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Well, at fear of shooting myself in the foot, or making myself look a total Buffoon, I`m going to start a thread about painting "CHROME".
I recently received an AD for a modellers rattle can paint spray. Specifically a chrome spray. The Pics and Vid in the AD looked really good.
So, the basics:
ME: I declare that I am no artist. I`m OK with a brush, basic air brushing and rattle can priming/undercoating. I have never achieved a good chrome finish, even after following the instructions to the letter. Turns out a weird Aluminium type of finish.
The challenge: is to follow the instructions of this product to the letter and see if I can get something like a Chrome finish.
Should I fail to get the end result I`m looking for, there`s a fair bet its me and not the product. If it works, then its down to me. Ok a product that`s fool proof.
The product: Sold by Green Stuff World (GSW) Pic 1.
Lastly, the test: Found something that would look really cool in chrome, an exhaust pipe from an old car kit. Basic rub down from the old aluminium paint, Pic 2.
What`s next:
According to the instructions: Priming/Black gloss/Chrome plus all the prep bits in between.
I welcome comments at any point as to methods used for any Chrome paint, but please note that this thread is based around the GSW product. If you have used it, then feel free to pitch in with your own thoughts on the product and if not general chrome painting ideas are still also welcome.
Fitting this in between all the other stuff I do, so may be some delays between posts.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
I would be very interested on how this looks. I’ve always used Alclad products for chrome and aluminium, but it can be a bind when using an airbrush for just a little part. The gloss that you use with the Alclad metallic colour is their own and the airbrush will need a good clean out after. So if this works, it could be a game changer. Mark
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Hi All, Thanks for looking in and the comments Mark.  Checked my rattle can stock on Saturday afternoon, No grey primer and No black gloss. Paid a visit to Hal-Fords place on Sunday morning and primed with the Grey an hour later. Left for 30 hours approx and gave a very light sanding, then Black glossed today. Will now leave that for at least 24 hours, as tomorrow I`m doing temp repairs to our conservation rubbish clearing boat, that we use on the local river/canal. Then got to get it to the marina on Thursday for a full fix. So, I will take a Pic of the Black Gloss coat when dry. Then look to more pics with the Chrome top coat. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Hi All, Well in between everything else, I`ve got the Pic of the Gloss Black coat. Attached below. As my workroom doesn`t get the sun on it, I have sprayed a coat of the chrome and if it dries as well as it looks wet then its gonna be good. Have to wait and see though. Be back soon with the next update. We`ll see if the chrome needs a second coat. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Hi All,
Well the results are in:
The first coat of "Chrome" has been laid and dried.
My opinion is that this is the best chrome product I have used and here`s the "but". I tell it as it is in a review.
The first coat of chrome laid very well on the pipes of the exhaust, but the larger boxes of the exhaust had minute black spots showing through. Me or the product? Not sure as I didn`t do the best prep on the boxes as I could have done.
So, can you second coat with this product?
It has to be a very light coat, or you start to get the silvery effect rather than the required Chrome.
In conclusion:
The best chrome result I have ever had. All done with rattle cans (no airbrush required).
Make sure you get the first coat on and don`t over do it, or you will have the silvery effect.
Cost, not the cheapest. That said all three cans were 400ml minimum so will do lots of chrome for the price.
The better prep work you can manage, obviously the better result.
My verdict for a first try 8/10.
First layer of chrome in attached Pic below.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Morning Derek, I don't think the result is too bad at all considering it's your first attempt with this method. Practice makes perfect, as they say and I 'm sure your next attempt will be even better. Good luck. Chris
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goddo wrote:Morning Derek, I don't think the result is too bad at all considering it's your first attempt with this method. Practice makes perfect, as they say and I 'm sure your next attempt will be even better. Good luck. Chris Hi Chris,
Thanks for taking the time to look in.
Need to check out the light more when taking the Pics too, doesn`t do it the justice it deserves but there is still room for improvement. Still a good product overall. Also large cans so plenty to practice on.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) AdminCOME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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