Issue 76 Part 1
Contents The Ground Floor Wall Frame and Second Floor Window.
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Assembling the Ground Floor Frame. Separate the strips from the panel using a craft knife and sand the edges smooth, picture 2. Place the two strips (1FR-5’s) onto the vertical strip (1FR-9), pictures 3 and 4. Now fit the other vertical strip (1FR-10) as shown in picture 5. Now take the other vertical strip, (1FR-10) and attach the two (1FR-5) strips to it as before, picture 6. Attach the vertical strip (1FR-9) as shown in pictures 7 and 8.
Take the horizontal strips (1FR-6) x 2 and (1FR-1), picture 9. Glue these in place as shown in picture 10, noting that one of the FR-6 strips is facing downwards.
Note: Picture 11 shows that the tabs when the two parts are attached do not line up. This is correct.
Now take the horizontal strips (1FR-2) and (1FR-3), picture 12, and glue them together as shown in picture 13.
Attach the vertical assemblies to the horizontal base and glue the vertical strip (1FR-4) between the two frame assemblies, picture 14. Attach the top vertical frame to the assembly, making sure the complete frame assembly is straight and square. Clamping the parts whilst the glue dries is recommended, picture 15.
That completes part 1 of this assembly.
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Issue 76 Part 2
Contents The Ground Floor Wall Frame and Second Floor Window.
Assembling the Windows Take the vertical and horizontal strips and glue them together as shown in picture 1. Make sure the bevelled side of the vertical strips are facing outwards.
The next part of the assembly is quite straight forward. Take the window surround and attach with quick drying glue the lower moulding at the bottom of the surround. Note, it is bevelled, so hold it in place until the glue is set. Next attach the cornice at the top in the same way, followed by the windowsill to the lower moulding, picture 2.
Paint the inside of the window frame white. I also spray painted the plastic windows white to take away the plastic look, picture 3.
Apply double sided tape to the edges of the window, picture 4. Note the tabs have a bevelled edge. The bevelled edge is the front of the window. You will also notice that the rear of the window has round marks from the manufacturing process, the tape goes this side, picture 5. Take off the protective film on both sides of the plastic glass and stick them to the windows using the double-sided tape. Place the window into the window frame, picture 5. Attach the window frame assembly to the back of the window surrounds, using quick drying glue, picture 6.
Finishing the Ground Floor Frame Take the ground floor frame assembly from part 1 and attach the right side of the door frame opening. Note that the straight edge of the strip is glued against the door frame, leaving the bevelled edge on the outside as shown in picture 7. Do the same to the left-hand strip, picture 8.
Place the four metal discs into the two holes on both sides of the frame, picture 9.
Picture 10 shows the complete assembly for this issue.
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Issue 77
Contents The First Floor Wall Frame.
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Assembling the First Floor Frame. Take the two vertical frames (2FR-6) and two horizontal frames (2FR-3), picture 2, and attach the frames as shown in picture 3. Using mini clamps will help to hold them in place whilst the glue dries. Make sure you have the parts completely square.
Take the parts 2FR-3 and 2FR-1, glueing the 2FR-3 on the top of 2FR-1, picture 4. Do the same with parts 2FR-3 and 2FR-2, glueing the 2FR-2 on top of the 2FR-3, picture 5. Take the first assembly, with the 2FR-3 on the top and glue this in place at the bottom of the frame assembly. Next, glue the second assembly onto the frame at the top. You should have three holes at the top and bottom of the assembly, picture 7.
Take the vertical strip 2FR-7 and attach it as shown in picture 8. Now take the two side vertical strips, (2FR-4 and 2FR-5) and attach them as shown in pictures 9 and 10.
Take the frame from issue 76 and place three dowls measuring 8mm and place them in the top of the frame from issue 76, as you have done in the previous issues, and attach the frame from this issue. Make sure the frame is square, clamping it in place whist it dries will help.
Picture 11 shows the complete frame assembly so far.
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Issue 78
Contents The First Floor Wall Frame and Veranda Window.
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Assembling the First Floor Frame. Take the two vertical frames (3FR-6) and two horizontal frames (3FR-3), picture 2, and attach the frames as shown in picture 3. Using mini clamps will help to hold them in place whilst the glue dries. Make sure you have the parts completely square.
Take the parts 3FR-2 and 3FR-3, glueing the 3FR-2 on the top of 3FR-3, picture 4. Do the same with parts 3FR-3 and 3FR-1, glueing the 3FR-3 on top of the 3FR-1. Picture 5 shows the two assemblies glued. Take the first assembly, with the 3FR-3 on the top and glue this in place at the bottom of the frame assembly. Next, glue the second assembly onto the frame at the top with 3FR-2 showing on the top. You should have three holes at the bottom of the assembly only. Now take the two vertical side strips, placing 3FR-5 on the right of the frame and 3FR-4 on the left, picture 6. Finally place the metal circles into the 3 holes on the side of the frame to both sides.
Assembling the Veranda Window Take the vertical and horizontal window strips and paint the parts white as shown in picture 7. Once the paint has dried, take the vertical strip and the two horizontal strips and glue them in place, making sure the convex edges are facing outwards. Apply double sided tape to the window frame and apply the clear plastic panel as you have done in previous issues. Insert the completed window into the window frame, pushing the frame into the two slots, picture 8. Then attach the remaining horizontal frame pushing the two pins of the window into the frame.
Take the window surround and as before attach with quick drying glue the windowsill and cornice, picture 9.
Glue the window frame onto the back of the window surround using quick drying glue, picture 10.
Picture 11 shows the completed window assembly.
Take the frame from issue 77 and place three dowls measuring 8mm and place them in the top of the frame from issue 77, as you have done in the previous issues, and attach the frame from this issue. Make sure the frame is square, clamping it in place whist it dries will help.
Picture 12 shows the completed frame assembly.
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Issue 79
Contents The veranda Door.
Assembling the Veranda Door Take the External door frame and cut off the unwanted bottom part as shown in picture 2. Take the door centre and the outer and internal door frames, glueing them in place as shown in picture 3.
Take the main frame parts and glue the vertical strips to the door surround top, making sure the convex side is facing outwards. Glue the surround base in place, again with the convex side facing outwards. Glue in place the door arch, the thinner larger piece, so that the part is glued to the front, aligning the edges with the vertical frames. Turning the frame over, attach the smaller arch frame on the inside of the larger arch frame. Then using quick drying glue, attach the exterior frame to the front of this assembly, pictures 4 and 5.
Cut out the two circular door window frames and paint/stain these along with the door using a brown colour as shown in picture 6. Place one of the circular frames onto the outer door window. Once the stain had dried, I used some gloss varnish to finish it off.
Next, place one of the clear glass windows into the frame, picture 7, then place the stain glass window over the top along with the remaining clear glass window, picture 8. Glue in place the remaining circular window door frame to hold the stain glass window in place. Take the two brass door handles and using quick drying glue place one on each side of the door, around 1mm from the edge of the door, picture 9.
Place the two small door strips and align with the vertical edge as shown in picture 10. Paint the inside of the frame, particularly the underside of the arches, using white paint.
Place the door inside the frame and place the long pin into the top of the frame, pushing through the frame and into the top of the door. Do the same with the smaller pin, pushing into the bottom of the frame until it fits into the door.
Picture 11 shows the complete assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 80
Contents Frame for the Ground Floor Exterior Wall and Second Veranda Window.
Picture 1 shows the contents of this issue.
Assembling the Ground Floor Exterior Wall Take the parts IFB-7, IFB-8 and the three parts in panel A as shown in picture 2. Cut out the parts in the panel and sand the edges smooth. Take the two parts marked 1FB-3 and glue them into position using the vertical strips IFB-7 and IFB-8, pictures 3 and 4.
Next, take the horizontal strip, 1FB-1 and glue in place 2 x 1FB-9 followed by the smaller horizontal strip 1FB-4 as shown in picture 5. Take the previous assembly and place it into 1FB-1, followed by the top horizontal strip 1FB-1N. Now place the two end vertical strips, glueing 1FB-6 to the right-hand side and 1FB-5 to the left. Finally glue the horizontal strip 1FB-2 between the vertical strips on the left-hand side, pictures 6 and 7. Picture 8 shows the frame assembly complete.
Finally, place the six small round magnets into the three holes in both sides of the end frames using quick drying glue, picture 9.
Assembling the Veranda Window Take the vertical and horizontal window strips and paint the parts white as shown in picture 10. Once the paint has dried, take the vertical strip and the two horizontal strips and glue them in place, making sure the convex edges are facing outwards. Apply double sided tape to the window frame and apply the clear plastic panel as you have done in previous issues. Insert the completed window into the window frame, pushing the frame into the two slots, picture 11. Then attach the remaining horizontal frame pushing the two pins of the window into the frame.
Take the window surround and as before attach with quick drying glue the windowsill and cornice, picture 12.
Glue the window frame onto the back of the window surround using quick drying glue, pictures 13.
Picture 14 shows the completed window assembly.
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