Issue 19
The Left Knee Joint
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Take the left knee joint assembly from issue 18 and inert the sleeve (19A) as shown in pictures 2 and 3.
Fix the upper knee (19B) onto the assembly, You will need to move the sleeve down to fit the part, picture 4.
Turn the assembly over and secure in place with 2 x BP screws as shown in pictures 5 and 6.
Picture 7 shows the completed assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 20
The Lower Left leg
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Take the knee joint assembly from the last issue and place the upper left knee (20B) in position and secure with 2 x EP screws, as shown in pictures 2 and 3. Push the sleeve back in place so that the lower slots are free, picture 4.
Take the assembly from issue 16, along with the part you’ve just assembled, picture 5. Place the joint inside the leg, pushing it into the lower grooves and secure with 2 x EM screws as shown in picture 6.
Take the support rod assembly from issue 17 and place it inside the part (20A), and secure it with 2 x AM screws, pictures 7 and 8.
Place the assembly on the leg as shown in picture 9 and secure with 2 x EM screws, picture 10.
Push the lower part of the rod into the recess of the foot and secure with an AM screw, picture 11. Turn the assembly over and secure the other side with an AM screw, picture 12.
Picture 13 shows the completed assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 21
The Lower Left leg
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Fit the shin guard (21B) in place as shown in picture 2 and secure with 3 x BM screws, picture 3. Push fit the left knee (21A) in place as shown in picture 4.
Push fit the cap (21C) in place, making sure the part lines up as shown in picture 5.
Picture 6 shows the completed assembly for this issue.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 22
The Lower Left leg
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Push fit the calf plate (22A) in position as shown in pictures 2 and 3. Continue with the inner knee plate (22B), picture 4.
Finally take the inner ankle plate (22C) and fit it as shown in picture 5 and 6.
That completes the assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):