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OMG Roy,
You are going to fry your brain or patience (maybe both) with this one.
The part shown looks like it would like right hand bends only and need some coaxing for a left hander.
Remember to protect yourself from resin dust when you attack it with the angle grinder.
Good luck and take care.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Thanks Derek.
I do sometimes wonder about the people who make some of these types of kits.
Anyway, after some sheet plastic and filler, it's now a tad straighter here. Still other wonky bits to attend to but that was probably the most obvious.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Looking better already Roy. I am sure that your magic touch on the rest of the kit will work wonders. Chris
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Jeez, that kit is a bit of a 'pigs ear' by the look of it Roy, but you've already made a good start of knocking it into shape (quite literally!). Strange that it has a solid nose where there should be an opening for the radiator cooling? I love the old 'Yardley' sponsored BRMs and McLarens from the late '60s and early '70s, so I'll be watching this build with interest Roy.
Well done so far!  Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Thanks Kev. Yes, it really is an awful kit. The shape of the body is miles out all over the place.
I'm just getting some white primer on it and I looked at reference for the Marlboro car. I couldn't work out why the upper body join seemed out, when masking for the red.
Then I saw it. The deep cut in the resin body is in completely the wrong place. The top 'A' arm mounting point should be BELOW the cut, not above it.
I've drawn in on the picture roughly where the cut should be.
Reposition the rear upper arm mounts a bit lower down, out with the filler and some more sanding...roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Nice work Roy, you almost want to start from scratch. Still I know you enjoy putting these things right.
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Looks like you've really got your work cut out with this one Roy but I'm sure you'll get there given your vast experience of turning bad kits into something well worth the effort! Looking forward to following your journey.
Will you be building it in the red/white 'Marlboro-BRM' scheme as per your photos Roy? I hope so!!
Good luck with the build going forward Roy. 
Per Ardua Ad Astra
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OK chaps. Over 4 months but this horror keeps looking up at me from my 'almost bin fodder' box. I just hate being defeated. I've reattached the upper 'A' arm rear fixing points in the correct place and I'm going to attempt to make 'something' out of this monstrosity of a kit. I know it sounds harsh, but the manufacturer should give up and take up making garden ornaments in concrete. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Parts now put back in the correct place and primed ready for paint.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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I admire your perseverance and determination with this build Roy and I'm sure that you will eventually be able to turn this dubious kit into something approaching the real thing! Well done so far!
KevPer Ardua Ad Astra
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Many thanks Kev. I'm determined this heap won't defeat me! Anyway, now painted white, masked and the red area added... roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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That`s a nice sharp paint job there Roy. WTG Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Looking good with the 'Marlboro' red chevron added now Roy.
Keep it coming!
KevPer Ardua Ad Astra
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Thanks for looking in chaps.
A bit more on this lump.
The engine support frame at the back was so badly cast it wasn't in the least bit even or flat. It was also badly cracked so I chopped it off. I'll make a new frame from brass rod.
The engine is attached but it's very weak where it joins the body. Two feeble little locating pins so it will need some kind of extra support. Still working on that one.
I've posted a picture of what is supposed to be the intake trumpets. The least said the better. A total remake I think...roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Well, I made new intakes. Not perfect by any means but a fair bit better than the kit parts. On we go. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Ok, exhausts now added. As with everything else, the parts absolutely do NOT fit. A lot of fiddling, juggling, twisting etc to get the parts anywhere near attached.
A massive error in manufacture and kit design - the exhausts completely block the driveshaft access at the gearbox. No idea how to get around that one yet.
The rear airboxes also have no detail at all for the radiators at the back. Just flat resin.
To keep it simple, I used photo's of the actual rads on the real car, resized the images and printed them on photo paper. Double sided tape - done.roymattblack attached the following image(s):
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Thanks Derek.
I can genuinely say this is the worst manufactured kit I have ever come across. Everything is as rough as old boots, no detail, twisted out of shape, not symmetrical - the list goes on. Determined to complete it though.
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Another update.
I've started looking at the suspension and hubs etc. OMG - this kit just gets worse!
The instructions show the rear brakes are set inside the wheel rim. A disc and caliper slides over the shaft that holds the wheel.
WRONG. The real car has inboard brakes next to the transmission. Also, the are no discs supplied with the kit anyway, just the calipers. A bit of inventing needed.
Also, the instructions show the wheels/tyres to be 4-5 separate parts to assemble. Nope - They are solid resin 1-piece castings with no locating holes for the drive shafts, so no way to fix the wheels on. Also, the shafts on the rear hubs are way too long anyway.
Drill out the wheel centres to take the shafts, shorten the shafts, fabricate inboard brakes and 'invent' the assorted arms and rods that hold everything together.
I've removed parts of the exhaust to fit the drive shafts so I'll have to figure out a way of fitting them again later.
On we go...roymattblack attached the following image(s):