Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Well here we go a little earlier than I expected, but that most probably means pack 2 won`t be along for at least a couple of months when the full release takes place.
Quite a bit to do in both issues, so I`ll break each issue down to smaller chunks for ease of picture scrolling.
Issue 1, Part A: The Mask
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. Screwdriver.....Pic 2 and Magnet orientation.....Pic 3.
Now take the mask sides 02L and 03R and press the four magnets into the positions shown in Pic 4.
Place the head structure 01 flat on the table and position the mask sides on it, Pic 5. Then place the Upper front mask 04 onto the head structure, Pic 6. This will overlap the mask sides. Now carefully hold the mask pieces in place and turn the parts over. Fix the Upper mask in place using 3 screws as shown in Pic 7.
Position the neck component 06 onto the Lower mask 05 as shown in Pic 8. Hold the parts together and position them onto the head structure, Pic 9. This part will overlap the lower edges of the mask sides. Hold the parts in place and fix them into place using 3 screws as in Pic 10.
That`s the mask for part A and in part B we will add the eyes to the mask and extend the neck area. See you very soon.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All, Back again.
Parts for this update are the ones left over from Part A and the part A assembly.
Issue 1, Part B: Adding the eyes and extending the neck.
Before you start, a soft cloth like a towel is advised on the table to avoid damage to the mask.
Place the assembly from part A face down and press the lenses 07L and 08R into place, Pic 1. NOTE the tab position of the left lens (circled). Now place the mounts 11L and 12R over the lenses, Pic 2. Also note the tab on the left side part (circled). Now place the eyepiece surround 10 over the parts you just fitted, Pic 3 and whilst making sure the parts do not move, fix them all in place using 4 screws as in Pic 4.
With the assembly still face down, add the neck structure part 09 as in Pic 5 and fix it in place using 2 screws as in Pic 6.
Now turn the assembly face up and add the eye surrounds 13L and 14R, Pic 7. These will be held in place by the magnets you fixed earlier in Part A.
That`s Issue 1 completed, Pic 8. See you soon for Issue 2.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
I`m back with Issue 2, the last in Pack 1. There`s lots to do and this update will come in three parts A,B and C to save on the picture scrolling.
Issue 2, Part A: Lighting up the eyes.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the assembly from issue 1 and 4 x AA batteries (not supplied).
The instructions show you how to set up and test the electrics and then tell you to take it all apart to install it. With a little care you can do it with minimal disassembly.
Start by plugging cable 12R (long one) into circuit board 10R (two sockets), then plug the cable 13L between the second socket on board 10R and the circuit board 11L (single socket), as shown in Pic 2. Then plug the battery holder 15 into the larger socket on the circuit board 14 and plug the other end of the long cable 12R into the socket nearest where the battery holder is located. Keeping a check on the polarity, insert 4 x AA batteries into the holder. At this point the led`s should light up. Mine showed RED (Battle mode) as in Pic 3. With a flick of the switch on the main circuit board they changed to BLUE (Normal mode) as in Pic 4. Disconnect the long cable 12R from the main board, Pic 5 and add the small labels numbered 1 and 2 to the cables as in Pic 6.
The led circuit boards have four holes in them and they fit using two pins and two screws onto the eyepiece mounts, see Pic 7 (right side). Place the led board that has the two sockets and cables onto the right mount and secure it using 2 screws, Pic 8 and then do the same with the left led board as shown in Pic 9.
Should you want to test the lights again, just plug the long lead back into the main circuit board, Pic 10. Flick the switch for the second colour, Pic 11.
As you are going to be handling this assembly a lot, remove the long cable from the main board and for extra safety remove the batteries from the holder.
That`s Part A done, I`ll be back soon.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All, Back again.
Parts for this update are some of the ones left over from Part A and the part A assembly.
Issue 2, Part B: Adding the mask to the front of the neck and constructing the back of the head.
Again a soft cloth like a towel is advised on the table to avoid damage to the mask.
Start by placing the front collar 04, onto the front neck area, Pic 1 and fix it from the rear using 2 screws as shown in Pic 2.
We now turn to the rear part of the head.
Position the rear neck 09 inside of the rear head 01 as shown in Pic 3 and fix the two parts together using 2 screws as shown in Pic 4. Take the front of the head and make sure that the long cable runs down through the head and out at the lower edge of the neck. Now place the rear head assembly onto the front making sure that the long cable does not get trapped between the parts, Pic 5. The front and rear of the head are now fixed together using 8 screws, 4 on the left and 4 on the right. The screws left and right are fixed in the same places on each side. Pic 6 shows the 4 screws on the left side. Just duplicate them on the right.
That`s all there is for Part B, so see you again soon for Part C.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All, Back again for the final update of issue 2 with Part C.
Parts for this update are the ones now left over from Part A and the part B assembly.
Issue 2, Part C: Completion of the head with the rear mask.
Again a soft cloth like a towel is advised on the table to avoid damage to the mask.
Take the parts for the left side of the mask. The left mask 05L and the left ear detail 07L. Place the ear detail 07L inside of the left rear mask 05L as shown in Pic 1. Then position the parts on the left side of the head assembly, Pic 2. The parts are then fixed in place using 2 screws, one at the top of the head as in Pic 3 and the other in the neck as shown in Pic 4. Now duplicate that procedure for the right hand side of the rear mask as shown in Pics 5 - 7.
We will now close up the mask with the rear centre section. Place the two parts 02 and 03 together and fix them using 2 screws as in Pic 8. It should also be noted at this point that there is a tab on the inside at the wide end of this assembly. This will fix the rear centre mask at its top end, also indicated in Pic 8. Engage the tab just mentioned into the top of the head and position the rear centre panel of the mask so it overlaps the right and left side parts. You can now fix the centre panel using 1 screw at the neck end as shown in Pic 9.
Should you wish to test the eyes again at this point, just plug the lead coming from the neck back into the main board and refit the batteries, Pic 10.
As stated at the beginning of this pack, I received an early release pack 1, so it may be a couple of months before pack 2 lands. Rest assured, as soon as it lands I`ll be on it. See you then. 
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"