Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
The parts in this stage are for assembling the left bank turbo.
Retrieve the engine assembly and locate the turbo parts, 37E, 37F and 37G. Fit these parts in order over the end of the left exhaust manifold. The parts will only fit one way.
Locate the adjustable link parts, 37D, 37J and 37K. Fit the long pin on part 37J through the larger hole in part 37D. Make sure the angled ends of 37D are facing upwards. Fit the small circlip, part 37K to the end of part 37J, trapping it in place.
Locate the waste gate valve, part 37H and press the pin on the assembled link into the hole on the edge of the part. The pieces will only fit one way. Slide this assembly into place next to the turbo previously fitted with the link parts facing the turbo.
Press the waste gate valve, part 37I onto the end of the exhaust, trapping all of the previously fitted parts in place.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
Locate the long turbo bracket, part 37B and fix this in place on the centre manifold flange, pointing upwards. Fix in place using 1 x UP screw.
Locate the ‘V’ shaped turbo bracket, part 37A and press this into place in the two holes at the edge of the black camshaft cover, part 28I.
Locate the small metal link mount, part 37C. Fit this over the recessed part of the ‘V’ shaped support arm and position the open end of the adjustable link inside. Fit 1 x TP screw through the hole in the bracket, fixing all the parts in place.
Store the assembly safely for now.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
The parts in this stage are for assembling the right bank turbo.
Retrieve the engine assembly and locate the turbo parts, 38E, 38F and 38G. Fit these parts in order over the end of the right exhaust manifold. The parts will only fit one way.
Locate the adjustable link parts, 38D, 38J and 38K. Fit the long pin on part 38J through the larger hole in part 38D. Make sure the angled ends of 38D are facing upwards. Fit the small circlip, part 38K to the end of part 38J, trapping it in place.
Locate the waste gate valve, part 38H and press the pin on the assembled link into the hole on the edge of the part. The pieces will only fit one way.
Slide this assembly into place next to the turbo previously fitted with the link parts facing the turbo.
Press the waste gate valve, part 38I onto the end of the exhaust, trapping all of the previously fitted parts in place.
Locate the long turbo bracket, part 38B and fix this in place on the centre manifold flange, pointing upwards. Fix in place using 1 x UP screw.
Locate the ‘V’ shaped turbo bracket, part 38A and press this into place in the two holes at the edge of the black camshaft cover, part 32J.
Locate the small metal link mount, part 38C. Fit this over the recessed part of the ‘V’ shaped support arm and position the open end of the adjustable link inside. Fit 1 x TP screw through the hole in the bracket, fixing all the parts in place.
Store the assembly safely for now.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
The parts in this stage are for fitting more alternator parts.
Retrieve the engine assembly and locate the alternator fan, part 39A. Fit this part over the alternator shaft with the blades facing in.
Locate the alternator pulley, part 39B and fit this next to the fan on the alternator shaft. Fix in place with 1 x VP screw.
Locate the camshaft pulley parts, 39C and 39D and press the parts together. They will only fit one way.
Fit the pulley to the upper pivot on the right cylinder head, next to the alternator. Fix with 1 x VP screw.
Fit the alternator belt, part 39E over the alternator and camshaft pulleys.
Store the assembly safely for now.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
The parts in this stage are for fitting more to the engine.
Locate the pressure regulator, parts 40A and 40B and the parts together. They will only fit one way.
Locate the rear cover, part 40C and fit the pressure regulator assembly in place. It will only fit one way.
Retrieve the engine. Fit this assembly to the right cylinder bank and secure using 2 x QP screws.
Locate the throttle sensor cover and wire, parts 40D and 40H. Fit the wire to the pin on the throttle sensor cover. Fit the cover to the left cylinder bank on the engine, feeding the wire along the inside upper edge of the cylinder head. Fix using 2 x QP screws.
Locate the crankcase cover, part 40E and fit it to the lower edge of the engine. It will only fit one way. Secure using 1 x OM screw.
Locate the oil hose fitting, part 40F and press it into place on the pin on the lower right side of the crankcase. Make sure the two small pipes are facing upwards.
Locate the lower crankcase cover, part 40G. Turn the engine upside down and fit the cover in place. It will only fit one way. Fix it in place using 2 x OM screws.
Store the assembly safely for now.roymattblack attached the following image(s):
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
The parts in this stage are for assembling and fitting the oil pumps.
Locate the oil pump parts, 41C and 41D. Press the two parts together. They will only fit one way. Fix using 1 x DP screw.
Locate the two other parts of the oil pump, 41A and 41B. Retrieve the previously assembled parts and fit the parts together, fixing with 1 x DP screw.
Locate the three silver oil pump parts, 41E, 41 F and 41G. Assemble the parts as shown in the pictures and fix using 1 x AP screw underneath, and 2 x DP screws on the top.
Press this assembly in place on the previously assembled oil pump.
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Rank: Super-Elite Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,552 Points: 13,816 Location: ipswich
Retrieve the engine and turn it upside down.
Fit the oil pump assembly in place on the side of the crankcase and secure using 2 x BM screws.
Locate the second oil pump parts, 41 and 42I. Press the two parts together. They will only fit one way.
Locate the other set of silver pump parts, 41J, 41K and 41L. Assemble these as before using 1 x AP screw and 2 x DP screws.
Press the two oil pump assemblies together. They will only fit one way.
Fit the oil pump assembly in place on the other side of the crankcase and secure using 2 x BM screws.
Locate the lower crankcase cover, part 41M and fit it to the underside of the engine. Secure using 3 x DM screws.
Store the assembly safely for now.roymattblack attached the following image(s):