Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
These parts will allow you to begin assembling the radiator.
Locate the two horn parts, 27A and 27B. Fit the bracket to the horn and secure with 1 x GP screw. The bracket will only fit one way.
Retrieve the main chassis assembly and fit the horn to the front left end of the chassis. It will only fit one way around. Secure using 1 x NM screw.
Locate the two radiator support brackets, parts 27E and 27F. Fit them to the front of the chassis ends and secure with 1 x NM screw in each bracket. The ends of the brackets face inwards, towards each other.
Locate the radiator surround and the two fans, parts 27D and 2 x 27C. Fit the fans into the rear of the radiator surround so the flat centre surface is showing. Fix the fans in place using 2 x HP screws.
Store the assembly safely for now. roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
These parts will allow you to continue assembling the radiator.
Locate the two radiator halves, 28A and 28B. Fit them together. They will only fit one way.
Locate the radiator shroud, part 28C. Fit the radiator to the rear of the shroud and secure from the inside using 2 x FP screws.
Retrieve the fan assembly from the previous build stage and fit it to the radiator assembly. Secure it in place using 6 x AP screws.
You could enhance the appearance of this assembly by giving it an all-over spray coat of dark metallic grey. This is entirely at the builder’s discretion.
Retrieve the main chassis assembly. Fit the radiator assembly to the front of the chassis, locating it on the two curved radiator supports. Fix in place with 2 x FP screws.
Store the assembly safely for now.roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
These parts will allow you to begin assembling the floor.
Retrieve the main chassis assembly and locate the floor panel, part 29A. Fit the floor panel to the underside of the chassis. It will only fit one way around. Fix the part in place using 6 x DM screws from above.
Locate the central cover plate, part 29B. Fit this in place underneath the floor. It will only fit one way around. Fix in place at the rear of the panel using 2 x BM screws.
Store the assembly safely for now.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
These parts will allow you to fit the water pipes and hoses.
Retrieve the main chassis assembly and locate the short water pipe, part 30D. Fit this into the left side of the radiator and secure it to the chassis using 1 x JM screw.
Locate the long pipe, part 30B and fit it to the underside of the chassis on the left side. Tuck the curved rear part under the engine mounting frame. It will be easier to fix the rear bracket in place first using 1 x AM screw. Then fix the straight part of the pipe using 2 x FP screws.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
Locate the black hose, part 30A.
OPTIONAL DETAIL: You can enhance the look of this part by adding hose clips on either end using silver or foil tape strips. This is entirely at the builder’s discretion.
Fit the hose in place on the end of the previously fitted water pipe, and the fitting on the water pump.
Locate the water pipe, part 30C and fix it between the front end of the previously fitted water rail, and the radiator pipe first fitted at the beginning of this stage. Secure with 1 x AP screw.
Locate the ‘Y’ shaped pipe, part 30H and fit this to the two holes in the right side of the radiator, then secure it with 1 x JM screw into the chassis.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
Locate the other long water pipe, part 30F and fit this in place in the same way as part 30B was fitted on the other side. Secure the rear bracket first with 1 x AM screw, then the other two brackets using 2 x FP screws.
Locate the other black water hose, part 30E.
OPTIONAL DETAIL: This part can have hose clips added as per the other hose at the builder’s discretion.
Fit this hose to the end of the long water pipe, 30F, and the other side of the water pump.
Locate the pipe, part 30G and fit this to the front end of the water pipe, part 30F and the end of the ‘Y’ pipe, part 30H. Secure using 1 x AP screw.
Store the assembly safely for now.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,539 Points: 13,777 Location: ipswich
These parts will allow you to fit the two chassis plates.
Retrieve the main chassis assembly and locate the chassis plate, part 31A. Fit this to the right side, underneath the chassis. It will only fit one way. Secure using 7 x BM screws.
Locate the other chassis plate, part 31B and fit it to the other side of the chassis. It will only fit one way. Secure using 7 x BM screws.
Store the assembly safely for now.
roymattblack attached the following image(s):