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Ironman Official Build Issues 91 - 94 Options
#1 Posted : 02 November 2023 20:30:29
Rank: Administration

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Well Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin

Here we are again with the start of the next Pack, covering Issues 91 - 94.

Issues 91 and 92 carry on with the construction of the Abdomen of Ironman`s Armour.

For Issue 93, drag up a comfy chair, cos its a BIGGUN coming in possibly four updates. (still to be decided) Ironman is coming together.ThumpUp Woot ThumpUp This issue will complete the upper half of Ironman`s Armour.

Issue 94 calms things down again, then only 6 more issues to complete the 100.

Issue 91 parts .... Pic 1.

All parts used in this update are from parts supplied in this issue.

Issue 91:

Start by positioning the "Hip Connection Button" (91B) inside the "Lower Back Plate" (91A) as shown in Pic 2, by the yellow arrow. On the inside of the "Hip Connection Button" you will see two small plastic pins. Position each of the springs onto a pin. Pic 3.

Carefully bring the "Spring Support" (91C) onto the top of the springs and fix it in place using two GP springs as shown in Pic 4.

That completes this update, with the inside of the assembly shown in Pic 5 and the outside in Pic 6.

See you soon for the update of Issue 92.

(Derek) Admin

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#2 Posted : 04 November 2023 17:12:55
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin

Update for Issue 92 is here, where the Abdomen area of the armour is expanded.

Issue 92 parts.... Pic 1.

Some fiddley bits in this issue, so I`ve tried to get as close with the Pics as possible to show the detail.

Start by feeding the Pin Shaft into one side of the Waist Connector Base and mount the Torsion Spring on the end of the Pin that protrudes through the side of the base. Note: the short end of the Torsion Spring fits into a very small hole on the inside surface of the base, close to the shaft. Pic 2 gives the general assembly, whilst Pic 3 shows the close-up of the Spring position.

Take a close look at the Connector Lever. It has a large hole that goes all the way through it. This where the Pin Shaft will pass through it. It also has a very small hole on one side and this is where the long end of the Torsion Spring will go. With both ends of the Torsion Spring in place, line up the holes in the base and lever so you can push the Pin fully into place. Pic 4 shows you the completed assembly at this point, with Pic 5 as a close-up showing the position of the long end of the Torsion Spring.

DO NOT proceed unless these parts are in their correct position, as this assembly connects parts of Ironman together and they will be encased by other parts in the next stages of construction.

Retrieve the unused Inner Abdominal Structure (90C) from Issue 90 and position the connector assembly (just made) onto it, fixing it in place with 4 x AP screws as shown in Pic 6.

Now retrieve the final assembly from Issue 90 and position the assembly from this stage into the slots in the Issue 90 structure. Two lugs from the assembly for this issue will sit on two posts if you have the parts correctly orientated. You will then be able to fix these parts together using 2 x IM screws as indicated in Pic 7.

Onto the last part of this Issue:

Bring the final Assembly from Issue 91 back to the work space. position it onto the assembly you have and as shown in Pic 8, fix it in place using 2 x IM screws. If you now invert the assembly, you can further fix the parts together with the use of 2 x KP screws. Pic 9.

That completes this update. Pic 10 shows the rear of the assembled parts and Pic 11 the front.

Issue 93 will come in several sections as mentioned previously and work is in progress, so will see you all soon. Cool Cool

(Derek) Admin

delboy271155 attached the following image(s):

#3 Posted : 06 November 2023 22:55:14
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin

Well I`m here with the start of Issue 93.

I have defined this issue down to three parts.

Part 1: will finish the abdominal area.

Part 2: will attach the arms to the torso and the abdomen to the torso.

Part 3: will attach the ARC reactor, the upper breastplate armour and the head.

At that point the upper half of Ironman`s Armour will be completed. Cool

I will do my best to get these three parts posted asap, so you can follow on at what ever speed suits you best.

All the parts for Issue 93 are shown in Pic 1.

Bring the final assembly to the table from issue 92.

With so much going on in this issue, I read and re-read the instructions, to a point where I decided to deviate from the order shown. I made this decision so as not to put undue pressure on the rear abdominal plates whist fixing the other parts together.

Note: If you wish to stick with the official order, then go straight to Pic 9 and press the rear plates into position as indicated and come back to this point.

I chose to fit the main front panel first (93C) as this is firmly screwed into place and is therefore much more stable than any press fit parts.

Bring the main Front Abdominal Plate 93C onto the final assembly from issue 92 in the direction shown in Pic 2, positioning the fixing lugs on either side as shown in Pic 3. Then fix the plate in position by using two EM screws on each side as shown in Pics 4 and 5.

At this point you will notice that there is a gap on each side of the abdominal armour. This gap will be filled with parts 93D and 93E. These parts have some thin locating pins, so take care when pressing them in place. It should be noted from Pic 6 that both pins on each part have a shaped buffer at the base of the pins to keep the parts in their correct place. So very carefully press the side panels in place. Pics 7 and 8.

If you have not already put the rear panels in place, then do so now and Pic 9 will be the finished rear view of the abdominal section.

The finished front view is as shown in Pic 10.

Part 2: coming soon, where the chest/arms and abdominal sections all come together.

Until then, take care.

(Derek) Admin

delboy271155 attached the following image(s):

#4 Posted : 12 November 2023 16:33:07
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin

Well here we go with the next update:

Issue 93 - Part 2

No Pic of the parts supplied for this update Flapper LOL as you only need the SP screws supplied earlier.

Bring the chest assembly from issue 89 and both of the completed arms of the armour to your work place. Pic 1.

It does not matter which arm you attach first, but as the instructions chose the right I thought I`d do the left. The methods used are the same.

When fixing the arms to the torso, you need to work from the rear of the armour as that is the direction the fixing screws are placed.

So, as in the case of the left arm, you will see from Pic 2 how the parts are to be aligned.

Pic 3 shows the parts engaged, but you need to see the holes lined up in both parts before you can insert the screws. To achieve this move the parts nearer or further away until you can see the correct alignment and then fix the parts in place using 2 x SP screws. Pic 4.

When the screws are fully located, turn the armour over and the left shoulder should be the same as shown in Pic 5.

Turn the armour back over and using the methods as above fix the right shoulder joint together with two more SP screws. From the front the right shoulder should be as shown in Pic 6.

Both arms are now attached. Pic 7.

Bring the Abdomen finished in Part 1 to the table and keeping it aligned to the torso carefully press it to the torso until it clicks firmly into place. Pic 8.

That concludes the second part of Issue 93. The third and final part will be coming soon and will finish the upper part of the armour.

Part 3 will:

Install the ARC Reactor.
Attach the Breastplate.
Test the ARC Reactor.
and Attach the Head.

So, until then take care.

(Derek) Admin
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#5 Posted : 18 November 2023 14:58:23
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin BigGrin

Here we are with the third and last update for Issue 93 where the upper body of the armour will be completed.

You will need to hand the following items:

The upper body assembly (with arms we attached in the last update)

The ARC reactor (from issue 4)

The upper breastplate (from issue 86 - part 86C)

The screw covers (from issue 86 - parts 86D and E)

The main breastplate (from issue 87 - part 87A)

The head assembly (from issue 1)

and One of the foam pads along with the IM screws (supplied in this issue).

The very first thing to do is check the operation of the ARC reactor by pressing the small black button on the back. When happy that it is operating correctly, position the reactor into the cavity in the chest. Pic 1. Note: the black button on the rear of the reactor must be at the bottom of the reactor when it is placed into the chest. This is so the operating button in the back of the armour aligns with the button of the reactor.

You now need the foam pad and the upper breastplate. Remove the backing tape off of the pad and place it sticky side down into the middle of the upper breastplate on the inside surface. Pic 2.

Place the upper breastplate onto the chest, so that the two holes in it sit over the two pillars of the chest assembly. Pic 3. Then place the main breastplate 87A into position (the holes in the main breastplate should now be over the ones of the upper breastplate). With everything in alignment fix the two breastplates to the Torso using 2 x IM screws. At this point you can test the ARC reactor using the small button in the back of the torso. Pic 4.

NOTE: At this point you can press the two screw covers 86 D and E into the upper breastplate. Personally I have chosen to delay doing so, as I hope soon to be starting on the Battle Damaged Armour in the kit extension. This will save me from having to remove the screw covers and not cause any damage into the process. Should you choose to press them into place now that`s ok, but please note that they are marked as to which is right and which is left.

It is now time to fit the head assembly to the neck, but before you do, check that the eye`s light up as they should. If all works as should the head is pressed onto the neck through the ball and socket connection in the same way as the hands attached to the arms. Pic 5.

That completes this final update for issue 93. You have now completed the upper half of the armour and should be able to turn the eyes and ARC reactor on and off. Pic 6.

Coming in Issue 94:

Ironman has four basic display positions and to achieve these positions the abdomen needs to be changed. This is why there is a press button system in the back of ironman. It allows you to change his posture quite quickly should you wish to do so.

I`ll see you soon for the issue 94 update as the next pack has landed on me for issues 95 - 98.

(Derek) Admin

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#6 Posted : 20 November 2023 18:54:56
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Well, Hi everyone, BigGrin BigGrin

Here we are with the update for Issue 94 of Ironman and the end of yet another Pack. Only six more issues to go for the main build.Cool

This issue starts the build of Abdomen base B. This base will allow you to pose Ironman with his Torso slightly twisted in relation to his legs and place him into his first action pose, rather than being stood upright. What I can say is, that the abdominal base B (having the next issues) will be continued through Issue 95 and into the first stage of Issue 96.

So, that said let`s crack on with Issue 94, parts supplied shown in Pic 1.

To start, push the pin shaft (94E) partially into the base (49B), just far enough so that you can put the torsion spring in place, with the straight/short end of the spring placed into the small hole in the base. Pic 2.

The connector lever now needs to be placed into the base so that the torsion spring (long, cranked end) is in position into the side of the lever and the pin shaft is fully inserted to hold all the parts in place. Pic 3. (the black arrow indicates the torsion spring position in the lever). Pic 4, gives a view of the parts in place from above.

Now bring the Internal structure (94A) and the previous assembly to the table. Pic 5. Then position the parts together as shown in Pic 6, securing the parts together as in Pic 7 with the use of 3 x AM screws.

That completes this update, with Pic 8 showing the other side of the assembly.

Next pack covering Issues 95 - 98 coming soon. BigGrin

(Derek) Admin
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