Issue 29
Contents Stair Treads, Banister Rail x 2 parts, Shades x 6, Brass Chain and Lamps x 6.
Assembling The Dining Room Chandelier
With a toothpick, apply a little super glue to the top edge of the lamp and fix the shade on the top. Do this so all six are complete. Take the chandelier you assembled in issue 28 and glue one of the tabs on the arm with super glue and attach one of the lights you’ve just assembled. Note: you may have to hold in place while the glue sets so it is straight. Do the same for the other 5. Now take the chain and open the end of the ring at the top. Slide the chain ring through the hole in the top of the chandelier, and then squeeze the ring closed again. That completes the Chandelier.
Assembling the Staircase
Here we finish off the staircase as we started in issues 27 & 28. I painted the steps in the same way as before adding some wood grain effect. These are numbered in order of placement on the underside. Fit the steps as you did before.
Assembling the banister is fairly straight forward, just test fit these parts first. You may need to open up the holes on the steps, particularly if you have applied paint to them. I didn’t like the overall look of the banister, looked a little to plasticky for my liking. So I decided to paint it, with white spindles and a wood effect handrail. Note: If like me you decide to paint the banister, you will have to scrape off any paint on the ends of the spindles before placing them in the holes on the steps. Start by fixing the lower banister, adding a dab of glue to the holes in the steps and fitting the banister in place. Do the same with the top banister, making sure all the spindles are pushed in firmly. Finally, glue the two sections together and hold in place whilst the glue sets.
The final picture shows the staircase in place.
That completes this issue.
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Issue 30
Contents First Floor Flooring, Bed Base, Bed headboard, Bed Footboard, Picture 1.
Assembling the Ground Floor In this issue we get to bring together the walls, floor, ceiling, and the staircase to the ground floor, picture 2. First, attach the wall with the door in by applying glue to the tabs on the underside of the wall and insert into the floor holes as shown in picture 3. Now attach the second wall as before in the remaining holes in the floor, picture 4. Next, fit the ceiling in the same way as the floor, gluing the tabs in the walls and securing them in the holes in the ceiling.
Note: I found that turning the assembly over and laying the ceiling down as shown in picture 5, it was easier to manoeuvrer the tabs in place as it can be a tight fit with the beams in place. Also, take care when fitting the walls, not forcing them in as you may tear the wallpaper when pushing them between the beams. Once the tabs are in, wipe off any excess glue and either clamp the whole assembly together, or lay it on a flat surface and place something heavy, i.e. books, and allow the glue to dry, ideally 24 hours.
The next step, pardon the pun, is the staircase. Glue the top of the stairs with quick drying glue, I used super glue. Make sure the top of the stairs is butted up to the top of the ceiling as shown in picture 6, whilst also making sure the bottom of the staircase is lined up as shown in picture 7, making sure it does not protrude over the edge of the flooring. Note: I glued the top of the staircase first, allowing this to dry. Using a kraft knife, I applied some glue to the knife blade and carefully pulled the flooring away from the bottom of the staircase to open a small gap, then pushed the blade with some glue on it, smearing on the underside of the stairs. I then pressed the two parts together again until the glue was set. The final assembly glued is shown in picture 8.
Painting the First Floor Floorboards. This is painted exactly in the same way as we did with the ground floor in issue 5 by diluting the supplied brown paint with 10 parts water. Again, I gave this two light coats and highlighted certain planks to make it more realistic. Once dry, I brushed some water base gloss varnish to seal it, picture 9.
Assembling Moominmamma’s Bed Apply glue to the tabs on the bed base and fit them into the holes in the headboard, picture 10. Note: make sure the bed base has the white side up. Now fit the footboard on the other end in the same way as shown in picture 11.
That completes this issue.
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Issue 31
Contents First Floor Flooring, Bed Sides, Bed Legs x 4, Template for Bed Legs, Picture 1.
Painting the First Floor Floorboards. This is painted exactly in the same way as we did in the previous issue by diluting the supplied brown paint with 10 parts water. Again, I gave this two light coats and highlighted certain planks to make it more realistic. Once dry, I brushed some water base gloss varnish to seal it. Picture 2.
Assembling Moominmamma’s Bed Take the assembly from issue 30 and attach the two bed sides using wood glue, pictures 3, 4 and 5. Now take the bed template and sit the assembly on top, picture 6. With the template in place, glue the legs to the bed frame as shown in picture 7, making sure the two shorter legs are at the bottom with the two longer one secured to the top. Once the assembly has dried overnight, paint the bed with acrylic paints. Use white paint with a tiny amount of brown to give it a warm white look. NOTE: Do Not throw the template away as this is needed again in future issues.
Tip: When the first coat has dried, sand the entire assembly smooth with sandpaper before applying a second coat. Take a well sharpened pencil with hard lead and trace the pattern on the headboard and footboard. Picture 8 shows the completed assembly.
Take the floor panel from issue 30 along with the floor panel from this issue and glue together as shown in picture 9. Hold together with tape or clamps whilst the glue sets.
That completes this issue.
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Issue 32, Part 1
Contents Wall Rails x 12, Wall Panel, Bedspread Fabric, Mattress, Mattress Fabris, Paper Template, Picture 1.
This issue will be split over two parts. So, let’s crack on with part 1.
Assembling the Mattress and Bedspread for Moominmamma’s Bed, Picture 2. Place the mattress in the centre of the mattress fabric and fold over the left and right edges and glue them in place with PVA glue, picture 3. Next fold the edges at the end as you would just like wrapping a present. Then fold it over onto the mattress and glue with PVA glue. Do the same with the opposite end. You may want to use a clamp or peg to hold it in place while the glue dries.
Whilst that dries, take the bedspread fabric, and lay it on a flat surface and place the paper template in the centre. Trace around using a pencil, picture 4, then fold in the edges as shown in picture 5. Straighten out the edges and place some double-sided tape around the edges as shown in picture 6. Peel off the backing of the double-sided tape and fold the edges of the fabric again, picture 7. Picture 8 shows a 10mm and 5mm mark. Fold along the marks of the fabric as it looks in picture 9. I used some double-sided tape to hold the folds in place.
Now place the mattress into the bed assemble we assembled in the previous issue, picture 10. Place some double-sided tape along the side of the bed frame as shown in picture 11. Peel off the backing to the double-sided tape and secure the bedspread over the bed. Picture 12 shows the completed bed.
That completes part 1 of this issue.
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Issue 32, Part 2
This is the second part of issue 32.
Assembling the First Floor Wall Frame Pictures 13 and 14 show the wall frame parts that will be used to assemble the wall frame. Note that all the parts have letters on them to help identify them for order of assembly. Take one of the parts A and two of the parts C, picture 15, and glue in place, followed by another part A, as shown in picture 16. Now take part B and attach it to the end as shown in picture 17. Note: I have used clamps to hold the assembly in place while the glue sets. Pegs can be used if clamps are not available. Now take parts B and D, picture 18 and glue part D to the bottom of part B. Attach part H to the centre and Part A to the end as shown in picture 19.
Take the first part of the assembly, once the glue has set, and attach part E to the top as shown in picture 20. Take the second rail assembly and attach it to the two remaining slots in part E, placing part F into the final two slots between the first and second assembly. Note: I have shown the complete assembly in picture 21, showing the letters of all the frame parts and where they are all placed. Finally, attach the vertical rail as shown in picture 22.
That completes part 2 of this issue, picture 23.
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