Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Pack 10 of the big Mustang has arrived. It covers issues 39 - 43.
Issue 39 (this update) will complete the second side of the rear suspension. The rest of the pack covers the second rear wheel and tyre, the wheel arch and the extension of the chassis.
To start issue 39, parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the rear chassis that we worked on in Issue 38.
Position the shock absorber support 39F and the shock absorber cylinder 39D as in Pic 2. Then fix the parts together using the pin 39G, Pics 3 and 4.
As on the other side, the support 39F has a centre pin and a locating pin in one corner. Take note as to which way the support will fit as shown by its locating points shown in Pic 5. Now position the support and cylinder as in Pic 6 and secure the assembly using a PS05 screw from the other side of the chassis floor, Pic 7.
To complete the suspension, fit the piston 39D into the cylinder, then bring the end of the piston up to the support plate 38D (fitted in the last issue). Don`t forget that the end of the piston has a locating lug on it, so turn the piston to locate the lug in place and then fix the piston to the support plate using a PS23 screw, Pic 8.
The final stage of this update is to press fit the brake plate 39A to the inner cover 39C and locate them onto the rear axle via the keyway and slot, Pic 9. Then place the outer cover 39B over that, Pic 10.
That`s it for this update and at this point I used a low tack masking tape to hold the brake parts in place, as I did in issue 34 for the other side.
See you soon for the next update, Issue 40.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Next update for the Mustang is here (issue 40), where the next tyre and its inserts are assembled.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1.
We have been here before so I`ll keep this short.
Place the first internal part 40-B inside the tyre 40-A and press it fully into the tyre, Pics 2 and 3.
Insert the second internal part 40-B, Pic 4. Then add the internal clips 40-C as shown in Pic 5.
That`s it for this update, Pic 6. I`ll see you soon for the next update.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we are with the next update, Issue 41. This update will come in two parts,A+B, where part A will cover building the next wheel and part B that covers fitting the wheel to the rear chassis.
All parts supplied.....Pic 1, for this part of the update you will also need the tyre from issue 40.
Start by inserting the valve 41-E into the outer rim of the wheel 41-B, Pics 2 and 3. Then add the wheel mounting bolts 41-C as seen in Pics 4 and 5.
Before you start fitting the wheel into the tyre, take note of the notches in the inner tyre parts, where the wheel will locate on both sides Pic 6.
Fit the inner wheel rim 41-A inside the tyre, as shown in Pics 7 and 8. Now whilst keeping the inner rim in place, add the outer rim and connect the two halves of the wheel together using 5 x DS19 screws, Pic 9.
That completes the construction of the second rear wheel, Pic 10. I will be back very soon with part B of this update. 
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi again All,
I`m back for part B of issue 41.
For this update you will need any unused parts from part A, the assembled wheel and tyre (also from part A) and the rear chassis that we last worked on in issue 39.
As before on the other rear wheel, I found it easier to put the brake drum inside the wheel as in Pic 1. Then check the position of the brake parts, Pic 2.
Now position the wheel and brake drum over the brake parts on the rear axle, Pic 3 and secure the wheel using a DS12 screw, Pic 4.
Finally, add the magnetic wheel hub 41-D into the centre of the wheel, Pic 5.
That completes this update for issue 41, Pic 6. Issue 42 coming soon.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we go with the update for issue 42.
Quite a short update for this one.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the rear chassis from the previous update,issue 41.
Place the rear wheel arch 42-A onto the rear chassis, Pic 2 and then fix it in place using 3 x DS02 screws, Pic 3.
That`s job done. So I`ll see you all soon for issue 43, the last one for this pack.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,306 Points: 24,006 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Well here we are with the last update for this pack, Issue43. Now by my reckoning with the amount of issues to complete this model (130), we are as near as don`t matter to being 1/3rd of the way in.
So to issue 43, where we will extend the rear chassis to the length where it will accomodate the front seats.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the rear chassis from issue 42.
Short and sweet this update, so place the rear chassis and the part 43A (the intermediate chassis) together, overlapping the parts as indicated in Pic 2.
Finally, fix the two chassis panels together using 4 x DS02 screws, Pic 3.
That`s it for this update, Pic 4. I will see you soon for the next update, as soon as the next delivery arrives.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"