Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Its time for the next pack of the ISS, Pack 11. This pack covers issues 51 - 56 where we will build more of the solar panel arrays and the standard base extension.
Issue 51:
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the base extension and the large double solar panel assembly from issue 50.
Start with the base extension from issue 50 and the new BASE 1 part. Line up and then press the new part into place as shown in Pics 2 and 3. Then secure the parts using an AS8 screw as indicated in Pic 4 and 4 x Nuts/Bolts as in Pic 5.
Now move onto the solar array from issue 50 and place the part 26J inside the shorter end of the main central spar, Pic 6. Fix the parts together using 3 x MS4 screws, indicated in Pic 7. The solar panel array at this stage is shown in Pic 8.
That`s all for this update, Pic 9. I`ll see you soon for issue 52.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we go with the update for issue 52 of the ISS. In this issue we add more parts to the full sized solar panel and also add some trim to the standard base extension.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the large solar panel and the base extension, both from issue 51.
We start with the small panel parts 26K and 26L. Take note of the orientation in Pic 2 and how the parts look when together in Pic 3, then fix the parts together using 2 x AS5 screws as indicated in Pic 4.
Now take the above assembly and position it into the central spar of the large solar panel, as shown in Pic 5. Note: the assembly can only fit one way round due to the screw hole positions. Make sure that the parts are fully engaged and fix them together using 4 x MS4 screws, Pic 6. The last item to add is the detail part 26C, orientated and pressed into place as in Pic 7. That`s the solar panel finished for now, Pic 8.
There is very little to do on the base extension, but orientation of the parts is critical, for when the base sections are added together in the near future.
Place the BASE 12 part next to the base extension, paying attention to its position relative to the "Mount Support" as shown in Pic 9 and press it firmly into position as in Pic 10.
Issue 53 coming soon.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Its time for the next issue of the ISS, Issue 53. In this update, we will add a part to the large solar panel array from issue 52 and prepare and fit the base extension to the main base.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the large solar panel from issue 52 and the main model on the stand. Also if available, an extra pair of hands.
Start with the solar panel and add part 26M to the central spar of the large solar panel, Pic 2. Then fix the part (at one end only for now) using 2 x MS4 screws, as shown in Pic 3. Store the assembly carefully and move onto the base.
The base extension needs some final parts adding, before it itself gets added to the working base.
Take the 3 x BASE 11 parts and place them around the extension, following the orientation shown in Pic 4 and using the mounting point as a reference. Then add the BASE 11 parts as shown in Pic 5. NOTE: The positioning of these parts are critical for the joining of the main base part and the extension. Now fix the parts in place using 4 x AS8 screws as in Pic 6.
Bring the main model on its base to the table and check the orientation of the extension against it, Pic 7. Then lift the model on its base and lower it over the extension to engage the parts together, Pic 8. NOTE: The model now needs to be removed from its base. Very carefully store or get someone to hold the model, so as not to cause any damage.
Hold the two base assemblies together and turn them over. Then fix them together at the triangular BASE 11 parts, using 5 x AS8 screws as indicated in Pic 9. I have marked the joint between the base and its extension with "yellow" lines for clarity. Now with the base the same way up, add the 8 x Nuts/Bolts as shown in Pic 10. The base is now one, so can be turned up the right way and the model be remounted. Pic 11.
See you soon for issue 54.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Time to update the ISS with issue 54. We will be back on well known ground with this one, as we start the construction of another solar array.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1.
Take the "T" shaped bar 27A and press the solar panel 3J onto the two studs, Pic 2. Place the cover 3E on top, Pic 3 and fix it in place using 2 x MS4 screws as shown in Pic 4.
Press the WIRE 2 part into place at the three points indicated in Pic 5.
That`s all for this update, Pic 6. Issue 55 is coming soon.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we are with the next ISS update, with issue 55. Here we make up the next stage of a double solar panel.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the assembly from issue 54.
Start with the assembly from issue 54 and press the new solar panel 3F carefully into place as shown in Pic 2. Then position the bar 3D over the top, Pic 3 and fix it in place using 2 x MS4 screws, as in Pic 4.
The centre spar 3C is now put in place (although not fixed at this point) as in Pic 5.
That`s all for this update, Pic 6. I`ll be back soon with the last update for this pack, issue 56.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,313 Points: 24,027 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we are with the last update for this pack, issue 56. In this update we will complete another double solar panel.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the assembly from issue 55.
Start with the parts 3B and 3G, that form the outer part of the solar panel frame and fix them together using an MS4 screw as shown in Pic 2.
Now position that assembly next to the assembly from issue 55 as shown in Pic 3 for orientation. Slide the part 3B into the centre spar and attach the solar panels to the bar 3G, all indicated in Pic 4. Then with the parts together add the end bars 3i and 3H and secure them using 4 x MS4 screws, Pic 5.
Finally, tension the panels carefully by inserting an MB7 screw into the panels spindle, as indicated in Pic 6 and be very careful not to over tension the panels or damage will occur.
That`s all for this issue, Pic 7 and finishes this pack. See you soon when the next pack arrives.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"