Issue 103 - Contains the spritsail, 12 & 32-pounder dummy gun barrels, blocks, thread, glass beads & eyebolts., and has instructions for rigging the mizzen topgallant staysail, rigging the jib & flying jib, fitting the stern lanterns, rigging the mizzen booms and the mizzen.
Note that the image on page 13 shows extra rigging lines which are used to control the sail and will be added later on.
For the 'bare spars' model, it means that the driver boom will remain unsupported at its tip, and that the gaff boom suport lines will not be taught, this will be resolved in issue 107 when the extra rigging lines are added.
Rigging the mizzen topgallant sail - This sail was provided with issue 99 and is attached in a similar way to the previous staysails.
If you are building a 'bare spars' model, you should omit steps 1 to 7 on page 8/9
Rigging the jib & flying jib sails - These sails were provided with issue 101 and are attached in a similar way to the previous staysails.
If you are building the 'bare spars' model, you should omit steps 1 to 7 on page 9 and steps 1 to 7 on page 10.
Fitting the stern lanterns - The stern lanterns were assembled in issue 94.
Start with the grand lantern. Drill a hole just below the centre of the stern decoration - use a 1mm bit and angle the drill upwards to match the angle of the lantern support rod, then fix the lantern in place with superglue.
Cut about 60mm of left over 0.5m brass wire and bend it into a 'V' shape, then hook the apex of the V shaped stay around the top of the support rod, below the base of the lantern. Then cut the legs to fit under the overhang of the gallery panel cap strip (taffrail).
For the painted version of the model, paint the wire black and then glue the V stay into place.
Drill 1mm holes for the two smaller lanterns in a position so that they sit just a little lower than the grand lantern, and the support rod is just inboard of the top corner of the gallery. Glue the lanterns into position and add the V shaped stays.
Rigging the mizzen booms - You can now add the mizzen driver and gaff booms, which you assembled in issue 81.
Start by fitting four eyebolts on top of the taffrail. Carefully position a 0.6mm drill bit at the front of the cap strip, and very carefully drill down at the same angle as the gallery panel. Take great care to ensure that the hole stays within the thickness of the panel.
Fit two 4mm single blocks to each of the outboard eyebolts, and a double block to the brass wire that runs between the knees in the centre.
Take the driver boom (the longer of the two booms), carefully drill an angled 0.6mm hole in each side of the jaw - Do this very carefully so as not to split the jaw tips (do not use an electric mini drill).
Thread some 0.25mm natural thread through one of the holes, and lead it around the mizzen mast, seating the jaw onto the semi circle of the driver boom saddle. Be careful not to trap any rigging lines between this thread (the parrel rope) and the mast.
Feed the end through the hole on the opposite jaw, slipping six glass beads onto the thread as you do so, now then ease the boom back from the mast to give you room to tie a knot in the end (the same as used to tie the deadeye lashings). Pull the thread back through the jaws until the knot is resting against the jaw, and the boom is resting against the mast in the position shown in the steps. Then cut the thread and secure the end with another knot pulled tight up to the jaw.
Repeat the process with the upper boom (gaff), but this time, thread seven beads onto the parrel rope before threading it through the second jaw, and ensure that the double block at the jaw end of the boom is on the upper side.
Now add the throat halyard which supports the gaff boom. Cut a 500mm length of 0.25mm thread and tie it to the block below the mizzen top, then feed it through the double block on the boom, through the block on the mizzen top, through the block on the boom and then the top again, and leave the end hanging down the port (left) side of the model.
Rigging the mizzen sail - This sail was provided in issue 102. If you are building the 'bare spars' model, ignore steps 1 to 4, step 8 and step 11.
Use 0.25mm natural thread throughout, unless otherwise stated, and for the 'bare spars' model we start at Step 5, by adding the peak halyard as follows:
Tie 900mm of thread to the tip of the gaff boom, then feed it through the double block below the mizzen mast cap, through the single block on the boom and back through the double block, and leave it hanging down the right (starboard) side of the model. Tension the thread to raise the boom until it reaches the angle shown in the step 9 photo.
Tie a 300mm length of thread to the double block on the driver boom, loosely thread it through the double block attached to the knees to form the boom strop, (which will remain loose until 107), for now leave the end loose, (secure to the knees cleat at 107 once the additional lines have been added).
Secure the peak halyard to the front eyebolt on the starboard deck, then secure the throat halyard to the same eyebolt on the port deck.
That's it for this week, carefully store the remaining parts.
Future issues: Issue 104 - Contains the sprit topsail, dummy guns, blocks, cleats brass rings & pins, and has instructions for rigging the bobstays, rigging the martingales, and preparing the spritsail yards & sails.
Issue 105 - Contains the fore sail, glass beads, parrel spacers & blocks., and has instructions for preparing the fore yard & fore sail, adding the parrel, rigging the fore sail and rigging the fore yard.
Issue 106 - Contains the fore topsail, dummy 12-pounder guns, parrel spacers, blocks, eyebolts, glass beads and thread., and has instructions for preparing the fore top yard and sail, adding the parrel, rigging the for topsail and rigging the braces.
Issue 107 - Contains the fore topgallant sail, dummy 32-pounder guns & blocks., and has instructions for preparing the fore topgallant yard & sail, rigging the fore topgallant, adding the lifts & braces, further rigging of the mizzen and securing the staysails.
Tomick attached the following image(s):