws in a safe place until they really need to be fixed in place.

I`ll give you a reminder when it HAS to be fixed in place. At the end of the day the choice is yours, but it may help save some breakages. BigGrin

So, next update will be for the standard base, which will be coming very soon.

Take Care,

(Derek) Admin
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#4 Posted : 15 September 2023 21:22:13
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Here we are again, Hi All,BigGrin BigGrin

This is the update for Issue 72, that is for the standard base supplied with the kit.

As the parts supplied were shown in the previous update I`ll skip that bit. LOL

Just a little care with regard to alignment and insertion of locating pins to be taken into account, this update is quite easy. Either that or my old brain is truly fuzzed.LOL LOL LOL

Bring the two parts of the support mast to your bench and align them as shown in Pic 1. Slide the two parts together and align the holes as can be seen in Pic 2. I have indicated where the two locating pins will be inserted.

Now, position the locating pins as shown in Pic 3 and VERY CAREFULLY using a pin hammer or the like tap them into position until they look like those in Pic 4.

In this issue you have been supplied with two self-adhesive pads. Note: these pads are not square in shape, so check the right side of the pad as shown in Pic 5 against the end of the support post where a raised ring can be seen.

You only need one pad as the other is a spare. Blushing

Whilst removing the backing, carefully wrap the pad around the base of the pole in a nice and flat manner, NOT as shown in Pic 6. Luckily I hadn`t wrapped it tightly at that point and managed to recover the situation.Flapper LOL

Pic 7 looks a lot better. phew.Blink See, I show it "warts an all".

Pic 8 shows the completed assemblies for this issue.

Well that`s the end of Issue 72 Main and Base updates, so I`ll see you all soon for Issue 73.

Take Care out there.Cool

(Derek) Admin

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#5 Posted : 16 September 2023 15:20:30
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Well I didn`t expect to be back quite so soon, but for some strange reason (though I`m not complaining) the next pack has already landed.

So, here comes the updates for Issue 73, which will consist of two posts. First one will cover the main figure update and the second will see the basic stand finished.

As all the parts are in one pack they are all shown in Pic 1.

Start by positioning the two Breastplate Elements onto the Breastplate as shown in Pic 2, then whilst holding them in place fix them using 4 x IP screws from the rear of the Breastplate. Pic 3.

Next, position the Breastplate onto the Neck Armour Pic 4. Make sure that the side tabs are located correctly Pic 5 and secure the two parts together, using 2 x IP screws. Pic 6.

Bring the main chest assembly back to the work space from Issue 72 and slot the Breastplate assembly into the front. Pic 7. Then secure the assemblies together using 2 x IP screws from the rear of the main chest assembly. Pic 8.

That completes this update for the figure part of this issue. Pic 9.

I`ll be back soon with the finale for Issue 73, where the basic stand will be completed. That then will leave just Issue 74 to complete this pack.Cool

(Derek) Admin
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#6 Posted : 17 September 2023 17:04:55
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Not a bad day weather wise here, but a weather warning to follow. I am moving my cruiser to a new mooring on Wednesday so it WILL be raining. Blink Flapper

Anyway, here we go with the Issue 73 update for the basic stand.

Parts supplied for the stand were shown in the previous update as they are packed in one blister pack.

Bring the longest support arm and one of the three self adhesive foam strips (Three supplied - one is a spare) to the work table. Pic 1.

These foam strips are set onto the inside of the support arms. They will be the protection pads for your Ironman armour when its held up by the stand.

Peel off a small amount of the backing paper and apply the foam strip onto the support as shown in Pic 2. Carefully remove the backing paper as you go, but do NOT stretch the foam tape. It is long enough to cover the inside of the support.
Once in place it should look like the one shown in Pic 3.

Repeat the above operation with the second support arm and a second foam strip as shown in Pics 4 and 5.

Position the coil spring in place onto the shorter support arm. Pic 6. Then place the longer support arm on top ensuring the spring is correctly positioned on the underside of the long support arm. Pic 7. When happy that the support arms and spring are correctly assembled, fix the arms together using a GM screw. Pic 8. You should now be able to open and close the supports by squeezing and releasing the short ends of the supports. Pic 9.

The next task is to fix the supports to the vertical post. Position the end of the supports into two holes in the post. Pic 10. Then fix them together using two KM screws as shown in Pic 11.

Note: the position of the support arms may need changing in relation to the vertical post depending on how you wish to display your Ironman figure.

Pressing the vertical post into the base completes the basic stand. Pic 12.

So that completes Issue 73, but I`ll be back soon with the update for Issue 74 that will finish this pack. In the final update of this pack we will add more detail to the Breastplate of Iron Mans Armour.

See you soon, BigGrin BigGrin

(Derek) Admin

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#7 Posted : 18 September 2023 15:11:55
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Back again, to finish off this pack with the update for Issue 74. I`ve made a start on the next pack that arrived a few days ago, so keeping up to date.

Issue 74 enhances the chest assembly from Issue 73 by adding the Breastplate Mechanism.

Supplied parts are shown in Pic 1.

Retrieve the Chest Assembly from Issue 73 and position the Breastplate Mechanism into place. Pic 2.

Whilst holding the parts together, turn them over and fix the parts together using 4 x IP Screws as shown in Pic 3.

That completes this update for Issue 74. Pic 4.

Updates for the next pack (issues 75 - 78) coming soon.Drool

(Derek) Admin
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