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Batmobile Official Build Pack 4 Options
#1 Posted : 25 May 2024 17:17:14

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 04/01/2016
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 9

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling And Fitting The Cylinder Head

Take the cylinder head parts (09B) (09A) and 2 x AP screws, picture 2. Place the cylinder head cover onto the cylinder head and secure it with 2 x AP screws from underneath, picture 3. Place the exhaust manifold into the two slots on the cylinder head, picture 4, and secure with 2 x AM screws as shown in picture 5. Next, take 2 x CM screws and drive them into the side of the cylinder head as shown in picture 6.

Note: when diving the crews in, when you feel some resistance, unscrew slightly and continue. Once you’ve driven each screw all the way, then remove them again. This operation will prepare you for when you assemble the cylinder head to the main engine.

Push fit the radiator feeding pipe into the slot as shown in picture 7.

Take four of the sparkplugs off their sprue, note you will have a spare one. Fit these to the side of the cylinder as shown in picture 8. Place the cylinder head onto the engine block and secure with the two CM screws you prepared earlier, pictures 9 and 10.

Installing The Ignition Wires
Now for the fun bit.BigGrin Take the black cable supplied (09f) and cut a 70mm length, followed by three other cuts, 80mm, 90mm and 100mm lengths.

Although the magazine does indicate where the cables will be attached to the distributor cap, I have done a more eye pleasing, detailed photo of where these all connect and in what order, picture 11.

Picture 12 shows the complete assembly for this issue.

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#2 Posted : 26 May 2024 13:51:01

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Administrators, Global Forum Support, Moderator, Forum Support Team, Official Builds

Joined: 04/01/2016
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 10

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling The Carburetor Base and Top

Take the thermostatic choke (10H) and push fit it onto the top of the carburetor base, picture 2. Fix the base to the intake manifold (10A) securing it with 4 x AP screws, picture 3. Push fit the fuel inlet (10J) and vacuum line out (10I) onto the carburetor base, note their orientation, picture 4. Cut the pipe (10D) into 2 x 60mm lengths and fit one onto the fuel inlet, also shown in picture 4. Cover these with the carburetor middle (10F) securing it with an AP screw, picture 5.

Take the flat needle plug (10L) and push fit into the side of the carburetor plug assembly (10G), picture 6, then push this assembly into the top of the throttle body (10K), picture 7. Push this assembly onto the top of the carburetor middle as shown in picture 8.

Take the throttle control lever (10O) and push fit it on the side of the bracket (10N), picture 9. Assemble the vacuum line by attaching the remaining 60mm piece of pipe from (10D) and push it on one end of the vacuum line fitting, with the pipe (10M) on the other end. Picture 10 shows which way round they are attached.

Secure the throttle control lever to the intake manifold as shown in picture 11. Push the vacuum line fitting into the top of the intake manifold, again note which way round it goes, picture 12.

Use 2 x AP screws to secure the intake bracket to the underside of the manifold, picture 13. Now place the assembly and attach it to the engine block, securing it with a DM screw, picture 14.

Finally, take the two 60mm pipes and push the free end of each one onto the pins of the vacuum advance unit, as shown in picture 15. Note: I have numbered the pipes to show which pipe fits to the corresponding parts.

Picture 16 shows the complete assembly for this issue.

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#3 Posted : 28 May 2024 14:28:01

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Administrators, Global Forum Support, Moderator, Forum Support Team, Official Builds

Joined: 04/01/2016
Posts: 6,447
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 11

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling the Left Engine Block

Take the parts (11B) and (11G) and connect the two parts using an AM screw as shown in pictures 2 and 3. Now attach the assembly to the left engine block and secure it with an AM screw, pictures 4 and 5. Next, push fit in place the oil pump (11H), picture 6.

Connect the oil pan block assembly to the engine block and secure it with 2 x AP screws, picture 7. Once assembled, attach the free end of the oil pan hose onto the pin on the side of the oil pump as shown in picture 8.

Assemble the fuel pump by attaching the two parts (11D) and (11E) together then push the fuel pump hose, (11F), in place as shown in picture 9.

Finally, push fit the fuel pump assembly and the oil filter (11G) as shown in the last picture 10.

That completes the assembly for this issue.

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
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#4 Posted : 29 May 2024 10:04:30

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Administrators, Global Forum Support, Moderator, Forum Support Team, Official Builds

Joined: 04/01/2016
Posts: 6,447
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 12

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling the Cylinder Head

Take the cylinder head parts (12B) (12A) and 2 x AP screws. Place the cylinder head cover onto the cylinder head and secure it with 2 x AP screws from underneath, pictures 2 and 3. Push fit the radiator feeding pipe into the slot as shown in picture 4. Place the exhaust manifold into the two slots on the cylinder head, and secure with 2 x AM screws as shown in picture 5. Next, take 2 x CM screws and drive them into the side of the cylinder head as shown in picture 6.

Note: when diving the crews in, when you feel some resistance, unscrew slightly and continue. Once you’ve driven each screw all the way, then remove them again. This operation will prepare you for when you assemble the cylinder head to the main engine.

Take four of the sparkplugs off their sprue, note you will have a spare one. Fit these to the side of the cylinder as shown in picture 7. Place the cylinder head onto the engine block and secure with the two CM screws you prepared earlier, pictures 8 and 9.

Recover the right engine block and gearbox assemblies and slot the gearbox connector over the screw post at the end of the engine block as shown in picture in picture 10. Place the left engine block assembly on top of this and secure with 2 x CM screws, picture 11. Turn the assembly over and push fit the starter (05E) into the corresponding hole on the bell housing, picture 12.

Installing The Ignition Wires
Now for the fun bit again. Take the black cable supplied (12f) and cut a 100mm length, followed by three other cuts, 110mm, 120mm and 140mm lengths.

Picture 13, shows where each of the cables will be fitted to the spark plugs, whilst picture 14 show where they are placed on the distributor cap. Once you are confident that the cables are placed in the correct sequence, I used a dap of glue to hold them in place, at bot the distributor cap end and the spark plug end.

Picture 15 shows the complete assembly for this issue.

Note: You may have noticed that I have painted the engine block a different colour, as well as other parts of the engine. This is purely my own personal choice, however, should anyone wish to do a similar thing, I have put this in the discussion area.

Discussion Area Enhancements

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#5 Posted : 31 May 2024 13:46:37

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Administrators, Global Forum Support, Moderator, Forum Support Team, Official Builds

Joined: 04/01/2016
Posts: 6,447
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 13

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling the Dipstick and Oil Filler Pipe

Take the dipstick (13B) and push fit the end of it into the hole on the side of the cylinder block front (13A), picture 2. Now take the crankcase oil filler cap (13D) and push fit it to the top of the crankcase oil filler pipe, picture 3. Place the arm of the assembly onto the post on the cylinder block as shown in picture 4.

Assembling the Crankcase and Water Pump
Push the cylinder block front onto the front of the engine and secure with 3 x AM screws, picture 5. Next, place the water pump (13E) and the generator bracket from issue 8 to the front of the engine. The easiest way to do this is to partly screw the bracket to the generator, using an AM screw, so it is loose enough to place the water pump in place and then secure the water pump using a UP screw. Tighten the UP screw, holding the water pump in place first, and then tighten up the AM screw to the generator second, picture 6.

Note: I would recommend keeping a finger behind the bracket to the generator when tightening the AM screw, as it will make it easier to apply pressure without bending the part or at worse snapping it.

Fitting the Pully
Take the pully parts, all 5 of them, and place them in order as shown in picture 7.

Note: the magazine illustrates the parts being numbered 1-5, however all the parts are number 3. Picture 7 clearly shows in which order you assemble the parts.

Take the assembly and place it onto the post on the cylinder block as shown in picture 8, securing it with an RP screw.

Pictures 9 and 10 show the complete assembly for this issue.

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
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#6 Posted : 01 June 2024 18:16:32

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: Registered, Administrators, Global Forum Support, Moderator, Forum Support Team, Official Builds

Joined: 04/01/2016
Posts: 6,447
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Location: Northamptonshire, England
Issue 14

Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.

Assembling and Fitting the Pump and Pully

Take the power steering pump brackets (14G) and (14H) along with an AM screw, picture 2 and secure them together as shown in picture 3. Next, fix the power steering pump cover (14J) to the power steering pump (14J) and secure them with a BP screw as shown in pictures 4 and 5. Fit this assembly to the bracket assembly and secure it with an RP screw, picture 6. Finally push the power steering reservoir (14L) onto the top of the pump, picture 7.

Take the assembly and using 2 x UP screws, attach it to the front of the cylinder block, picture 8. Carefully wrap the first of three belts (14M) around the power steering pulley and the third crankshaft pulley as shown in picture 9.

Assembling the Fan and Compressor Pulleys
Take the three compressor pulleys (14C) (14B) and (14A) and place them in order onto the long post on the cylinder block front as shown in picture 10 and 11. Slot the fan blades (14D) (14E) and (14F) into each other as shown in picture 12 and holding the parts together, push the assembly onto the post of the cylinder block front. Secure it with an RP screw, picture 13.

Finally, fit the last two belts by carefully stretching them over the fan blades and resting them in place on the front and second generator pulley, picture 14.

Pictures 15, 16 and 17 show the complete assembly for this issue.

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
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